Chinese New Year 2026: Date, CNY Calendar, Animal

📅 Lunar New Year 2026 - Dates, holidays, calendar, animal and element of the Chinese year
By KarmaWeather - 27 February 2025
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Lunar New Year 2026 celebrations, which mark the beginning of the Golden Week and the Spring festival, start on Tuesday, 17th February 2026.

When is Chinese New Year 2026?

Chinese New Year 2026 (CNY 2026) officially begins on February 17, 2026 and ends on February 5, 2027.

Below, find out the holiday and festival dates for Chinese New Year 2026 in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, Malaysia and the Philippines. Further down this page you will find the official Chinese New Year's dates from 2017 until 2045, with their corresponding animal and element. Finally, you can read China's New Year calendar for 2026 which highlights important holidays and festivals in Asia during the Year of the Horse 2026.

Happy Lunar New Year 2026!

What is Chinese New Year 2026's animal sign and element?

Lunar New Year 2026, which marks the beginning of the Year of the Fire Horse, follows the ending of the Year of the Wood Snake 2025. The Horse is the Chinese New Year 2026 animal. Their energy is going to be prevalent during the year, along with Yang Fire, Chinese New Year 2026's element.

February 17, 2025 is the first day of the Chinese New Year calendar for 2026, as well as the first day of the Month of the Tiger. This date also marks the end of the Year of the Wood Snake and the end of the Month of the Ox.

Spring Festival Golden Week holiday 2026

The Chinese New Year 2026, from Hong Kong to Paris, from Singapore to Malaysia, from Toronto to New York, from Montreal to Buenos Aires, is synonymous with the start of the Spring Festival and the beginning of a new start in the Chinese zodiac cycle. Needless to say that it's the most important day of the year and the start of specific holidays and celebrations in many Asian countries.

In 2026, as it is customary every year, Lunar New Year's day is an opportunity for all to share their joy with their family and friends on this festive occasion, which is punctuated by numerous celebrations, concerts, parades and parties throughout the weekend and the following days, starting on February 17th, 2026, and usually lasting all over the week-end and sometimes much longer, depending on the countries.

Chinese Golden Week 2026, which starts with Lunar New Year's Eve, February 16th, 2026, and lasts until February 22, 2026, is a National holiday in China, during which people travel from afar to reunite with their family and celebrate Lunar New Year together.

How long is Chinese New Year 2026?

The lunisolar calendar being based on the moon cycles, the Chinese New Year date is never the same and changes every year. However, the Lunar New Year date range is always between January and February. Likewise, the duration of Chinese New Year celebrations is not fixed on the Gregorian calendar. In 2026, which is the Year of the Horse, Chinese New Year is officially celebrated in China from New Year's Eve, on February 16th, 2026, until the 6th day of the first lunar month, on February 22nd, 2026.

However in 2026, the family festivities, which are the most substantial on February 17th, can last until the Lantern Festival Eve, on February 22, 2026. Taking into account country and family traditions, Chinese New Year 2026 celebrations last around 15 days.

CNY 2026
Year of the Horse 2026 © KarmaWeather® by Konbi

Chinese New Year 2026 - Lunar New Year holidays and celebrations in Asia

Lunar New Year Calendar 2026 of holidays and observances in in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, Malaysia and the Philippines
CountryStarting dayDuration (days)Holiday
🇨🇳ChinaFeb. 16, 20263National
🇭🇰Hong KongFeb. 17, 20263National
🇸🇬SingaporeFeb. 17, 20262Public
🇻🇳VietnamFeb. 16, 20266Public
🇹🇭ThailandFeb. 17, 20263Regional
🇹🇼TaiwanFeb. 16, 20266National
🇲🇾MalaysiaFeb. 17, 20263National
🇵🇭PhilippinesFeb. 17, 20261Non-working

Chinese New Year calendar - Official Dates (2017 to 2045)

Chinese New Year calendar date, animal and element

Official Chinese New Year dates, with their Chinese zodiac animal-sign and their related element, from 2017 to 2045
Chinese New Year CNY Day Animal Element
2017January 28, 2017🐔Rooster🔥Fire
2018February 16, 2018🐶Dog🗿Earth
2019February 5, 2019🐷Pig🗿Earth
2020January 25, 2020🐭Rat🛠Metal
2021February 12, 2021🐮Ox🛠Metal
2022February 1, 2022🐯Tiger💧Water
2023January 22, 2023🐰Rabbit💧Water
2024February 10, 2024🐲Dragon🌳Wood
2025January 29, 2025🐍Snake🌳Wood
2026February 17, 2026🐴Horse🔥Fire
2027February 6, 2027🐐Goat🔥Fire
2028January 26, 2028🐵Monkey🗿Earth
2029February 13, 2029🐔Rooster🗿Earth
2030February 3, 2030🐶Dog🛠Metal
2031January 23, 2031🐷Pig🛠Metal
2032February 11, 2032🐭Rat💧Water
2033January 31, 2033🐮Ox💧Water
2034February 19, 2034🐯Tiger🌳Wood
2035February 8, 2035🐰Rabbit🌳Wood
2036January 28, 2036🐲Dragon🔥Fire
2037February 15, 2037🐍Snake🔥Fire
2038February 4, 2038🐴Horse🗿Earth
2039January 24, 2039🐐Goat🗿Earth
2040February 12, 2040🐵Monkey🛠Metal
2041February 1, 2041🐔Rooster🛠Metal
2042January 22, 2042🐶Dog💧Water
2043February 10, 2043🐷Pig💧Water
2044January 30, 2044🐭Rat🌳Wood
2045February 17, 2045🐮Ox🌳Wood

CNY Festival and holiday dates
Festival dates and holidays of the Chinese calendar © KarmaWeather® by Konbi

2025 holiday and observance dates in China, Asian festivals

Official holidays in China in 2025
Date Festival Description
January 1New Year's DayJanuary 1, 2025 is the start of the year according to the Gregorian calendar. It’s a national holiday in China.
January 28Spring Festival EveOn Chinese New Year's Eve, family and friends gather and celebrate together during Spring Festival’s Eve dinner.
January 29Chinese New Year's DayThe first day of the Year of the Wood Snake 2025. Chinese New Year's day marks the beginning of the Spring Festival in China.
Jan. 9 - Feb. 3Spring Festival, Golden Week holidayThe Golden Week is a 7 days national holiday in China.
February 12Lantern FestivalThe Lantern Festival traditionally marks the end of Chinese New year celebrations, on the fifteenth day following Chinese New Year’s day.
February 28Zhonghe FestivalAlso called the Blue Dragon Festival, it is celebrated on the first day of the second month of the Chinese calendar. Traditionally, the Dragon brings rain and good harvest.
March 8International Women's DayInternational Women's Day commemorates the movement for women's rights.
March 12Arbor DayAlso known as the National Tree Planting Day, it is a day of awareness and concrete action for the welfare of the planet.
March 20Spring equinox
April 4-6Ching Ming (Qing Ming) FestivalAlso called Tomb-Sweeping Day, Chinese Memorial Day or Ancestors' Day, it is celebrated fifteen days after the Spring Equinox. On this day, people pray for the deceased members of their family.
May 1Labour DayInternational Workers’ Day.
May 4Youth DayCelebration Day for young people from age 14 to 28.
May 31 - June 2Duanwu FestivalAlso known as the Dragon Boat Festival, it is held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar, just before the Summer solstice. Racing dragon boats is one of the many activities held during that day.
June 1Children's DayCelebration Day for children under the age of 14.
June 21Summer Solstice
July 11China National Maritime DayChina Maritime Day marks the anniversary of the travels of navigator Zheng He during the Ming Dynasty.
August 1Army DaySpecific celebration for military personnel in active duty.
August 29Double Seven FestivalAlso called the Chinese Valentine's Day, according to the Chinese calendar.
September 6Spirit FestivalThe Spirit Festival or Ghost Day is traditionally celebrated on the fifteenth night of the seventh month of the Chinese calendar. It is a traditional Buddhist and Taoist festival during which families pay homage to their deceased ancestors. Lotus-shaped lanterns are set on rivers to help guide the soul of forgotten souls towards the afterlife.
September 10Teachers' DayTeacher's Day in China is celebrated on Friday, September 10, 2025.
September 22Autumn equinox
October 1National DayNational Day in mainland China.
October 1-7National Day Golden Week holidayThe National Day Golden Week holiday is a recent national holiday period of 7 days, implemented by the Chinese government since 2000.
October 6Mid-Autumn FestivalAlso called the Moon Festival, the festival is held on the fifteenth day of the eight month of the Chinese lunar calendar, during full moon time at night. Traditional mooncakes (lotus bean-filled cakes) and Rabbit-shaped cakes (the Rabbit is the zodiac animal associated with the moon) are eaten on this day. The Mid-Autumn Festival is also a period of choice to celebrate weddings in China.
October 29Double Nine FestivalChongYang Festival is held on the ninth day of the ninth month of the Chinese calendar. As 9 is associated to Yang, it’s also called the Double Yang Festival. It’s appropriate to visit elders and pay tribute to ancestors on this day.
December 21Winter Solstice
December 25Christmas DayChristmas Day is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is the most important date for Christians all over the world, during which families gather for a feast and children are given special gifts.

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