Rooster's 2020 Chinese horoscope

Chinese horoscope for people born in the Year of the Rooster (Chicken), from the Lunar New Year 2020 and throughout the Year of the Rat 2020
By KarmaWeather - 24 November 2019
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

The Rooster's complete predictions in 2020: love, luck, money, career and health

Rooster's birth dates (Chinese calendar)

08/02/1921 - 27/01/1922
26/01/1933 - 13/02/1934
13/02/1945 - 01/02/1946
31/01/1957 - 17/02/1958
17/02/1969 - 05/02/1970
05/02/1981 - 24/01/1982
23/01/1993 - 09/02/1994
09/02/2005 - 28/01/2006
28/01/2017 - 15/02/2018
13/02/2029 - 02/02/2030

🐔 Personality horoscope of the Rooster

Chinese New Year 2020 summary for the Rooster

The Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Roosters in 2020

The Rooster's 2020 Chinese horoscope augurs a year with prospects as numerous as distant from your initial expectations. However, it is in your best interest not to miss out on opportunities that may be available to you because you have the rare opportunity to breathe new life into your aspirations. Spiritually and materially, whole areas of your life mutate, carried by the stimulating breath of renewal.

It's with a light heart that you take the road, decided to explore the steep and unknown paths that are presented to you throughout the Year of the Rat 2020. You decide to bet on your elegance and an unwavering smile to stand out and take the advantage in situations where you are not in a favorable position. Yang Metal (main element of the year 2020) being in perfect agreement with Yin Metal (of the Rooster), you are able to benefit fully from the energy flows related to earthly possessions. Beginning with the Chinese New Year 2020, you also have many opportunities to reshape your friendships, even if it means moving away from certain people.

During the 2020 Chinese Year, the Rooster's talent for rapidly adopting new fields of activity, combined with a strong desire to discover new horizons, can inspire him to give a new direction to his professional career. This is all the better because there are plenty of opportunities coming up, even if it means being flexible and open-minded, both in terms of mobility and types of jobs.

However, remember that luck is not always at your side in 2020. You risk losing feathers if you do not exercise caution and a keen sense of anticipation. You have to avoid the waste but also the toxic people who are putting you down for the sake of it. Impatience may trick you, especially if you continue to believe that it is through movement that you will be able to solve all your problems. Your decisions are only the putting into action of your thoughts. Enjoy moments of calm to structure your thinking effectively, away from stress and noise. Similarly, you will gain by sticking to reality and stay organized in all circumstances. Finally, do not worry too much, your iron will and your intelligence will manage to protect you from the hazards encountered during this year governed by the agile and cunning Rat.

Score of the Year of the Rat 2020 for the Rooster

6 / 10

Chinese New Year 2020's resolution for the Rooster

Realism and preservation

The Rooster's 2020 amulet, colors, chakra and food

Amulet, colors, chakra and food for the Rooster in 2020
💎 Amulet 🎨 Colors 🧘🏽 Chakra 🍉 Food
Lapis lazuli Persian blue,
Maya blue,
Chrome yellow
Sacral chakra Potatoes,


Love, marriage and birth for the Rooster in 2020


The Chinese Horoscope 2020 of the Rooster is a harbinger of a period during which the 10th sign of Chinese astrology finds it easier to have dates with no tomorrow than to finally encounter the great and only true love. It is especially in the first half of the lunar year 2020 that the opportunities for love flirts are abundantly conceivable.

For being truly successful in the art of love, you really have to accept your share of originality. Make your true aspirations a force rather than a brake that prevents you from asserting yourself and your charm. It is in the manifestation of your desires with others that you are most likely to achieve true emotional fulfillment and perhaps even to attract the soulmate.


If you are already in a relationship, the Chinese horoscope 2020 is favorable to the reorganization of domestic life. In the case of a disagreement with your partner, 2020 could be a year of releasing tensions within the couple, thanks to a total reconfiguration of the interior design of the house or apartment, decided jointly. Indeed, more than a break up or a temporary separation with his spouse, it is more about creating a shared space and more Feng Shui within the home. In particular, you need to find a better balance in the layout of the furniture so as not to generate involuntary frustration. For example, it can be the repositioning of a table or a cupboard whose previous location impeded the passage from one point to another of the house. Finally, in order not to spoil anything in your relationship, you must also agree to give up some of your principles, because you are sometimes a little too intransigent about the rules and order that must prevail at home. Following this new domestic configuration, everyone should be able to enhance their daily routine with new activities. Having an intimate personal space, as small as it is, always helps to calm the tensions within the couple. It may be a storage room converted into a small office, a part of the garage converted into a DIY workshop or the cellar turned into a recording studio.

Love compatibility and wedding between the Rooster and the Rat: Click here to learn more about the Rooster's compatibility with a Rat.

Is 2020 a good year to have a child for a parent Rooster? No, unless one of the parents is born in the Year of the Ox or belongs to the same compatibility triangle as the Rat (Rat, Dragon, Monkey). From the point of view of Chinese astrology, the parent-child compatibility between a parent, father or mother, of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Rooster with a child "Rat" is not ideal. The intuitive and clever character of the Rat child is not always well understood by a parent Rooster, rigorous and honest. If you want to have a child in the coming months, plan for it starting in April 2020 for a birth during the Year of the Ox 2021, because a child Ox (Buffalo) is highly compatible with a parent Rooster.

Money, career and social life for the Rooster in 2020

Career and work

According to the Rooster's career horoscope of 2020, your plans initiated for some time are finally starting to bear fruit. Because of the learned mistakes of the past, you are now able to develop your business acumen with much more efficiency. Because by affirming your ambitions in a more determined way, you discover at the same time an inner strength that could be lacking in recent years. Thanks to this, you manage to better control the course of events, whose direction could escape you until now. Thus, you are even more precise in your choices and your decisions, just as it is easier for you to optimize your planning to organize your time with maximum efficiency. Good news around the month of September 2020, in connection with abroad, will comfort you even more in the esteem you have of yourself and your productive capacities. If you are employed as an employee and your hierarchy asks you to make a greater effort than usual, take the time to anticipate events to limit the effects of surprise but above all learn to differentiate between a legitimate remark and a moral pressure intended to harm you by depreciating you unfairly. Take care to maintain a reasonable pace of the rhythm you want to give to your activities and do not neglect moments of rest that will be of great benefit to you in the long run, if you are looking to further consolidate what you have built. If you are able to say no to any rush and you manage to separate the futile from the indispensable, the nasty pressure of a petty chief of the friendly advise of a benevolent manager, then you can expect to get full benefit benefit from your efforts during the year 2020.


The Rooster's 2020 Chinese horoscope reminds you that you are entering a time when your finances will not be as prosperous as you would have hoped. Be more selective in your purchases and refrain your spending urges by all means (for example, if you go out for a walk, do not take your wallet on you). In this Golden Rat year, the dynamic is focused on enrichment. if you are tempted by an investment, stay above all cautious and ask yourself if it fits well with your long-term goals. In the second half of the year, you can expect your financial situation to stabilize at last.

Social life

Regarding his social relations, the Chinese horoscope 2020 tells the Rooster that he can expect to go through a turbulent year, during which he has many opportunities to expand and alter his network, both friendly and professional. Between private dinners and parties with friends, certain occasions will be at the source of new friendships or new collaborations. In 2020, you just need to remember that your nobility of soul is expressed first by your tendency to give credit to the first comer. Thus, if you keep that in mind, you will more easily keep control of this main source of trouble regarding your social interactions. In addition, remember that what characterizes you most often is your outspokenness and your tendency to believe that everyone shares the same values of righteousness and honesty as you. Also, do not be surprised to see some old friendly relationships gradually deteriorate due to latent opposition to your moral principles.

On the other hand, if you are too demanding with others, expect to suffer the same fate at some point. In reality, being lucid in the face of alterity, without necessarily trying to change your interlocutor at all costs will save you from wasting energy unnecessarily. Finally, in the second half of the year, you should rather think first and foremost about your own interests if ever someone seeks your help. Because by always wanting to be available to help others, you could ignore your personal problems and risk, in turn, to jeopardize what you have built.

Health and auspicious periods of the Rooster in 2020

Rooster health horoscope 2020

This year work your muscles and the general flexibility of your body. Do not make any intense physical effort without warming up beforehand. If necessary, organize coconut oil massage sessions to get rid of the stress accumulated throughout the Year of the Rat 2020.

Internal organs to monitor: Pay particular attention to your kidneys. Drink water regularly during the day and avoid alcohol in everyday life.

Good luck and well-being for the Rooster in 2020

Most favorable periods: April 2020, May 2020, September 2020, January 2021

Least favorable period: March 2020


What does 2020 forecast for the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac?

Full yearly 2020 Chinese horoscope

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