Monthly Chinese horoscope of July 2021

July 2021: Monthly forecast for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs of the lunar calendar
By KarmaWeather - 9 July 2021
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Monthly forecast during the Wood Goat Month of the Chinese calendar

Monthly predictions for each day of the Wood Goat Month of July 2021, for the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig

According to the Chinese calendar, the Month of the Wood Goat of the Year of the Metal Ox 2021 begins on July 10, 2021 and lasts until August 7, 2021.

July 10, 2021 to August 7, 2021 horoscope: the Month of the Wood Goat

The Month of the Wood Goat begins on July 10, 2021 and ends on August 7, 2021. A Month of the Goat is synonymous with luck, opportunity and lightness. However, according to the Chinese horoscope, the Chinese zodiac sign of the Goat is an antagonist of the Ox. This is why, during the Year of the Ox 2021, the energetic encounter of the energy of the Ox with the monthly energy of the Goat can induce a restricted living space and slowness in business. To remedy this, the following measures should be applied to ensure the most peaceful month possible:

According to the monthly Chinese horoscope for July 2021, in the context of work, it is imperative to make a good balance between the futile and the essential before even getting into the heat of the action, at the risk of suffer the inconvenience when the situation turns sour. It is also necessary to be extra vigilant when traveling for business. In the private and family context, it is time to hunt down the superfluous and if possible, at the same time, put a definitive end to any consumer credit previously contracted. When it comes to new social interactions, a concern for fairness and real attention to the aspirations of the other will lay the foundations for new deep friendships. Listening quality coupled with a shared sense of responsibility should avoid many disappointments. What could be worse than realizing after several years that an individual in whom we have put all our trust and for whom we have devoted so much time does not hesitate to betray us at the first opportunity?

Full yearly 2021 Chinese horoscope

Monthly energies for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs

Regarding the monthly Chinese health horoscope, and in view of the energy relations of the month, work on the element Water will help to neutralize the conflict Metal (element of the year 2021) and Wood (element of the month of July 2021). Thus, it is preferable to favor fruits and vegetables which have a high water content (watermelon, melon, tomatoes, kiwis, zucchini ...). It can also take the form of swimming sessions, baths, spa treatment, hammam visits. Overall, it is advisable to ensure the hydration of the body (water, creams, lotions), to favor reading books dealing with psychology, or to wear blue or black jewelry and accessories. In love, beware of fine promises and grand speeches. Leave time to time without ever harboring illusions. A certain torpor reigns. Enjoy summer without letting yourself be numbed by the hypnotic scents of the ambient superficiality.

Daily energy distribution of the 5 elements

The KarmaWeather chart above displays the daily energetic distribution of the 5 elements from July 10, 2021 to August 7, 2021. Traditionally, interactions between Fire, Earth, Water and Metal greatly influence the course of the day for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs.

Chinese zodiac lucky stone of the month

Chinese zodiac corrective birthstone and lucky stone from July 10, 2021 to August 7, 2021 for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs: Lapis Lazuli

Monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs from July 10, 2021 to August 7, 2021

Rat, Mouse (Chinese zodiac)

Rat July 2021 horoscope

Monthly Rat Rating: 6 / 10The Rat approaches the new lunar month in a dynamic of progress and achievement. If the previous month did not seem very beneficial to him, he now has the opportunity to carry out the projects he had to postpone the previous weeks. At work, the intelligence and vitality which he is able to demonstrate in crisis situations will allow him, if he wishes, to validate the additional skills that he has developed. With a little flair, the Rat should also be able to watch for the right time to improve his income. On the financial side, he must still expect an unforeseen expense. Budget targets must meet strict planning. In love, the disappointments of the past will gradually give way to moments of welcome sentimental fulfillment. However, this favorable context does not concern the Rats who had strong relational difficulties with their partner in the previous months. For the celibate Rat, it is a parenthesis, a novelty to be grasped, a meeting that may be ephemeral but sufficiently regenerating not to take full advantage of it. It is just important not to waste moments of sensual happiness by the irruption of problems that can be anticipated.

Ox, Buffalo (Chinese zodiac)

Ox July 2021 horoscope

Monthly Ox Rating: 5 / 10

The Ox should go through the Chinese New Month in an atmosphere of slowing down, even of pause. At work, clutter and lack of direction are two things that cause the Ox a lot of harm. Often, he fails where he should have won because of this propensity to disperse. Also, he will take advantage of this Chinese New Month to take a break and analyze the progress made so far. This is an opportunity to settle your affairs and get rid of the obstacles that obstruct your path. But the Ox must be careful while cleaning. In the event of poor sorting, it could very well separate from objects (or people) that it might later regret. On the financial side, there is no point in waiting for miracles at this time. The Ox will live on its achievements of previous months. In love, thanks to a delicate experience lived during this Chinese month, he will be able to realize that by dint of ruminating on the past, he is sacrificing his present. It is rarely a good idea to agree to get back together with a former partner, unless the love of threesome does not bother him that much (which would be very surprising given the possessive nature of the Ox).

Tiger (Chinese zodiac)

Tiger July 2021 horoscope

Monthly Tiger Rating: 7 / 10

The Tiger begins the new lunar month with a force and a lightness that will do him great good during this entire lunar cycle. At work, if he finds himself in a position to opt for a new direction, he will be largely satisfied with his choice. He might even be able to regain a lost position. However, it is important not to reveal too much of your private life, especially vis-à-vis new work partners. If a page has been turned, the daily behavior of the Tiger must also be rethought. Staying focused on your mission is the best thing the Tiger can do for now. Success is approaching. When it comes to material matters, the Tiger shouldn't be too worried. He will even manage to generate profits from unexpected situations. He just needs to avoid acting with his emotions. In love, rid of the parasites that inhabited his fur, the celibate Tiger is in a festive mood, conducive to new romantic encounters. Let the festivities begin! As long as he takes care to respect a little the rules specific to the territories in which he aims to hunt, he should remain safe from inconvenience. Nature, plants and the spirit of the forest protect him. Let him take advantage for the moment.

Rabbit, Hare, Cat (Chinese zodiac)

Rabbit July 2021 horoscope

Monthly Rabbit Rating: 7 / 10

The Rabbit begins the Chinese New Month with the firm desire to give a boost to events that are dragging too far for his liking. At work, his career forecasts have not lived up to his expectations in previous weeks. It may be necessary to admit that a form of slowness, apathy and idleness has somewhat favored this dynamic. From now on, there is no longer any question of putting off your objectives until tomorrow. Especially that a well put together organization should allow him to quickly regain control of his professional destiny. If he keeps his mind alert, the Rabbit might even be able to seize several interesting opportunities. On the financial side, it is important to distinguish between the essential and the accessory. Indulge yourself, of course, but not every day. In love, the celibate Rabbit could meet the sweet caress of amorous emotions during his next outing. The current Chinese month gives him the chance to make good long-term encounters, as long as he focuses on the Chinese zodiac signs with which he is the most compatible (Rabbit, Goat, Pig, Dog).

Dragon (Chinese zodiac)

Dragon July 2021 horoscope

Monthly Dragon Rating: 7 / 10

The Dragon begins the new lunar month with the satisfaction provided by a feeling of balance and serenity. The new lunar month is in harmony with his expectations. At work, he will even know how to apply his decisions with unsuspected diplomacy. His know-how and his perseverance will soon reward him with the success to which he aspires so much. In any case, he should be able to take a crucial step in his career development. If he is self-employed, new areas of professional expression will be accessible to him. In terms of finances, however, it is important not to get too enthusiastic in advance. In the perspective of an investment and even if he tends to follow only his ideas, it is advisable for him to listen to the opinion of the experts. But luck is there to help him, as always. In love, the celibate Dragon gains in magnetism and charisma in this Chinese New Month. However, a physical problem could bother him somewhat. Perhaps a visit to a specialist could prove useful before frolicking carefree on the flowery paths of the unknown.

Snake (Chinese zodiac)

Snake July 2021 horoscope

Monthly Snake Rating: 6 / 10

The Snake begins the Chinese New Month with the perspective of regulating his life, taking care of himself and giving an artistic touch to his daily life. Despite the fact that he is feeling a little tired from his activities of the previous month, the weather is now suitable for recreation and relaxation. The problems encountered will not concern him directly, unless he decides to get involved, at his own risk and peril. At the professional level, the Snake enters a period of hiatus before a new start. However, it won't do much to try to go faster than usual, because now it will be more about being judged by quality than quantity. In terms of his finances, the achievement of his aspirations is closely linked to the time he will be willing to devote to his investments rather than to the amounts committed. In love, the celibate Snake could experience some sentimental setbacks despite his ability to anticipate things. If deception is proven and he is considering retaliation, cold anger would probably be the best course of action. In a Relationship, the novelties of the moment may not always please the partner. However, finding common ground shouldn't be too difficult.

Horse (Chinese zodiac)

Horse July 2021 horoscope

Monthly Horse Rating: 6 / 10

The new lunar month offers the Horse a period of well-being and social restructuring. The anxiety-provoking episodes of the past months should now give way to funny and exciting stories. At work, little good news abounds. The Horse could regain a position he thought had been lost. With a little common sense and without having to show too much initiative, he will probably be the one who will be asked the most to realize the most ambitious current projects of his company. However, he would do well to make sure of his skills and availability before accepting extraterritorial adventures. As far as finances are concerned, his renewed activity has the potential to reinforce his aspirations for material comfort. Undisputed master in the art of finding effective solutions for anything and everything, he will still take care to be careful about his expenses. Investing for softness (vacation, relaxation, comfortable furniture) must be a priority. In love, the celibate Horse should experience a resurgence in popularity with the people he covets. It's all about timing. In a Relationship, beware of sudden and sudden urges to overtake. Everyone must be able to simultaneously demonstrate endurance. Otherwise, one of the two risks remaining there, alone with his regrets. It is important to consider the pace of each person to make the most of the Chinese New Month.

Goat, Sheep (Chinese zodiac)

Goat July 2021 horoscope

Monthly Goat Rating: 7 / 10

The Goat starts the Chinese New Month with a dynamic of anchoring and exaltation. Tired of the precepts and conservative restrictions of the Year of the Ox, the Goat wishes to reclaim green meadows that have been abandoned for too long and does not lack the resources to do so. At work, the Goat is able to find the strength necessary to make the right decisions. He just needs to maintain his creative rhythm, whatever the dimension of his current project. When in doubt, the Goat can always trust his intuition and draw inspiration from his past experiences. In terms of finances, the current period offers him the interesting opportunity to make fruitful investments, in particular thanks to the support of benevolent people around him. In love, the celibate Goat is nevertheless invited not to be tempted by all the possibilities that are presented to him. The year 2021 reminds him to beware of fine talkers. For couples, the Wood / Metal relationship in Yin polarity could restrict its field of action. It is appropriate to create the element Water which embodies the skills based on listening, understanding and analysis.

Monkey (Chinese zodiac)

Monkey July 2021 horoscope

Monthly Monkey Rating: 6 / 10

The Monkey begins the new lunar month by having decided to adopt a lucid and analytical attitude on the events which punctuate his existence. At work, some exciting opportunities should be on the agenda. A competition or an indirect confrontation will give a new direction to a collective project. In this case, it is better to be patient and play the negotiation card in order not to compromise a position already acquired. Listen before you speak. On the material side, he agrees to wait his turn before engaging in large-scale action. The Chinese New Month does not offer the Monkey the financial generosity that he might have legitimately expected. In love, the celibate Monkey gains strength in seduction. For the Monkey in a relationship, it is during a trip that everyone will better understand the contours of the relationship. Lasting love is punctuated by negotiations, compromises and small and somewhat trivial disappointments, sometimes it is enough to let things pass with philosophy, without expecting anything exceptional.

Rooster, Chicken (Chinese zodiac)

Rooster July 2021 horoscope

Monthly Rooster Rating: 6 / 10

The Rooster could inaugurate the Chinese month with a feeling of tension between the expectation and the desire for events that could directly affect his psychology. At work, the beginning of the weeks, difficult but enthusiastic, will not make the Rooster forget the need to anticipate the results of the few actions undertaken. The current month offers the Rooster to gradually get rid of all the internal tensions accumulated over the last few weeks. When it comes to finances, a feeling of recklessness may well conceal a multitude of responsibilities ahead. Considerable expense could also be on the agenda. In love, there is no lack of opportunities, especially for the celibate Rooster. It is still necessary to succeed in respecting the limits and the desires of each partner. This also applies to the Rooster as a couple. The monthly Chinese horoscope 2021 invites the Rooster to be silent instead of fueling sterile debates. Touching the untouchable shouldn't be a fun pastime. Beware of reverse currents. Now is not the time to compromise the harmony already acquired in the home.

Dog (Chinese zodiac)

Dog July 2021 horoscope

Monthly Dog Rating: 5 / 10

The Dog engages in the new lunar month with the will to cleanse its energetic perimeter of any bad influence. At work, the trials of the past give him the strength, not without some regrets, to face new major challenges. The Chinese New Month provides him with the opportunity to attempt to reclaim old possessions or responsibilities. The monthly Chinese horoscope 2021 suggests that he be careful about his new professional collaborations. He must check everything before any engagement. As for finances, everything seems to be under control for the moment. Beware of judgments that are too rapid and extreme. In love, the celibate Dog must grasp the nuances of each of his social interactions. A few moments of intense pleasure without tomorrow are to be expected. No regrets. The Dog in a relationship will be more influenced by the horoscope of his partner. You just have to be wary of remarks that hurt. Otherwise, abrupt behavior could be misinterpreted and lead to absurd retaliation.

Pig, Boar (Chinese zodiac)

Pig July 2021 horoscope

Monthly Pig Rating: 7 / 10

The Chinese New Month gives the Pig the opportunity to correct any deviations he may have made in the past. The obstacles encountered will not be insurmountable, provided, however, that he is capable of showing determination. Hesitation is the attitude to avoid these days. The more the Pig will be able to organize his schedule optimally, the more he will be able to foresee a success that is on the horizon. Beware of gossip, however. There is no point in giving out details of your private life in the workplace. On the silver side, the expenses incurred may quickly be regretted. However, the time is favorable for small investments which do not present too much risk. Beware of sudden and almost irresistible cravings for futile spending. Time helps in thinking. In love, the new lunar month is conducive to meetings for the celibate Pig on the condition that you ask yourself the right questions and make a good balance between expectations and homework. The Pig in a relationship maintains its situation and preserves the comfort of its home. Looking ahead to a vacation, letting your partner decide where to stay might be a good thing.

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