Pig's 2020 Chinese horoscope

Chinese horoscope for people born in the Year of the Pig (Boar), from the Lunar New Year 2020 and throughout the Year of the Rat 2020
By KarmaWeather - 21 November 2019
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

The Pig's complete predictions in 2020: love, luck, money, career and health

Pig's birth dates (Chinese calendar)

16/02/1923 - 04/02/1924
04/02/1935 - 23/01/1936
22/01/1947 - 09/02/1948
08/02/1959 - 27/01/1960
27/01/1971 - 14/02/1972
13/02/1983 - 01/02/1984
31/01/1995 - 18/02/1996
18/02/2007 - 06/02/2008
05/02/2019 - 24/01/2020
23/01/2031 - 10/02/2032

🐷 Personality horoscope of the Pig

Chinese New Year 2020 summary for the Pig

The Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Pigs in 2020

The Chinese horoscope 2020 of the Pig foreshadows an uncertain year for the 12th animal of the Chinese calendar. You can therefore expect to experience joyful and fulfilling moments, followed by gloomy periods during which doubt assails you. With the advent of the Year of the Golden Rat in the aftermath of Chinese New Year's Eve 2020, your immoderate appetite for the feast and pleasures of life is dwindling as reality regains its rights. It's time for you to seize once again the opportunities you had put aside, but also to mourn some of your dreams that may have been too ambitious at this stage of your life.

Despite a situation that is not always favorable for you during the year 2020, you have the fierce desire to take care of yourself and preserve your optimism. It is therefore without rancor that you realize that nothing will be offered to you gracefully throughout the Year of the Rat 2020 and that you will have to stick to your projects to make them real.

However, before you embark on new conquests, you still need serenity and time to digest certain events that have marked you in 2019. Thus, the first months of the year 2020 can help you calmly resume your spirits or to heal your wounded soul with an irreconcilable heartache. But once this period is over, you have the opportunity to rephrase your true desires and review your priorities with greater clarity.

As you know, you are able to get up again without difficulty when you fall and lift mountains when you are properly motivated. So in 2020, you make sure you are always stronger and more determined in the face of unforeseen and uncomfortable situations. Each disillusionment will give way to new hope in another area. This is how you constantly seek to create light around you, because obscurity anguishes you deeply. Even though your battles may not all lead to victory against adversity, you stand ready to persevere with courage to maintain your balance in all aspects of your life. Each challenge you overcome will always make you more resilient and effective, bringing you ever closer to the success you aspire to.

Score of the Year of the Rat 2020 for the Pig

6 / 10

Chinese New Year 2020's resolution for the Pig

Resilience and acceptance

The Pig's 2020 amulet, colors, chakra and food

Amulet, colors, chakra and food for the Pig in 2020
💎 Amulet🎨 Colors🧘🏽 Chakra🍉 Food
CitrineBright pink,
Silver gray,
Sulfur yellow
Solar plexus chakraApricot,


Love, marriage and birth for the Pig in 2020


Except if you were born during the winter of a Year of the Pig, expect to have a lot of success in love during the year 2020, with a list of contenders that will not seem to dry up. However, you are more enticed to start a family and settle in your own home, decorated by you with love. In fact, 2020 is not an ideal year to get into a serious relationship, despite your recurring feeling of having finally met the soul mate. And even if you did, give yourself time to think through this crucial step in your life. Above all, do not hesitate a single second to break up, as soon as you understand that it is neither your charm nor your intelligence but your wallet that pushes your partner in your welcoming arms. Indeed, your credulity is often used to advantage by parasites of all kinds. And the year 2020 is full of this type of questionable characters. Also, be extremely lucid about the deep motivations of your lovers. In the meantime, nothing prevents you from enjoying the exciting adventures that will be offered to you, as long as you to keep the secret pin numbers of your credit card out of sight.


The 2020 love horoscope of the Pig offers the same uncertainties in his couple than for other aspects of his daily life. Indeed, concerning your intimate life, you have certainly felt somewhat neglected by your partner in the months preceding the Chinese New Year 2020. In the same way, ups and downs are to be expected during the year 2020. Some of the tensions could be caused in part by latent jealousy, resulting from persistent memories of ancient temptations. Even in case of hidden conflict, the dialogue ​​will eventually resume at some point. You will then have the opportunity to openly express your feelings and find the strength to accept the consequences of your past actions, if need be. Still, your willingness to make your spouse accept your difference will not be easy, especially during the first half of the year.

Love compatibility and wedding between the Pig and the Rat: Click here to learn more about the Pig's compatibility with a Rat.

Is 2020 a good year to have a child for a parent Pig? Yes, it's perfectly possible. The parent-child compatibility between a father or mother born during a Year of the Pig with a child "Rat" is rather peaceful and smooth. If respect is mutual, they do not have many passions in common. Thus, life under the same roof is pleasant for all, with a touch of boredom bonus, which is always better than constant disputes.

Money, career and social life for the Pig in 2020

Career and work

The Chinese horoscope 2020 prompts the Pig to seek a new professional path. But before embarking on a new adventure, it is essential that you have done a thorough analysis of your weaknesses and your assets. And especially since the beginnings of cycles of the Chinese calendar do not really benefit the Pig, especially on the organizational level.

Therefore, be sure to always be up-to-date in managing your paperwork to save time for topics critical to your development, such as business development. If you are applying for a new job, expect to have several positive answers in parallel. However, you will have to decide quickly so as not to miss your chance. If you are already employed in a company, be sure to anticipate obstacles early enough. Otherwise, you risk losing some of your benefits or seeing a career advancement offer slip through your fingers. Similarly, do not be fooled by your picky manager for not having anticipated a train canceled or forgotten to activate your alarm clock.

In your company, listening and discretion are your best tools to neutralize stubborn oppositions against you. Be careful not to be too reckless or too committed to your principles. Accept the innovations that transform your business little by little and update your skills without delay if you want to continue in the same field of activity. If you are an entrepreneur, do not compromise too quickly with your main partner on topics that seem essential to you, only for fear that it will hurt your good relations and that your company may be paralyzed in the short term. If your business partner deserves his place by your side, he will have the intelligence to question himself in time. By 2020 your professional credibility is your best asset. You will end up being heard, if not really understood.


The Chinese horoscope 2020 allows the Pig to maintain his financial equilibrium, provided that he is more personally involved in the management of his savings. During the first half of the year, avoid getting involved in a project you do not have complete control over. Similarly, do not engage in a major purchase that would require a gradual repayment, with monthly payments as endless as its interest rate is too high. Opt instead for the second half of the year to consider an investment, provided that it does not weaken you financially. Avoid at all costs all credit proposals that hide, behind their beautiful speech, insurmountable debts.

Besides, if you feel like you are stagnating, learn to be satisfied with what you already have and be reasonable. You will realize that you will be doing pretty well and that it will not deprive you of an occasional trip to your favorite restaurant. The beginning of the second half of 2020 should allow you to stabilize your finances, because a commercial gain or a salary increase can occur, which will allow you to project yourself into the future in a much more serene way.

Finally, if you play lotto during the year 2020, remember that the Chinese zodiac signs of the fourth compatibility triangle (Rabbit, Goat, Pig) are rather lucky in this area during the Rat Years. Also, do not hesitate to try your luck, reasonably of course. Prefer the days controlled by the Chinese animal of your birth day during your good months and if you are over 30 years old. If not, play during the rising moon.

Social life

By 2020, you are less likely to be in the limelight and prefer to shine in a small circle of friends. However, you are likely to become a center of collective interest as you seek to be as discreet as possible. Requests from all sides can then monopolize you, especially during the summer period.

To top it off, nothing you do will seem to be enough for some of your companions. Therefore, avoid falling into the classic trap of always seeking to please to the detriment of one's own interests. You must learn to select the solicitations that are really worthy of treatment, giving priority to those who are part of your inner circle. People you only see 2 or 3 times a year will have to find other solutions to solve their problems. On the other hand, if you feel overwhelmed by an unexpected event, do not refuse the offer of support offered by a friend you have not seen for a long time.

Health and auspicious periods of the Pig in 2020

Pig health horoscope 2020

Anxiety is not so far off for the Pig in 2020. Therefore, find the extra-professional activities that are able to stimulate you and do not hesitate to share your possible distress, focusing on the closest members of your family and your most intimate friends.

Internal organs to monitor: In 2020, keep an eye on your stomach and esophagus. In the evening, avoid eating foods that can cause gastroesophageal reflux, such as coffee, chocolate, tea, citrus fruits, soft drinks, spices, mint and tomatoes. Also reduce your alcohol consumption and if you are concerned, take the opportunity to stop smoking, at long last.

Good luck and well-being for the Pig in 2020

Most favorable periods: March 2020, July 2020, November 2020

Least favorable period: May 2020


What does 2020 forecast for the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac?

Full yearly 2020 Chinese horoscope

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