Monkey's 2020 Chinese horoscope

Chinese horoscope for people born in the Year of the Monkey, from the Lunar New Year 2020 and throughout the Year of the Rat 2020
By KarmaWeather - 18 November 2019
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

The Monkey's complete predictions in 2020: love, luck, money, career and health

Monkey's birth dates (Chinese calendar)

20/02/1920 - 07/02/1921
06/02/1932 - 25/01/1933
25/01/1944 - 12/02/1945
12/02/1956 - 30/01/1957
30/01/1968 - 16/02/1969
16/02/1980 - 04/02/1981
04/02/1992 - 22/01/1993
22/01/2004 - 08/02/2005
08/02/2016 - 27/01/2017
26/01/2028 - 12/02/2029

🐵 Personality horoscope of the Monkey

Chinese New Year 2020 summary for the Monkey

The Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Monkeys in 2020

With the new 12-year cycle beginning in 2020 under the annual governance of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Rat, the Monkey starts this year on a solid and creative basis, with a resolute and dynamic temperament. The Chinese horoscope 2020 allows the Monkey to take control of his destiny, especially as he is able to finally understand and accept the lessons of past failures. You are determined to move forward without getting caught up in the frivolous instability that you so often love. From now on and throughout the Chinese year 2020, nothing can slow down your will to progress step by step on your projects, with a formidable efficiency. Indeed, when the Monkey decides to put aside his dilettante side in favor of a productive determinism, nothing can stop him in his conquest of the markets he has decided to target.

This new life organization of the Monkey in 2020 is all the more facilitated that the 9th zodiac sign of Chinese astrology takes the bias of optimism, while realizing that the search for happiness by a constant effort is not necessarily synonymous with painful work, and even less if it is the development of his own projects. Forget the negative thoughts that have stalled you in recent years! Likewise, thanks to the energy provided by the Yang Metal element of 2020, focused on communication and negotiation, the Monkey, in addition to rediscovering his true inner strength, is able to show more restraint in delicate situations, avoiding unnecessary harm.

Thus, the Chinese horoscope 2020 is an opportunity for the Monkey to accumulate success and enjoy lasting happiness, because his more objective vision of events and a real desire for reorganization allow him to reshape his life in depth and for the better. Thanks to the benevolence of the Rat (of the year) towards the Monkey, you have the opportunity to count on the Chinese New Year 2020 to see your aspirations come true in a more sustainable and fair way.

However, nothing will happen if you persist in indulging in inaction. Because if the Monkey is able to be satisfied with an observation, certainly extremely relevant, but placid of the world, only voluntary action can allow him to change the paradigms of his life. Also, in order to always be in a winning position, be sure to measure your momentum and to always take into consideration the scope of your actions. With a slow and sure step, with the balance and flexibility that allows a sudden change of course, you can quickly find the personal rhythm that will help to make your aspirations come true. If you do not, and if you do not change the lifestyle you had during the Year of the Pig 2019, a variety of temporal annoyances will slow you down episodically, which may even jeopardize the promising growth that you are supposed to enjoy all along 2020.

Score of the Year of the Rat 2020 for the Monkey

8 / 10

Chinese New Year 2020's resolution for the Monkey

Taking back control

The Monkey's 2020 amulet, colors, chakra and food

Amulet, colors, chakra and food for the Monkey in 2020
💎 Amulet 🎨 Colors 🧘🏽 Chakra 🍉 Food
Watermelon tourmaline Ruby red,
Turquoise green,
Mimosa yellow
Solar plexus chakra Rhubarb,


Love, marriage and birth for the Monkey in 2020


The Chinese horoscope 2020 of the Monkey announces a very rich love life during that year. With the Rat (of the year) as support, you begin a phase of your life that you are not ready to forget. If you are single, be it on a street, on a vacation, or even on the university benches, you will be the main target of a Cupid who wants nothing more than your happiness.

From the beginning of a relationship, you will feel capable of all types of prowesses. Your leniency will be such that you will wish the same joys as you to your ex partners. In love, the forecast is particularly favorable towards the beginning of the summer of 2020, especially if you want to take the opportunity to completely review your look and your flirting techniques. However, despite the many benefits that come from your great shape, you realize around the third quarter of 2020 that having a hot temperament also has its disadvantages, especially if you are a young Monkey, who does not have yet the extensive experience of a silver-backed gorilla.

Finally, keep in mind that the beginning of a new relationship, as passionate as it may be, should not in any way compromise your family and friends. But above all, take the time to understand the deep motivations of the person loved before promising him wonders, blinded by the flames of passion.


If you are already in a relationship at the time of the Lunar New Year of 2020, you certainly played a role during the previous months, directly or indirectly, in triggering various family tensions. Perhaps this was partly due to the uncertain situations you had to overcome with your partner. But rather than finding solutions in pair, you have probably sought to impose your vision unilaterally, which has resulted in crystallizing conflicts without ever resolving them. Good news, in 2020, the atmosphere changes radically within your couple. Because with wisdom and understanding, you finally succeed in eliminating or clarifying many points of tension and misunderstanding. Moreover, you also understand that admitting mistakes and asking for forgiveness is very effective in maintaining marital harmony.

In 2020, the Monkey is determined not to let the same mistakes repeat themselves indefinitely. Also, beware of temptations outside the couple and control your ardor. In the summer, consider changing your vacation destination to test new experiences that will strengthen your relationship. Remember, the Year of the Rat 2020 is conducive to romance for the Monkey. You will have your share of sweets, as long as you seek in parallel to keep your balance.

Love compatibility and wedding between the Monkey and the Rat: Click here to learn more about the Monkey's compatibility with a Rat.

Is 2020 a good year to have a child for a parent Monkey? Yes. A birth during a year of Rat is an ideal time for any Monkey, woman or man, who wishes to become a parent. Plan your baby's conception for a birth before February 12, 2021, which marks the beginning of the year of the Year of the Metal Ox, 2021 being a year in which parent-child compatibility will not be as favorable for a parent Monkey as a birth of a child under the Chinese zodiac sign of the Rat.

Money, career and social life for the Monkey in 2020

Career and work

In terms of career, the Chinese horoscope of 2020 is auspicious to the Monkey, because the Rat (of the year) supports him in his initiatives and reassures him in moments of doubt, when difficult decisions are to be taken. If you feel like you've lost a lot of time in your professional life until now, the Chinese New Year 2020 gives you the opportunity to change the game and finally start building on a solid foundation, at the height of your abilities. However, remember to keep the sense of reality and avoid embarking on utopian adventures, which only you seem able to appreciate the utility. The main obstacle to your ambitions lies in your chronic incapacity to satisfy yourself with what you have available, in terms of material and human resources, to carry out your projects. You always tend to aim farther, higher, without ever worrying too much about the consequences in case of failure. Plus, you love to be on many fronts at once. Unless you are very alert and experienced, you are better advised in 2020 to focus on one project at a time to ensure its success. If you want to start a new project in 2020, the first quarter can be devoted to its development and the establishment of a development strategy. You will have the rest of the year to make it happen.

If you are already in a stable job situation and you are an employee, a promotion could present itself and it would be a shame not to accept it, especially if you wish to advance in your career within your company. To do this, highlight your diligence and the scope of your skills to make your case. Nevertheless, beware of the flipping of jackets from your rival colleagues. Do not give anything without receiving something in return. And if, in the end, the results are not up to your expectations, your patience and perseverance will prove much more protective and rewarding in the next few years than could have been a promotion, and this despite its immediate appeal.


Regarding the state of your finances, the Monkey's 2020 horoscope puts you in a comfortable situation. In 2020, you consolidate your cash flow and you do not let yourself be tempted by superfluous expenses. Your investments could bring you surprising benefits, to the delight of your banking advisor. Only, before any purchase of shares on the stock market, the horoscope 2020 advises you to take advice from professionals specializing in the activity that interests you. In addition, it is also a good thing not to limit yourself to the unique advice or experience of a single source, just as you must stay away from questionable associations. Finally, in 2020, focus on local investment to ensure maximum profitability while limiting risk taking.

Social life

This year, the Monkey's 2020 horoscope puts the 9th zodiac sign of Chinese astrology at the center of many important family events. Invitations to parties and receptions are increasing in frequency compared to the previous year. This is ideal because you actually want to give a new breath to your relations, both friendly and family. Also, many opportunities will arise that will allow you to expand your relationship circle. However, if with some people the harmony will be instantaneous, a time of adaptation will be necessary with the others before appreciating their qualities, especially if the initial meeting was made on a fragile ground. In addition, remember that the Year of the Rat 2020 revives the dynamism of topics that affect finance. Therefore, expect to get through a revival period of a family dispute. It can also be small arguments or clashes around the management of family patrimony and sharing an inheritance. Still, if you want to put a definitive end to all your money worries, the Year of the Golden Rat is very favorable to you. Choose the end of the spring of 2020 or the end of the Gregorian year (December 2020) to discuss these topics with the people concerned.

Health and auspicious periods of the Monkey in 2020

Monkey health horoscope 2020

The 2020 health horoscope for the Monkey advises you to make an appointment with your dentist without too much delay in order to carry out a complete examination, in addition to the traditional annual descaling. Remember that a deterioration of the dental metabolism can sometimes be a harbinger of diabetes. Do not skip this vital point about your health. In addition, reduce your consumption of butter, fries and sugar this year. Prefer steamed vegetable cooking and lean meats. Exercise regularly to maintain your physique and flexibility.

Internal organs to monitor: Oral cavity, teeth

Good luck and well-being for the Monkey in 2020

Most favorable periods: April 2020, May 2020, August 2020, December 2020

Least favorable period: February 2020


What does 2020 forecast for the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac?

Full yearly 2020 Chinese horoscope

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