Bi-monthly Chinese horoscope of March & April 2023

March & April 2023: Monthly forecast for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs of the lunar calendar
By KarmaWeather - 29 March 2023
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Monthly forecast during the Wood Rabbit Month of the Chinese calendar

Monthly predictions for each day of the Wood Rabbit Month of March 2023, for the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig

According to the Chinese calendar, the Month of the Wood Rabbit of the Year of the Water Rabbit 2023 begins on February 20 and lasts until April 19, 2023.

February 20 to April 19, 2023 horoscope: the Month of the Wood Rabbit

In this Rabbit Month 2023, particularly in the northern hemisphere, nature is gradually waking up from its winter numbness, while the buds are just beginning to bloom. All the creatures of the earth rejoice to see nature finally regaining its rights. This period is also very beneficial for all the signs of Chinese astrology, which now enter a phase of healing and development. No more passive waiting in your bubble, where you feel neither hot nor cold. With the Wood element in abundance, everyone becomes master of their destiny and can accomplish great things as long as they give themselves the means. In each area, it will therefore be necessary to show creativity and perseverance to achieve your objectives.

Full yearly 2023 Chinese horoscope

Career and money

According to the career and money horoscope for March & April 2023, the period is favorable for broadening your professional horizons and redefining your personal image. To achieve a certain emotional serenity and to be sure to go in the right direction, it is necessary to go through a phase of sorting out the many concepts that assail us. Once the true aspirations and values have been accepted, the will to realize one's dreams by one's own means, without the help of anyone, will be felt strongly.

But, in this month of reinforced expansion, it is also crucial to channel your energy well to make the most of it. Communication and the sharing of ideas are essential to ease the tensions of the past and improve the future. In the case of a path already invested, it is necessary to consolidate the achievements and pay attention to the risks of indebtedness, real due to the weakness of the Metal element during the Month of the Rabbit 2023. In addition, a benevolent and supportive entourage is essential in case of resumption of a project left aside for technical reasons.

KarmaWeather 2023 Illustration for the Month of the Wood Rabbit
March & April 2023 Horoscope: The Double Month of the Wood Rabbit


According to the love horoscope for March & April 2023, you should not underestimate the influence of your direct environment on the actions and choices of your partner. According to the Chinese calendar, the monthly energies alert to the presence of seemingly benevolent people who are never stingy with toxic remarks and above all very fond of discouraging those who try to give substance to their ambitions. In this Month of the Rabbit 2023, the month of sorting, it is therefore crucial to draw up a clear order of priorities so as not to find yourself running after a train that has already left the station. Surrounding yourself with positive, motivating people shouldn't be difficult, once some lifestyle and communication adjustments are made. And since the Yin Wood is able to give everyone the means to overcome obstacles with gentleness and determination, you might as well take advantage of this month to fight embarrassment or self-censorship and give a chance to trials and experiences facilitating encounters. sentimental. In the event of an overly exposed love life, silence will reinforce awkward moments, where unfortunate misunderstandings could have permanently harmed a still fragile relationship.

Monthly energies for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs

The double month of the Wood Rabbit marks a very strong excess in the Wood element and relative weaknesses in the Earth and Fire elements.

The Wood element in its positive aspect emphasizes the gradual individual growth and improvement of skills, knowledge, relationships and projects at the individual level. In professional terms, this can translate into a passionate commitment to one's work, rapid and steady growth in production, the willingness to share one's strengths and know-how with effective associates in the field. The implementation of new strategies or the development of new technologies can also reinforce an already well-established dynamic. Wood promotes thoughtful and strategic decision-making, as well as the ability to effectively manage conflict through a simplified problem-solving approach. Faced with difficulties, a fierce will is required, strengthening everyone's ability to adapt to unforeseen situations. In love, simplicity, vitality, creativity and generosity are qualities associated with the Wood element. The presence of the Wood element favors the evolution and improvement of relationships, the learning of communication and the understanding of the needs of the other.

On the other hand, when it is in excess, Wood can manifest itself in difficulty concentrating, anger, a tendency to disperse, a lack of humility and a negative attitude towards others. Thus, with the Wood element in a position of excessive dominance, the importance of peace, justice and balance in the resolution of conflicts must be remembered at all times. It is therefore necessary to take into account the needs and perspectives of all parties involved in a conflict situation in order to find solutions that respect the interests of all.

Weakness in the Earth element marks a state of disturbance, disorder or agitation that must be corrected. To succeed in preserving relative calm, it is necessary to act in such a way as to reduce or eliminate the sources of the problems that beset our daily lives, even if this supposes an isolation that is as temporary as it is beneficial. On the international scene, the fight against power structures considered as oppressive or the fight against individuals who abuse their authority tend to intensify strongly. This conjuncture can take different forms, from peaceful protest to active resistance. The implementation of policies or laws aimed at preventing future tensions prove to be essential for the preservation of a global balance weakened by the fragmentation of peoples within a globalized system where populists easily fan the flames of resentment in the face of inequalities engendered by a freewheeling capitalist system.

Weakness in the Fire element indicates a slowdown in business and a decrease in the rate of work and production of a company. This may be due to various factors such as difficult economic conditions, increased competition, management problems or structural changes in the market. Poor organizational management is also one of the problems that can lead to a slowdown in business. Mistakes in planning, poor communication between teams, confusion over roles and responsibilities can cause turmoil across businesses, resulting in wasted time and reduced productivity. On the other hand, decision makers in large organizations may feel unable to act effectively due to confusion, uncertainty, or fear of the negative consequences their decisions might cause. This feeling can be caused by external factors such as conflicts with business partners or the speed of bringing an innovative competitor's product to market, but it can also be due to internal problems, such as gaps in communication. and decision paralysis.

Daily energy distribution of the 5 elements

Click here to read the daily energetic distribution of the 5 elements from February 20 to April 19, 2023. Traditionally, interactions between Fire, Earth, Water and Metal greatly influence the course of the day for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs.

Chinese zodiac lucky stone of the month

Chinese zodiac corrective birthstone and lucky stone from February 20 to April 19, 2023 for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs: Manganocalcite

KarmaWeather April 2023 lucky crystal
April 2023 lucky charm: Feng Shui bracelet in manganocalcite beads

KarmaWeather April 2023 lucky wallet
Amulet of the month: White and red are the Lucky Colors for your wallet in April 2023

Monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs from February 20 to April 19, 2023

Rat, Mouse (Chinese zodiac)

Rat April 2023 horoscope

Monthly Rat Rating: 5 / 10
Read the Rat's horoscope for April 2023

Ox, Buffalo (Chinese zodiac)

Ox April 2023 horoscope

Monthly Ox Rating: 6 / 10
Read the Ox's horoscope for April 2023

Tiger (Chinese zodiac)

Tiger April 2023 horoscope

Monthly Tiger Rating: 7 / 10
Read the Tiger's horoscope for April 2023

Rabbit, Hare, Cat (Chinese zodiac)

Rabbit April 2023 horoscope

Monthly Rabbit Rating: 9 / 10
Read the Rabbit's horoscope for April 2023

Dragon (Chinese zodiac)

Dragon April 2023 horoscope

Monthly Dragon Rating: 6 / 10
Read the Dragon's horoscope for April 2023

Snake (Chinese zodiac)

Snake April 2023 horoscope

Monthly Snake Rating: 5 / 10
Read the Snake's horoscope for April 2023

Horse (Chinese zodiac)

Horse April 2023 horoscope

Monthly Horse Rating: 5 / 10
Read the Horse's horoscope for April 2023

Goat, Sheep (Chinese zodiac)

Goat April 2023 horoscope

Monthly Goat Rating: 8 / 10
Read the Goat's horoscope for April 2023

Monkey (Chinese zodiac)

Monkey April 2023 horoscope

Monthly Monkey Rating: 6 / 10
Read the Monkey's horoscope for April 2023

Rooster, Chicken (Chinese zodiac)

Rooster April 2023 horoscope

Monthly Rooster Rating: 4 / 10
Read the Rooster's horoscope for April 2023

Dog (Chinese zodiac)

Dog April 2023 horoscope

Monthly Dog Rating: 7 / 10
Read the Dog's horoscope for April 2023

Pig, Boar (Chinese zodiac)

Pig April 2023 horoscope

Monthly Pig Rating: 8 / 10
Read the Pig's horoscope for April 2023

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