Year of the Goat: 2021 Horoscope & Zodiac Forecast

2021 Chinese horoscope for men & women born in the Year of the Goat (Sheep), from the Lunar New Year and throughout the Year of the Ox of 2021
By KarmaWeather - 14 October 2020
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Year of the Goat's complete predictions in 2021

Goat's 2021 lucky charms, love, money, career health and auspicious months

Chinese calendar: Year of the Goat's birth dates

  • 17/02/1931 - 05/02/1932
  • 05/02/1943 - 24/01/1944
  • 24/01/1955 - 11/02/1956
  • 09/02/1967 - 29/01/1968
  • 28/01/1979 - 15/02/1980
  • 15/02/1991 - 03/02/1992
  • 01/02/2003 - 21/01/2004
  • 19/02/2015 - 07/02/2016
  • 06/02/2027 - 25/02/2028

🐐 Personality horoscope of the Year of the Goat

Chinese New Year 2021 summary for the Goat

The Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Goats in 2021

The Goat's 2021 horoscope predicts for the eighth sign of Chinese astrology a complex and stimulating, uneven but dynamic year, during which one should not hesitate to show determination and strength of character in order to maintain one's balance. Because in 2021, it is the Goat's turn to find himself under the yearly governance of his opposite zodiac sign. Therefore, for the native of the Year of the Goat, it is not a time of rest, when he can hope to frolic carefree in the lush grass of green pastures. From February 12, 2021, Chinese New Year's day of the Year of the Metal Ox, the Goat must remain cautious in all circumstances.

The Goat must be extra vigilant in all areas of his life and especially with regard to his finances. Whether at work or in private life, nothing will be simple or taken for granted. In addition, arguments and disagreements with family and close friends are to be expected. One will need to have a hard carapace not to let oneself be negatively influenced by these agitated events. The Year of the Ox of 2021 encourages the Goat to initiate a dialogue of overhaul in his relationship with his loved ones. Any temptation to flee would only postpone the inevitable confrontation.

Nevertheless, if the Goat is to prepare for a moderate period in terms of expectations and prospects, his efforts throughout the Chinese year 2021 to maintain his stability will not be in vain, since the Ox always appreciates realism, physical resistance, discipline and constancy (qualities that the Goat is easily able to demonstrate when he wishes). In addition, some good surprises should still occur for the Goat during this Year of the Ox of 2021, because these two symbolic animals actually are the most compatible of the opposite Chinese zodiac signs, due to the Yin Earth element that they share. Perseverance, observation and listening to others are the main virtues that can help the Goat to maximize his potential for success in 2021. Well yes, luck can indeed smile on the Goat in 2021, and this despite the winding and steep paths that he will have to walk with bravery.

Score of the Year 2021 for the Goat

5 / 10

Chinese New Year 2021's resolution for the Goat

Caution and parsimony

Year of the Goat's 2021 lucky stone, color, chakra & food

Goat's 2021 lucky charms
💎 Amulet, bracelet🎨 Feng Shui
Lucky Colors
🧘🏽 Chakra🍉 Food
Bull's eyeEnglish green,
Dark magenta,
Ruby red
Heart chakraBeetroot,

Bull's eye, lucky protective crystal for the Goat in 2021: In 2021, the protective semi-precious stone of bull's eye has the ability to help the Goat align his energies with those of the Chinese animal of the year, the Ox (Buffalo). This marvelous crystal, with deep brown and red ocher hues, very often used in lithotherapy as an alternative to the tiger's eye, should give the Goat the ability to pursue his objectives with more freedom and independence. The bull's eye is a powerful support in overcoming obstacles and finding the courage to move forward no matter the difficulties. In 2021, the bull's eye also offers the Goat the ability to preserve his material goods, thanks to its dense and structured waves. The unique properties of the bull's eye can therefore help the Goat continue his daily life serenely, improve his professional relations and develop his sense of friendship.

Moreover, the more the chosen bull's eye is predominantly red, the more it will be able to preserve the Goat from hostile energies that he might encounter on his way during the Year of the Ox of 2021. In parallel, the vigorous and clairvoyant aura of this protection crystal should be able to increase considerably the self-esteem of the Goat. The bull's eye protection stone will prove its usefulness above all in times of hesitation and will not let the Goat's emotions compromise his own interests. With the help of this crystal, the Goat, whose mind is easygoing and somewhat gullible, will skillfully avoid falling into traps intended for others or making regrettable errors of judgment.

Love, marriage and birth for the Goat in 2021

The 2021 love horoscope of the single Goat announces a convoluted period concerning the prospect of lasting encounters, especially since the loves of the single Goat are generally not stingy in twists and turns. Thus, the Year of the Ox of 2021, for single Goats, can correspond to a period during which unacknowledged desires can arise during a hazardous event. It can be a fantasy to realize, sudden desires for novelty or secret desires fully assumed the time of a shared pleasure. What could put off the Goat in the past can momentarily become a source of excitement and vice versa. But 2021 is not the perfect time for the Goat to change his existence or his way of life. Because if the call of love can arise at any moment and in many ways, the Goat would always do better to assess the situation carefully before throwing himself headlong into the intoxicating vapors of a romance with a stranger.

In addition, the Goat would do well to always remember that among his suitors some will not hesitate to discreetly withdraw their wedding ring or quite simply to hide their true intimate life from him. In order to avoid embarking on a story as painful as it is likely to be without a future, the Goat, who has other problems to solve in 2021 than to manage the tensions of an unwanted romantic rivalry, must be discreetly inquisitive of his current suitor. It should not be forgotten that the Year of the Ox is that of hard work, resignation and above all of faithful love. This is why the Goat must at all costs keep within himself the strength to give up a sentimental adventure before it takes over his private life or worse, it turns out to be toxic and destructive. The single Goat who manages to find the balance between what he has to offer and what he receives in return can still hope to experience moments of joy that are as intense as they are memorable. Still, there is a good chance that the following year, the Year of the Tiger 2022, will be more lenient for those of the natives of the Year of the Goat who seek true love.

In 2021, the Goat already in a couple has every interest in carefully avoiding a major change in his lifestyle. With the help of his partner, the delicate and mischievous Goat can be tempted to try new experiences to prevent his couple from sinking into the gloom of a repeated daily life.

Love compatibility and wedding between the Goat (Sheep) and the Ox (Buffalo): Click here to learn more about the Goat's compatibility with an Ox.

Is 2021 a good year to have a child for a parent Goat? The 2021 baby horoscope advises the future Goat parent, father or mother, not to plan the birth of a child during the year of the Ox 2021. Indeed, although the Goat parent is quite predisposed to cover his Ox child with tenderness and consideration, he will not be able to permanently establish his parental authority with the latter. A deep incomprehension and constant struggles, embellished with complaints and insubordination, are likely to create an irreconcilable distance between them. In the end, the Goat parent will end up submitting to the demands of his Ox child, while the latter will secretly suffer from the weakness of character of his parent. An ordinary and assumed lack of respect could then finish tarnishing the image of a happy family that the Goat nevertheless tried, as best he could, to project to those around him. Unless the other parent is perfectly compatible with the Ox, it is therefore recommended that the Goat wait a little longer before conceiving his child, ideally from the second half of the year 2022, so that the newborn baby is born in the Year of the Rabbit 2023.

Money, career and social life for the Goat in 2021

Career and work

The career horoscope 2021 of the Goat reveals an ambivalent year, marked by moments of instability at work. In the event that the Goat is an employee in a company, he could find himself faced with responsibilities which exceed his capacities. For instance, one can ask him to be more concrete and more rational in his decision-making. In 2021, in the event of poor communication with his hierarchy, the Goat would do well to have the intelligence to seek advice from other benevolent professionals, wiser and more experienced than him, before speaking or acting. Otherwise, the Goat risks losing his professional position, after having opted for too risky choices. In addition, a copy of all documents and written exchanges must be carefully kept in order to constitute a solid file in anticipation of a possible dispute. However, if the Goat succeeds in proving his diligence and meeting his commitments on time, he can hope to keep his initial position without risking being demoted or dismissed. With a little common sense the Goat is able to achieve this, especially if he understands the importance of a meticulous and constant organization, actually the remedy for the majority of the setbacks of his professional life.


The 2021 Chinese horoscope for money advises the Goat to watch his finances carefully. However, the risk of financial setbacks should be somewhat mitigated if the Goat managed to limit his spending the previous year, which is highly likely due to the general containment and travel restrictions that affected most countries in 2020. For this reason and even if the probability that the Chinese year 2021 hit the Goat's wallet hard stays low, he will all the same have to be keep parsimonious habits, because the Ox hates waste. Likewise, the opening of a savings account is strongly recommended to natives of the Year of the Goat who have the concern to stay provident.

The Metal which accompanies the Ox in 2021 risks weakening the finances of the Goat, because the 8th animal of Chinese astrology is devoid of the Metal element in his energy chart of birth. This is why in 2021 the Goat must refrain from any temptation of futile spending (pairs of overpriced shoes, designer clothing, fashionable accessories, private parties with "friends" whose thirst is never satisfied), which risks emptying his already weakened bank account. From the spring festival which follows the Chinese New Year 2021, the Goat will therefore be content to put a brake on his mad cravings for futile spending, thanks to a better use of his old things which are all in very good condition, or even by recycling his happiest memories. At best, the Goat can expect to receive gifts from Chinese zodiac signs more fortunate than him. And even if sometimes the Goat may exceptionally give in to some of his desires, no major expense should compromise his material stability, because he must be able to have at all times a solid and reliable financial safety net.

Social life

The Chinese horoscope 2021 offers the Goat a calm period in his social life, embellished with some interesting encounters. In reality, the social dimension of the Goat's life is put on hold in 2021. Family or friendly reunions will take place more in an intimate circle rather than outside.

Health and auspicious periods of the Goat in 2021

Goat's health horoscope 2021

The Goat's health horoscope for 2021 advises the 8th sign of Chinese astrology to check his bad cholesterol level. A risk of diabetes threatens Goats who are too fond of sugar, fizzy drinks and processed products. The Goat must also take care to take care of his diet, favoring seasonal vegetables, sautéed or steamed.

Internal organs to monitor: The organ for which particular care must be taken by the Goat in 2021 is the the blood system.

Good luck and well-being for the Goat in 2021

In the wild, the goat can climb steep rocks in the blink of an eye. This can be applied to any domain of the Chinese zodiac Goat's life. Usually lucky, in 2021 the Goat will tend to feel a little isolated and less favored by fate than usual. It is often when the Goat believes he has lost everything that luck smiles on him and infuses him with the strength to regain an iron will. With a little patience, lucidity and optimism, the Goat shouldn't have too much trouble finding the life path that best suits his character.

Luckiest months for the Goat in 2021*: Month of the Rabbit, Hare, Cat (March 2021), Month of the Horse (June 2021), Month of the Goat, Sheep (July 2021)

Least favorable period: Month of the Ox, Buffalo (January 2022)

* Consult our daily Chinese horoscope throughout the Year of the Metal Ox 2021 for the exact dates of the luckiest days for the Goat in 2021.

Year of Goat's 2021 horoscope, month by month

Thanks to KarmaWeather's monthly Chinese horoscope, find the complete and free predictions of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Goat during each month of the year 2021. The monthly horoscope is published at the beginning of each lunar month of the Year of the Metal Ox of 2021.

What does 2021 forecast for the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac?

Full yearly 2021 Chinese horoscope

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