Monkey 2019 Chinese Horoscope - Monkey 2019 predictions

🐵 Monkey 2019 Chinese horoscope - 2019 Chinese Horoscope of the Zodiac sign of the Monkey during the Year of the Earth Pig
By KarmaWeather - 3 October 2018
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Complete forecast for the Monkey in 2019 in love, luck, money, career, health

Monkey's Chinese calendar birth dates:
20/02/1920 - 07/02/1921
06/02/1932 - 25/01/1933
25/01/1944 - 12/02/1945
12/02/1956 - 30/01/1957
30/01/1968 - 16/02/1969
16/02/1980 - 04/02/1981
04/02/1992 - 22/01/1993
22/01/2004 - 08/02/2005
08/02/2016 - 27/01/2017
26/01/2028 - 12/02/2029

The Monkey in short: The Monkey is an excellent speaker, while his inquisitive mind is always fresh and alert. The native of the 9th astrological sign of the Chinese zodiac has an agile personality and is never out of ideas. The Monkey also has a special talent for detecting events before they happen.

🐵 Personality horoscope of the Monkey

Chinese New Year 2019 summary for the Monkey

According to the Monkey's 2019 Chinese horoscope, the ninth sign of Chinese astrology can hope to pass a lenient and lucky 2019 year, placed under the star of protection. Despite the relative ups and downs he faces with bravery in 2019, he continues his journey with a positive dynamic, similar to last year, the Year of the Dog 2018.

In 2019, the Monkey takes advantage of the Year of the Pig 2019 to embark on new activities and to redo his address book, multiplying new encounters, both friendly and professional. Likewise, the Monkey manages to counter the small contradictions of his daily life thanks to his legendary luck but also thanks to the purchasing power that he has been able to consolidate the months preceding the Chinese New Year 2019.

Score of the Year of the Pig 2019 for the Monkey: 7 / 10
Chinese New Year 2019's resolution for the Monkey: Beginning with the Chinese New Year 2019, the Monkey has all the cards in hand to master his destiny with flying colors. The Year of the Pig 2019 is a year full of promises and feasts for the Monkey, who must not forget to take care of his loved ones in the light of his success.

Monkey's amulet, colors, chakra and foods for 2019
💎 Amulet🎨 Colors🧘🏽 Chakra🍉 Foods
Almandine garnetMayan blue,
Orchid pink,
Indian yellow
red pepper


2019, Year of the Earth Pig: horoscope forecast for the Monkey

The 2019 Chinese Horoscope of the Monkey may inspire him to pay less attention to his loved ones. His family can thus feel a clear drop in the gestures of affection that the Monkey usually shows. Indeed during the Chinese zodiac year of 2019, slightly blinded by pride, his recent success push him to display pretensions much higher than his true value.

On a professional level, the Monkey should be able to cross the year 2019 with a lot of confidence, because he has the capacity to find useful supports that will help him to maintain and develop his professional and financial situation, thanks to the efforts and valuable relationships that he has been cultivating in recent years.

From a general point of view, the Year of the Pig 2019 is an ideal time for the curious Monkey, who can approach with ease the learning of new disciplines. This is all the more true for a child Monkey who, if he starts a new activity during a Year of the Pig, has all chances to gain a new string to his bow that shall likely become an important asset in his future adult life.

Full 2019 Chinese horoscope during the Year of the Pig

Love, marriage and birth for the Monkey in 2019

According to the 2019 love horoscope, the single Monkey has a high probability of spending a year full of satisfactions in love and rich in emotions. The duration of these romantic relationships, however, may be just as intense as ephemeral. In case of brutal separation and without any regrets, the Monkey manages to bow out with elegance and discretion. From his amorous failures, the Monkey draws invaluable lessons which will be of great use to him in his permanent learning of the human psyche. In any case, the Monkey's philosophy concerning love in 2019 is more like « one lost, ten found ». The single Monkey believes that the Year of the Pig 2019 should focus on pleasures and feast rather than asceticism and the constraints of a married life.

In contrast, the Monkey in a couple sees the stability of his relationship strengthened during the year of the Pig 2019. Small occasional disputes do not have the strength to crack the good understanding that prevails within the household.

Love compatibility between the Monkey and the Pig: The Monkey and the Pig are not part of the same triangle of love and friendship compatibility. Nevertheless, the Monkey and the Pig can form a loving and lasting relationship when they form a couple, because their common points are numerous and their mutual fascination remains constant over time. Anyway, a Monkey man or woman who wants to get married in 2019, should consider first a union with another Monkey, a Rat, a Dragon or a Snake (his secret friend). The Monkey must avoid, as much as he can, embarking on a love affair with a Tiger, even if he may have a strong attraction for the proud feline, something that often happens between opposite Chinese zodiac signs.

Monkey’s wedding in 2019: Regarding the choice of the best time to get married, the Monkey must favor the months associated with Chinese Zodiac signs which are part of his compatibility triangle, as well as the month of his secret friend (Monkey, Rat, Dragon, Snake) and avoid the Month of the Tiger (see below for the corresponding dates). Once the month is identified, the choice of the luckiest day to get married in 2019 is done the same way as the months, with a final validation that goes through the verification of the lunar mansions (or lodges) of the selected days, to verify that they are conducive to the wedding celebration.

Is 2019 a good year to have a child for a Monkey parent? Yes, the birth of a child boy or girl of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Pig is very auspicious for the families of whom one of the parents is a Monkey. The Monkey in a couple can perfectly think about expanding his family during the year of the Pig 2019, because the Monkey and the Pig have many similarities that make them kind to each other, among them an insatiable curiosity, the taste for all the pleasures life offers and the cozy comfort of the house. The Pig child, through the light and the laughter he brings into a house, is a source of permanent joy for the parent Monkey. In return, the Pig child learns to become less credulous thanks to the attentive presence of a Monkey father or mother, the Monkey being, together with the Snake, the most cunning and mischievous of the 12 animal-signs of Chinese astrology. However, it is also advised to the future parent Monkey who prefers to wait a little before considering giving birth to a baby, to anticipate the birth of a child Rat (the Year of the Rat 2020 begins January 25, 2020), because the parent-child compatibility between a Monkey and a Rat is maximum.

Money, career and social life for the Monkey in 2019

The 2019 Chinese horoscope for career and money foresees important changes for the Monkey, especially as he is keen to consolidate his professional foundation during the year. The Monkey, wrapped in his prestige, observes with joy and satisfaction the annoyance of his opponents deeply irritated by the vision of the comfort he built without their help. Indeed, the competitors of the Monkey work more than usual to make him wobble in order to steal some of his valuable assets.

A controversy around a promotion at work or a property to share can put the Monkey in trouble or push him to make a difficult choice. It is above all the repetitive oppositions within the workplace, coupled with the need to be accountable to his hierarchy that can push the Monkey to change his behavior while waiting to have a better visibility on the purpose of these clashes. If it is never pleasant to make concessions, the efforts made by the Monkey will allow him to cross this delicate milestone without too much consequences.

Moreover, the Monkey can perfectly think about modifying his career plan or even considering starting his own business in order to put to his advantage his multiple talents, often little or badly exploited in a classic business context where everyone is locked in a well defined pole of competences.

In terms of finances and investments during the year 2019, the Monkey benefits greatly from the abundant luck that the Year of the Pig brings him. However, some administrative negligence from the past can burst at unexpected times. This may be an urgent refund or the cost of an old loan that has changed rates, making the monthly repayment more difficult.

During a Year of the Pig, the Monkey systematically reviews his policy of openness and trust that he gives to the outside world. It is with the delicate and complex experiences of life that the professional Monkey understands that it is often better to advance alone than in the company of beings with dubious reliability. This is why the Monkey who wishes to spend a peaceful and prosperous year generally avoids getting partner for the new projects he wants to start. Rather, he prefers to rely on his instinct and his investigative skills, which always end up allowing him to detect, by force of tenacity, the buried treasures that are patiently waiting to be discovered again by a talented master.

Health and luck of the Monkey in 2019

Monkey health horoscope 2019

According to the health horoscope 2019, the Monkey must be attentive to his body and not hesitate to consult his general practitioner at the slightest alert, because his health could, in case of imprudence, to play tricks during key moments of the year. So that the Monkey can cross the Year of the Pig 2019 with serenity and start the wonderful year of the Rat 2020 in the best of shape, he must avoid unnecessary risk taking, such as the practice of an extreme sport.

Luck and well-being for the Monkey in 2019

Most favorable periods to the Monkey in 2019: Month of the Dragon (April 5 to May 4, 2019) Month of the Snake (May 5 to June 2, 2019), Month of the Monkey (August 1 to August 29, 2019), Month of the Rat (November 26 to December 25, 2019)

Least favorable period: Month of the Tiger (February 5 to March 5, 2019)


Chinese Zodiac 2019 predictions for the Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Monkeys

The main Element of your year of birth determines which type of Monkey you are

Monkey 2019 Chinese horoscope - Score and resolution for the Monkey in 2019

XXX Chinese horoscope 2019 - Score and resolution for the Wood Monkey, Fire Monkey, Earth Monkey, Metal Monkey and Water Monkey in 2019, by KarmaWeather
🐵 Chinese zodiac sign Birth Years Rating (out of 10) Resolution
🌳 Wood Monkey 1944, 2004 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Take your breath
🔥 Fire Monkey 1956, 2016 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Consolidation and transmission
🗿 Earth Monkey 1968, 2028 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Serene construction
🛠 Metal Monkey 1920, 1980 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Fulfilling success
💧 Water Monkey 1932, 1992 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The time of responsibilities

🌳 Wood Monkey (born in 1934, 2004)

Predictions for the Wood Monkey in 2019: The Wood Monkey must be compelled to have a more regular rhythm of life and take the time to rest after any sustained effort. Be punctual. Watch your health. The air of the countryside is refreshing.

🔥 Fire Monkey (born in 1956)

Predictions for the Fire Monkey in 2019: Fire Monkey, do not be so openly opportunistic, your legendary charisma may take a hit. It is essential to support one's descendants morally and financially. Set up a rest period (nap) to be more effective. Good news in the making.

🗿 Earth Monkey (born in 1968)

Predictions for the Earth Monkey in 2019: For the Earth Monkey, the Year of the Pig 2019 represents the final stretch before the end of a long-term project that will finally bear fruit. Stability acquired at work. Protection.

🛠 Metal Monkey (born in 1920, 1980)

Predictions for the Metal Monkey in 2019: The Metal Monkey can look forward to beautiful annual prospects during the Year of the Pig 2019. Significant cash inflows are predictable in the second half of the year. Net recovery of self-confidence. Beware of false friends.

💧 Water Monkey (born in 1932, 1992)

Predictions for the Water Monkey in 2019: The Water Monkey can expect to be reminded of his past commitments during the course of 2019. Reunion with former relationships. Family not to neglect. It is better to start from scratch than to insist for no gain.

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