Ox 2019 Chinese Horoscope - Ox 2019 predictions

🐮 Ox 2019 Chinese horoscope - 2019 Chinese Horoscope of the Zodiac sign of the Ox during the Year of the Earth Pig
By KarmaWeather - 14 July 2018
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Complete forecast for the Ox in 2019 in love, luck, money, career, health

Ox's Chinese calendar birth dates:
25/01/1925 - 12/02/1926
11/02/1937 - 30/01/1938
29/01/1949 - 16/02/1950
15/02/1961 - 04/02/1962
03/02/1973 - 22/01/1974
20/02/1985 - 08/02/1986
07/02/1997 - 27/01/1998
26/01/2009 - 13/02/2010
12/02/2021 - 31/01/2022

The Ox in short: Amongst the 12 Chinese zodiac signs, the second sign of the Chinese zodiac is definitely the most conservative and the most attached to his family and to traditional values. Hardworking and persevering, the Ox is also jealous, likely to be carried away by one of his legendary tantrums.

🐮 Personality horoscope of the Ox

Chinese New Year 2019 summary for the Ox

According to the Chinese horoscope 2019, the Ox spends the year in a somewhat ambivalent atmosphere. Despite a few small jolts in his personal life, he nevertheless manages to demonstrate his resistance and determination throughout the Year of the Pig. In 2019, the Ox will seize on many occasions valuable opportunities to sow new seeds, which will be very profitable for years to come.

Score of the Year of the Pig 2019 for the Ox: 6 / 10
Chinese New Year 2019's resolution for the Ox: Stay lucid

Ox's amulet, colors, chakra and foods for 2019
💎 Amulet 🎨 Colors 🧘🏽 Chakra 🍉 Foods
Amethyst Azure blue,
Fuchsia pink
Third eye Eggplant,


2019, Year of the Earth Pig: horoscope forecast for the Ox

The Year of the Earth Pig 2019 allows the Ox to initiate many projects. Despite unexpected disappointments in the weeks following the Chinese New Year 2019 for projects started during the year of the Earth Dog 2018, the Ox should not worry too much, because his investments will ultimately be very beneficial towards the end of the 2019 Chinese year.

Indeed, the unexpected place that problems take when they occur can in fact mask positive advances that will only come to light later. The Ox is able to manage important new relationships or develop strategic partnerships, taking full advantage of the festive and social atmosphere proposed by the Year of the Pig 2019. Still, in 2019, the Ox will take care not to change in depth his lifestyle.

Full 2019 Chinese horoscope during the Year of the Pig

Love, marriage and birth for the Ox in 2019

As much as the Chinese New Year 2019 promises to be attractive to the Ox worker, this is not necessarily the case with regard to his home. Thus, the Ox in couple can even be tempted to replace love with work in his daily life, even though he perfectly controls his professional situation. However, the Ox realizes more than ever the need to have a home in which everyone feels in harmony. He also understands the importance of remembering the place (the rights and the duties) that everyone must have under their roof. Even if the couple disputes are light and temporary, the Ox may feel the need to isolate himself for some time to soothe his nerves and regain his serenity.

The single Ox may not be particularly tempted by the festive moods and parties sparked by the Pig years. But he will not say no to the romantic proposals coated with chocolate and dotted with roses. The single Ox who reflects on the romantic events of his past years is likely to realize that love is reaching out to him, if only he manages to get his attention away from his books or the screen of his smartphone.

Love compatibility between the Ox and the Pig: The Ox and the Pig, if they are not part of the same love and friendship compatibility triangle, can perfectly fall in love with each other. In order to put their union ont the right track, they must nevertheless put in the forefront of their relationship the acceptance of the loved one in his / her complexity. Indeed, the cheerful and epicurean character of the Pig is not always in perfect harmony with the conservative and hardworking side of the Ox.

Ox’s wedding in 2019: Similarly, if there is no objection to an Ox getting married during a Year of the Pig, however, he must ensure that his marriage is celebrated on a solid foundation. In addition to favoring a month that is favorable to him (see below, "Luck and well-being for the Ox in 2019"), the Ox must look carefully at the lunar mansion corresponding to the potential days of celebration of his marriage, in order to favor the lunar mansions conducive to marriage but also those dedicated to professional achievement.

Is 2019 a good year to have a child for an Ox parent? Yes! The child-parent compatibility between a father or mother of the zodiac sign of the Ox with a child born during the Year of the Pig is good. The Ox parent, if he has trouble understanding the tastes of his Pig child, will still be able to support him in his choices, provided that the Pig child is able to demonstrate that his approach is serious and dedicated.

Money, career and social life for the Ox in 2019

The Year of the Earth Pig 2019 is a particularly rich and interesting time for the Ox. 2019 is a period during which the Ox must first reorganize his main professional activities. He is also confronted with the positive or negative consequences of past decisions, which he must accept without flinching. On the other hand, the Ox regains his fighting strength to confront and defuse the various conspiracies that gradually, discreetly fanned by jealousy and ambient mediocrity, develop within his work environment. Also to his advantage, the Ox learns during the Year of the Pig 2019 to better choose his associates and think twice before starting a new project with partners he barely knows. Still, the satisfaction of his work is more fulfilling as long as no domestic instability comes to disrupt his career plans. In addition, a concern of administrative order or a forgotten debt could come to dissipate a hardly acquired professional tranquility.

According to his 2019 career and money horoscope, the Ox tends to have the necessary energy during the Year of the Pig 2019 to make his businesses profitable and his investments profitable. Therefore, the more the Ox is effectively dedicated to his commitments, the better he shall be able to benefit. However, certain investments, such as the purchase or sale of shares or real estate can unfortunately be disappointing in case of precipitation. Of course, a patient and exhaustive prior check of the goods he wishes to sell or buy may allow the warned Ox to significantly reduce the risks involved.

Health and luck of the Ox in 2019

Ox health horoscope 2019

Concerning his 2019 health horoscope and during the Year of the Earth Pig 2019, the Ox must beware of small harmless cuts, taking care to disinfect immediately. Large excursions in the forest and a strong connection with the land help the Ox to regain his vitality during Earth years.

Luck and well-being for the Ox in 2019

Most favorable periods to the Ox in 2019: Month of the Snake (May 5th to June 2nd, 2019), Month of the Rooster (August 30th to September 28th, 2019), Month of the Rat (November 26th to December 25th, 2019), Month of the Ox (December 26th, 2019 to January 24th, 2020)

Least favorable period: Month of the Goat (July 3rd to July 31st, 2019)


Chinese Zodiac 2019 predictions for the Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Oxen

The main Element of your year of birth determines which type of Ox you are

Ox 2019 Chinese horoscope - Score and resolution for the Ox in 2019

Ox Chinese horoscope 2019 - Score and resolution for the Wood Ox, Fire Ox, Earth Ox, Metal Ox and Water Ox in 2019, by KarmaWeather
🐮 Chinese zodiac sign Birth Years Rating (out of 10) Resolution
🌳 Wood Ox 1925, 1985 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Put your emotional life in order
🔥 Fire Ox 1937, 1997 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Patience and discipline
🗿 Earth Ox 1949, 2009 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🛠 Metal Ox 1961, 2021 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Be indulgent
💧 Water Ox 1973, 2033 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Prudence and anticipation

🌳 Wood Ox (born in 1925, 1985)

Predictions for the Wood Ox in 2019: Oppositions, frequent disagreements on matters concerning the home. The desire to free oneself can have negative consequences. Problems related to language and communication. The Wood Ox must avoid taking the place of someone else at the risk of getting a backlash. Watch your nerves and cultivate patience.

🔥 Fire Ox (born in 1937, 1997)

Predictions for the Fire Ox in 2019: Small, frequent problems can be solved by better managing your time. Monitor the quality of your food and eating habits. Premature decisions. It is better to work for yourself without expecting anything from others. Control your recreation time. Future professional recognition to build. Small seemingly insignificant jealousies can turn into deep misunderstandings if you are not careful. Respect for seniors will be beneficial and protective.

🗿 Earth Ox (born in 1949, 2009)

Predictions for the Earth Ox in 2019: An unexpected stroke of luck is a source of joy and well-being. Harmony within the family. Any potential conflict must be stifled in the bud. Introduction of new important relationships in the social and friendly sphere. Accepting the help of a loved one will make transition easier.

🛠 Metal Ox (born in 1961)

Predictions for the Metal Ox in 2019: Tolerance to cultivate. Do not be too harsh on your subordinates. Appreciable return on investment. Good financial health not to compromise with decisions that are too subjective.

💧 Water Ox (born in 1973)

Predictions for the Water Ox in 2019: Misunderstandings within the family are quickly resolved. Make room for open-mindedness and family celebrations to counter any form of loneliness and isolation. The need to make a sentimental assessment can be urgent. Legal problem to manage in the second half of the year.

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