Rat's 2020 Chinese horoscope

Chinese horoscope for people born in the Year of the Rat, from the Lunar New Year 2020 and throughout the Year of the Rat 2020
By KarmaWeather - 13 November 2019
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

The Rat's complete predictions in 2020: love, luck, money, career and health

Rat's birth dates (Chinese calendar)

05/02/1924 - 24/01/1925
24/01/1936 - 10/02/1937
10/02/1948 - 28/01/1949
28/01/1960 - 14/02/1961
15/02/1972 - 02/02/1973
02/02/1984 - 19/02/1985
19/02/1996 - 06/02/1997
07/02/2008 - 25/01/2009
25/01/2020 - 11/02/2021

🐭 Personality horoscope of the Rat

Chinese New Year 2020 summary for the Rat

The Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Rats in 2020

The Chinese horoscope of 2020 envisages a colorful period for the Rat during the governance of his Chinese zodiac sign throughout the year 2020. His charm and luck being increased tenfold, it is time for the Rat, the first sign of the cycle of the 12 animals of Chinese astrology, to take action. In fact, in the Chinese calendar, each beginning of the 12-year cycle benefits those who are fully aware of their capacities, both material and spiritual. If you have taken care to close the previous cycle in a proper way, leaving nothing unfinished, you could expect to achieve your aspirations during the course of the year 2020. Otherwise, especially for health, an unresolved and neglected problem for some time will have to be dealt with at some point. In 2020, the Rat has a particularly sharp flair. Take advantage of this period full of beneficial energies to reinforce your assets to better prepare the future.

Score of the Year of the Rat 2020 for the Rat

8 / 10

Chinese New Year 2020's resolution for the Rat

Revolution and restoration

The Rat's 2020 amulet, colors, chakra and food

Amulet, colors, chakra and food for the Rat in 2020
💎 Amulet🎨 Colors🧘🏽 Chakra🍉 Food
RubyCrimson red,
Scarlet red,
Root chakraWhite cabbage,
Red apple


Good news for the Rat in 2020!

It is often customary to think that the crossing of a year governed by one's own Chinese zodiac sign is not a good omen. However, and while this may be observable for some of the Chinese zodiac signs, such as the Tiger, the Snake or the Goat, this is not the case for the Rat who spends a very good year (provided that he remains lucid and cautious in all circumstances). In order to avert any possible bad luck, it is still advisable to the Rat to wear an amulet reserved for those who cross their own Chinese zodiac year, in the form of a simple red bracelet.

Love, marriage and birth for the Rat in 2020

According to the Chinese horoscope 2020 of the Rat, if you are single and have just started a new romantic relationship, the year 2020 could herald a good time to build a home in the long term. To do this, first check that your new conquest shares with you the same taste for savings, for the maintenance of the comfort of the house, as well as for the maintenance of social and friendly ties. We should also remember that the Ox (Buffalo), the Dragon and the Monkey are ideal partners for any Rat who wishes to establish himself in the long term with the one he thinks is the love of his life. Another Rat may also be compatible for love, provided you separate the finances of each from the start. On the other hand, the Horse, the Goat (Sheep) and the Rabbit (Hare, Cat) do not really share the same existential dynamics as the Chinese zodiac sign of the Rat. Therefore, in case of strong attraction towards one of them, it is strongly advised to take the time to know the person well before taking the step for good.

If you go through a difficult time following a sentimental disappointment or break-up in 2019, the year 2020 gives you the opportunity to calmly overcome this situation, provided you fully accept the reality. A better organization of your daily life, consolidated by the discreet but faithful support of a sincere friend, will greatly help you to speed up the repair process. However, be careful not to accept all suggestions for compassionate help, because it is not about getting anyone into your inner circle. This healing period of your soul, where you feel particularly fragile, must at no time be a source of danger to your integrity. For this reason, allow only the support of people who have known you for many years and of whom you are sure that your pain is not for him (or for her) at the source of an unhealthy pleasure. Also, take care of your mind with comforting activities, both sporting and cultural. The start of a new cycle of Chinese astrology is usually beneficial for you. The restoration is the motto of the Rats who have the heart in pain. In 2020, by opting for the preservation of your well-being, both physical and mental, you will have the batteries recharged much earlier than you would have thought.

Love compatibility and wedding between the Rat and the Rat: Click here to learn more about the Rat's compatibility with another Rat.

Is 2020 a good year to have a child for a parent Rat? Yes! If you are already in a relationship, there may be a question of the upcoming arrival of a new member in your family. According to the Chinese horoscope 2020, the year is beneficial for all the Rats who are considering the upcoming arrival of a baby. Also, you could easily conceive your child until the end of April 2021. In general, a child, boy or girl, born during a Year of the Rat or a Year of the Ox is highly compatible with a parent, father or mother, of the sign of the Rat.

Money, career and social life for the Rat in 2020

Career and work

At the professional level in 2020, thanks to your increased productivity, stimulated by the momentum of renewal, you now want more than anything to finally realize your ideas and really give you the means to progress effectively. According to the Rat's Chinese horoscope 2020, the opportunities to realize your projects are multiplying and potentially offer you the path to success in many areas. Things are accelerating and companies that seemed to be running out of steam have found a life-saving spirit.

If you are looking for a job, you will be able to be more responsive to the opportunities that will come your way. Do not forget that your natural flair, combined with your fast analytical faculty, is your best weapon to make this highly beneficial period profitable for you. However, you are advised to be wary of any thoughtless and hasty act. Events will not work to your disadvantage as long as you learn to dominate your passions and be more attentive to the minutiae. Otherwise, we will have to take a step backwards before we can start again, despite the regrets. Act methodically, task after task. Managing several projects at once is not recommended at the beginning of a new cycle under the main influence of your Chinese zodiac sign.

Moreover, if you bring care and meticulousness to your work, you will get in return the admiration and gratitude of your colleagues and professional partners. In general, the months that are charged with the energy of Earth elements (see the calendar of Chinese seasons) and Wood (spring) correspond to periods when it is better to consolidate projects rather than lay the foundations of new businesses. On the other hand, these periods can be profitable if you want to design new projects, even if you can feel in parallel a possible persistent tiredness and a feeling of loss of efficiency. On this occasion, unforeseen or poorly calculated expenses can be carefully avoided thanks to the organization of good rest periods.


Thanks to the positive momentum of the Rat in the professional field in 2020, prospects for exceptional financial gains and even enrichment exist. To reinforce this favorable situation, the Rat is also able to be more vigilant about its expenses, because the experiences of the past at the origin of worries of money are from now on perfectly assimilated. Therefore, in order to plan and, most importantly, secure your material future in 2020, you will not let any events thwart your savings plans. If you aspire to the realization of your projects, you will be able to convincingly convince investors interested in your company. Regarding the acquisition of material or real estate, the first part of the summer is not really conducive to a major purchase, rather wait for the second. The other months of the year do not present a major risk for an investment, provided that you take good care to carry out the market studies that are required before any decision.

Social life

For the Rat, the Chinese horoscope 2020 is conducive to social life and festive time with friends. Thus, the role and presence of family and friends is growing in importance over previous years. If you have enough space, you will be more likely to host parties to reinforce your connections with those who matter to you. If you want to move, choose Spring 2020 or between the end of August and the beginning of September 2020.

When interacting with others, avoid over-displaying your current success because you could create strong secret jealousies and unnecessarily create enmity closer to you. Even if you only rarely show it, you are sensitive to criticism. However, be able to not internalize the potential devaluations issued by your competitors or those who envy you. Be that as it may in 2020, you remain aware of your strengths and you are perfectly capable of creating a security perimeter around you so as not to find yourself on the path of negative energies to which you are very receptive.

Health and auspicious periods of the Rat in 2020

Rat health horoscope 2020

In 2020 beware of dehydration. Drink 1.5 liters of water a day. Do regular stretching if you sit too long in front of a screen. Moderate your consumption of sweets made from flour.

Internal organs to monitor: The organs for which particular care must be taken in 2020 are the kidneys and the bladder

Good luck and well-being for the Rat in 2020

Most favorable periods: April 2020, August 2020, December 2020, January 2021

Least favorable period: June 2020


What does 2020 forecast for the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac?

Full yearly 2020 Chinese horoscope

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