Ox, Buffalo's 2020 Chinese horoscope

Chinese horoscope for people born in the Year of the Ox (Buffalo), from the Lunar New Year 2020 and throughout the Year of the Rat 2020
By KarmaWeather - 14 November 2019
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

The Ox's complete predictions in 2020: love, luck, money, career and health

Ox's birth dates (Chinese calendar)

25/01/1925 - 12/02/1926
11/02/1937 - 30/01/1938
29/01/1949 - 16/02/1950
15/02/1961 - 04/02/1962
03/02/1973 - 22/01/1974
20/02/1985 - 08/02/1986
07/02/1997 - 27/01/1998
26/01/2009 - 13/02/2010
12/02/2021 - 31/01/2022

🐮 Personality horoscope of the Ox

Chinese New Year 2020 summary for the Ox

The Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Oxen in 2020

The Year of the Rat 2020 is an opportunity for the Ox (Buffalo) to consolidate his confidence. This year, you will find the strength and the will to fight effectively against all obstacles that could slow you down on the path you have set yourself. You should be able to easily leave your fears aside without ever letting chance decide your future. Because until now, you have always managed to cope with the difficulties, despite a series of past failures in 2019 that may have, logically, demotivated you somewhat until now.

Thus, the 2020 Chinese horoscope predicts a very beneficial year for the Ox. Success is finally at your fingertips, even if we will have to continue to be patient and perseverant to achieve a result that is up to your expectations. But everything will seem easier, because the energies of the Rat, the animal governing the Chinese year 2020, always bring you a new strength in terms of communication, which allows you to greatly improve the quality of your social relations. Therefore, you are able to comfort and develop friendly and professional relations of quality, because the predominant energies of the year of the Metal Rat of 2020 are in perfect symbiosis with your secondary elements which are the Metal and the Water. This situation allows you to understand with more accuracy and wisdom the existential aspirations of your interlocutors, thus promoting the birth of new lasting friendships.

Score of the Year of the Rat 2020 for the Ox

8 / 10

Chinese New Year 2020's resolution for the Ox

Understanding and elaboration

The Ox's 2020 amulet, colors, chakra and food

Amulet, colors, chakra and food for the Ox in 2020
💎 Amulet 🎨 Colors 🧘🏽 Chakra 🍉 Food
Emerald Ceruse white,
Malachite green,
Fuchsia pink
Heart chakra Asparagus,


Love, marriage and birth for the Ox in 2020


According to the 2020 love horoscope of the Ox, if you are single, you have all your chances to meet the soul mate throughout the Year of the Rat, because you finally end out of a relational stalemate. regarding your emotional relationships. The beginning of autumn 2020 is an ideal time for you in terms of quality encounters. In addition, the Rat generally helps you strengthen your desire to establish yourself seriously as a couple. A serious story could even start with a roommate. However, even though new encounters may be more numerous and fruitful than usual, you may have to give up some dating opportunities to make way for a lasting friendship. Still, to make the right choice, it is important that you take the time to understand how it works rather than let your impulses take control. Either way, your heart will quickly be able to reveal to you the relevance of a relationship in the long run or not.


If you are already in a relationship, in 2020 the family is at the center of your concerns. The Year of the Rat 2020 is a good time if you want to discuss intimate topics within your couple, whether it's as much about revealing your desires as your fears, in a deep dialogue that will only strengthen the quality your emotional connections. Since you feel more comfortable asserting yourself, you are finally able to free yourself from the burden of hesitation that has hitherto been able to dampen your quest for harmony within your relationship. In 2020 you finally learn to accept your spouse with his weaknesses, if indeed he is in a phase of constructive introspection. In short, you succeed in consolidating your relationship throughout the year 2020 thanks to a capacity of listening and increased acceptance, both towards yourself and towards your life partner.

Love compatibility and wedding between the Ox and the Rat: Click here to learn more about the Ox's compatibility with a Rat.

Is 2020 a good year to have a child for a parent Ox? Yes! If you are already in a relationship, you can consider the next arrival of a new member in your family. From the point of view of Chinese astrology, a Year of the Rat is propitious for any Ox who wishes to enlarge his family. If this is the case for you, you could easily conceive your child until the end of April 2021, knowing that a child born during a Year of the Rat (2020) or Year of the Ox (2021) is highly compatible with the Ox, whether it's his mother, his father or his brothers and sisters.

Money, career and social life for the Ox in 2020

Career and work

The Ox's professional horoscope 2020 gives you the opportunity to better understand your aspirations and redefine your priorities. You are presented with the opportunity to achieve serenity through the advent of a solid professional foundation. In particular, the better behavior of your agenda allows you to see a clear improvement in your working conditions. This should allow you to better understand the opportunities available to you and increase your productivity effectively. You will be where you least expect, able to revive projects in stagnation. The opportunity for foreign collaboration can be beneficial in the long run. Throughout the year 2020, you remain lucid and determined to finalize each project started. The beginnings of each Chinese month are the best times to give life to an idea. Similarly, avoid making important decisions at the end of the Chinese month. While luck is at your side, you could in turn attract unscrupulous partners, who like parasites, will not hesitate to tap into your resources to grab some of what is yours right. Therefore, if you have good advice to give, take the time to choose the one who really deserves your trust, at the risk, if not, to feel betrayed.


By 2020, the Ox can reasonably expect to regain financial stability. If you are an employee, either in the form of a bonus or a bonus year-end, a significant sum can come to comfort your situation and reassure your banker. On the other hand, this paradigm shift may make you want to spend your money more than you should. That's why, especially if you want to invest in a property, take care before you decide to seek the advice of a wise professional, who will be careful to summarize between your dreams and your repayment capabilities. Indeed, even if you feel able to sign a real estate loan plan with your bank, do not commit before being able to make a contribution of at least 30% of the total value of the property coveted . Moreover, the Feng Shui compatibility analysis of your future home with your birth Kua number is highly recommended, especially if you are looking to make your acquisition profitable over the long term. In the case of a collective investment at the outset, the fact of quickly placing each partner in the face of his duties and responsibilities by means of a contract is essential to dispel any future misunderstanding.

Social life

The 2020 Chinese horoscope of the Ox places social relations under the sign of reunion. Loved people, whose long absence has deeply affected you, are finally back in your life, for your greatest happiness. Once again at your side, these friends or family members will not hesitate to create a shield of protection around you to protect you from possible untimely attacks. Even if you are usually perfectly able to settle your affairs yourself, you will greatly appreciate the generous efforts made by supporters who want to help you grow.

If you could at times feel a bit isolated the previous year, you now discover with great excitement the benefits of the precious support provided by some people you thought you had lost sight of. However, each reappearance will necessarily have to go through the box of justification at one time or another, so that these warm reunions do not leave a bitter taste thereafter. For that, prepare yourself to ask delicate questions and also to receive your turn.

Health and auspicious periods of the Ox in 2020

Ox's health horoscope 2020

In 2020, think of changing your bed or mattress to have a comfort adapted to your body during your nights of sleep. In the morning or at the end of the day, walk regularly for 30 minutes at least three times a week and avoid wearing too heavy objects.

Internal organs to monitor: Watch your lower back especially and avoid tiring your liver by limiting your consumption of alcohol, sodas and foods containing too much added sugars (industrial dishes).

Good luck and well-being for the Ox in 2020

Most favorable periods: May 2020, September 2020, December 2020, January 2021

Least favorable period: July 2020


What does 2020 forecast for the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac?

Full yearly 2020 Chinese horoscope

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