Monthly Chinese horoscope of January 2023

January 2023: Monthly forecast for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs of the lunar calendar
By KarmaWeather - 24 December 2022
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Monthly forecast during the Water Ox Month of the Chinese calendar

Monthly predictions for each day of the Water Ox Month of January 2023, for the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig

According to the Chinese calendar, the Month of the Water Ox of the Year of the Water Tiger begins on December 23, 2022 and lasts until January 21, 2023.

December 23, 2022 to January 21, 2023 horoscope: the Month of the Water Ox

The Month of the Water Ox begins on December 23, 2022. The last month of the Year of the Water Tiger, it ends with the Chinese New Year's Eve of the Water Rabbit, on January 21, 2023.

We are now heading for the Chinese New Year of the Water Rabbit, which starts on January 22, 2023. The month of the Water Ox is an intermediate period that promotes rigor and method, while encouraging more independence and a reconsideration of traditional and family values.

Full annual 2023 Chinese horoscope

Overall, the Month of the Ox is useful for latecomers who have not yet been able to take stock of the year 2022. The family spirit then resides at the center of existence, which is why it is always time to take advice from the elders, and to remember, in view of the approaching Lunar New Year, our own resolutions and promises.

Career and money

In view of the work and career horoscope for January 2023, the relationship of the Tiger of the year and the Ox of the month is a reminder of the importance of personal responsibilities, the sense of commitment and the spirit of entrepreneurship. This relationship between these two neighboring animals of the Chinese calendar symbolizes the domination of reason over feelings. In this case, the Ox invites us to organize our schedule carefully while reserving adequate time for rest and leisure, mainly so that we can continue to be productive at work.

In the northern hemisphere, the lack of light and the cold can promote fatigue and be the source of reduced alertness. This is the reason why during this period still influenced by the Tiger, there is no question of rushing. It is better to focus on slowness and efficiency rather than embarking on hasty actions. With the Ox, the past belongs to the past and the future is built on the present. At the social level, the Ox has many qualities, but, like the Snake, he has a jealous temperament. Therefore, the relationship between the Tiger of the year and the Ox of the month can just as much accentuate the mutual aid between people as arouse barely concealed jealousy. It is better to keep your project ideas secret, at the risk of being dispossessed of them through inadvertence or bravado.


Regarding the love horoscope for January 2023, the Month of the Water Ox is not necessarily the ideal time for lasting encounters. But that's no reason to sink into depression or melancholy. The Ox, who often acts as a team, finds his resources above all in the trust he places in his life partners. Also, for couples who have formed recently, the desire to formalize their union may be on the agenda. However, just like work, it is preferable to avoid any form of haste concerning decisions in the sentimental domain and wait for the Year of the Rabbit to have better visibility as to the relevance of current relationships.

As for singles, it is likely that they will have to wait a little longer before seeing the prospect of a serious romantic relationship. Still, the coming months should hold their share of surprises, and in particular encounters that are as surprising as they are unusual. Those who know how to show tolerance and empathy for their loved ones will be more likely to attract Cupid's good graces. However, kindness also has the effect of attracting pests. It is therefore advisable to be wary of empty promises, coated in sugar and chocolate.

Monthly energies for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs

Concerning the harmonization of the 5 elements during the Month of the Ox, note that the Water element, when it is dominant, favors contracts following compromises faithful to the principles of common life. But who says excess says weakness elsewhere. Indeed, faced with Fire, Water creates frustration and leads to a drop in motivation. But this conjuncture can be neutralized by working on the Wood element in order to avoid any risk of emotional sinking. On a material level, rather than starting out on new creative projects (creation and the arts in general are Wood activities), it is more a question of consolidating and perfecting what has already been initiated in the recent past. The Chinese zodiac signs most sensitive to the passage of this period should be the Monkey, the Goat, but also the Tiger.

Chinese zodiac signs in tune with the Metal element (Monkey, Rooster) can enter into a situation of dependence as a result of their actions in the material realm. But opportunities for financial gain are possible for the latter, provided they do not miss the moments of key professional meetings. Wood Chinese zodiac signs shall expect a profitable return on investment in the coming weeks.

Earth Chinese zodiac signs (Ox, Dragon, Goat, Dog) have the opportunity to conclude their business negotiations favorably and quickly note its benefits. Activities that require quick decision-making and relying largely on chance (auctions, games) will directly affect Fire signs (Snake, Horse), so be careful!

Daily energy distribution of the 5 elements

The KarmaWeather chart above displays the daily energetic distribution of the 5 elements from December 23, 2022 to January 21, 2023. Traditionally, interactions between Fire, Earth, Water and Metal greatly influence the course of the day for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs.

Chinese zodiac lucky stone of the month

Chinese zodiac corrective birthstone and lucky stone from December 23, 2022 to January 21, 2023 for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs: Malachite

Monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs from December 23, 2022 to January 21, 2023

Rat, Mouse (Chinese zodiac)

Rat January 2023

Monthly Rating: 6 / 10
Read the Rat's horoscope for January 2023

Ox, Buffalo (Chinese zodiac)

Ox January 2023

Monthly Rating: 7 / 10
Read the Ox's horoscope for January 2023

Tiger (Chinese zodiac)

Tiger January 2023

Monthly Rating: 5 / 10
Read the Tiger's horoscope for January 2023

Rabbit, Hare, Cat (Chinese zodiac)

Rabbit January 2023

Monthly Rating: 6 / 10
Read the Rabbit's horoscope for January 2023

Dragon (Chinese zodiac)

Dragon January 2023

Monthly Rating: 4 / 10
Read the Dragon's horoscope for January 2023

Snake (Chinese zodiac)

Snake January 2023

Monthly Rating: 7 / 10
Read the Snake's horoscope for January 2023

Horse (Chinese zodiac)

Horse January 2023

Monthly Rating: 5 / 10
Read the Horse's horoscope for January 2023

Goat, Sheep (Chinese zodiac)

Goat January 2023

Monthly Rating: 5 / 10
Read the Goat's horoscope for January 2023

Monkey (Chinese zodiac)

Monkey January 2023

Monthly Rating: 6 / 10
Read the Monkey's horoscope for January 2023

Rooster, Chicken (Chinese zodiac)

Rooster January 2023

Monthly Rating: 7 / 10
Read the Rooster's horoscope for January 2023

Dog (Chinese zodiac)

Dog January 2023

Monthly Rating: 6 / 10
Read the Dog's horoscope for January 2023

Pig, Boar (Chinese zodiac)

Pig January 2023

Monthly Rating: 7 / 10
Read the Pig's horoscope for January 2023

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