Snake's 2020 Chinese horoscope

Chinese horoscope for people born in the Year of the Snake, from the Lunar New Year 2020 and throughout the Year of the Rat 2020
By KarmaWeather - 26 November 2019
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

The Snake's complete predictions in 2020: love, luck, money, career and health

Snake's birth dates (Chinese calendar)

10/02/1929 - 09/01/1930
27/01/1941 - 14/02/1942
14/02/1953 - 02/02/1954
02/02/1965 - 20/02/1966
18/02/1977 - 06/02/1978
06/02/1989 - 26/01/1990
24/01/2001 - 11/02/2002
10/02/2013 - 30/01/2014
29/01/2025 - 16/02/2026

🐍 Personality horoscope of the Snake

Chinese New Year 2020 summary for the Snake

The Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Snakes in 2020

The Chinese horoscope 2020 of the Snake advocates a dynamic year for the sixth sign of Chinese astrology, during which he finds the will to endorse his duties and obligations, to engage more firmly on the road to success. Your primary mission is to clean up your life. No more dithering on a future that seemed so uncertain to you. With the advent of the new 12-year cycle of the Chinese calendar, you want more than ever to give a new impetus to your existence. First of all, strongly supported by the annual energies that are in harmony with your secondary forces, all the events that closely or remotely touch material matters and money are remarkably favorable to you. Now you do not hesitate to be methodical and organized to achieve what you covet. Towards the middle of the year, you will find a confidence in your abilities that you had missed in 2019. You are able to claim loud and clear the respect you're owed and the merit that is yours. In 2020, you still have difficulties to bear that certain situations can still clutter you. The Metal element helps you to slice with your old demons and break away with everything that slows you down in your life.

Starting from the Chinese New Year 2020, prepare yourself mentally to be confronted towards the middle of the year with a salutary rupture with a poisonous relation, the reorganization of an ineffective team at work, or even the long-awaited departure from a lifeplace that did not fit you anymore. Whatever the decisions you make, the consequences of your choices will sometimes run up against the limits of the impossible.

However, before this critical passage of your year, focused on shaping and lightening, you will necessarily go through a phase of preparation before being able to display your intentions and act accordingly. In any case, you solidify your position and manage to make room in your existence so that your true aspirations have a good chance of being realized. One thing is clear though, in 2020, you want things to change thoroughly. You are right to be optimistic, because you are amply capable of being the master of your destiny. 2020 gives you the opportunity to prove it to the world.

Score of the Year of the Rat 2020 for the Snake

7 / 10

Chinese New Year 2020's resolution for the Snake

Awakening and pathways

The Snake's 2020 amulet, colors, chakra and food

Amulet, colors, chakra and food for the Snake in 2020
💎 Amulet🎨 Colors🧘🏽 Chakra🍉 Food
MalachiteEnglish green,
forest green,
Maya blue
Heart chakraEggplant,
passion fruit


Love, marriage and birth for the Snake in 2020


The Snake's horoscope of 2020 offers you a crisp year in terms of emotional encounters, especially in the second half of the year when you will be more likely to meet potential serious relationships. If you have experienced sentimental disappointment the year before, you should have the opportunity to turn the page faster than expected. However, in the first part of the year, you may at times feel the physical need to free yourself from your emotions, in order to permanently free yourself from your emotional blockages. This will not only allow you to make peace with your past failures, but also to become more selective and less candid in your new adventures, because you would not want to make the same mistakes with the same types of people. Thus, you will review all of your seduction ploys to attract more varied profiles than usual. In addition, you will be able to be more fulfilled and find a more harmonious balance in relationships that will require more intellectual than physical understanding. Also, you should again be able to take advantage of your persuasive qualities, just as you will more easily gain the admiration of your partner.


With regard to the couple, the Chinese horoscope 2020 of the Snake is much more open. The year 2020 offers you a good dynamic in the progress of your love life. The good news follows each other harmoniously, to the delight of your family. Reminiscence of the small struggles that have animated your couple in the past, rather than arouse resentment, take on a playful and funny dimension. However, avoid pushing your partner into his / her entrenchments when you address existential questions that do not need to divide you. Know how to compliment him / her and give him / her proof of your affection.

If the whole of the Chinese year 2020 remains positive to the Snake couple, it is still worth remembering some fundamentals of the energy influence of the Metal Rat (of the year) on the Snake. Indeed, the most critical point to watch in 2020 concerns your excessive propensity to jealousy. You risk feeling it with the same introspective intensity as a praying hermit in his cave. It can sometimes make you cold, brittle and obsessive, without your partner finding the reasons behind your almost irrational attitude. Especially as the specific energies of the year will tend to stimulate many times this difficult side of your character, much to the chagrin of your partner. That's why, when you feel that you are going to enter an internal crisis, find an excuse and quietly leave in silence to try to quickly put the situation into perspective. You should thereby preserve your emotional balance and succeed in disturbing as little as possible the harmony of your relationship.

Love compatibility and wedding between the Snake and the Rat: Click here to learn more about the Snake's compatibility with a Rat.

Is 2020 a good year to have a child for a parent Snake? Yes! If you are in a relationship, you can definitely consider the arrival of a new child in your family. From the point of view of Chinese astrology, a Year of the Rat is propitious for all the people of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Snake who wish to enlarge their families. A child "Rat" will surely impress his parent Snake in many areas. Both have an intellectual and protective complicity for each other. In addition, you can consider conceiving your child until the end of April 2021, because the parent-child compatibility of a baby born during the Year of the Rat (2020) but also during the Year of the Ox (2021) is excellent for a father or mother of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Snake.

Money, career and social life for the Snake in 2020

Career and work

The Snake's Chinese horoscope of 2020 also gives you the opportunity to become more involved in your personal development to improve your manual and intellectual skills. You fully understand the need to consolidate your achievements in order to remain competitive on all fronts. Consequently, your creativity as well as your productivity will be increased tenfold, especially in the first half of the year. If you are employed in a company, this is the time to assert your rights or ask for a salary increase. In addition, new career prospects, stimulated by the Chinese zodiac sign of the Golden Rat (of the year), should also strengthen your optimism for the future. Because among your goals in the short or medium term, figure your desire to no longer have to undergo the yoke of an oppressive hierarchy. For that reason, you will have to look for the tools that will help you to evolve and completely remodel your career path. Without necessarily having to wait any longer, the year 2020 can offer you the opportunity to invest in a profitable business or even start your own business. No more obstacles can resist you long as your will and your determination keep being your major assets during all this period governed by the Chinese zodiac sign of the Rat.


You can expect a favorable evolution for your finances from the end of the first quarter of the year 2020. If you were reasonable last year, expect to spend a comfortable year, where the end of the difficult month are a distant memory. The metal element that accompanies the animal that governs 2020 will stimulate your desire to effectively expand your material possessions. At the end of the summer, a promotion, an annuity, an inheritance or even a donation can consolidate your bank account even more.

During the Chinese year 2020, your main expenses are perishable objects, especially food and clothing. Also, the beginning of the summer could be an opportunity for you to review your interior design or buy this pair of shoes, sad and lonely behind its shop window. With prudence and parsimony, you can easily live comfortably without ever having the impression of depriving yourself of the little pleasures of life. It is in the fall of 2020 that you might be tempted by the purchase of a major property (car, apartment). If you plan to realize your purchase before the end of autumn, take the time to ensure the quality of the product as well as the credibility of the seller.

Social life

This year you can sort through your social relationships, which should allow you to give priority to the people who really deserve your attention. Say goodbye to people who pretend to be friends or trusted colleagues, but who are really just taking advantage of you and your network. However, expect to unexpectedly see them again at meetings or evenings. Some explanations may then be necessary to ease past tensions, because your greatness of soul forbids you to make a final judgment on people who have disappointed you. Be that as it may, 2020 gives you the opportunity to discover a new aspect of your personality, through which you are able to renounce certain ideals and recognize in parallel the sufferings that others sometimes go through too.

As a result of this greater openness to the human soul, you also want to give new life to your old friendships, whose more distant relations have not been enough to diminish the importance to your eyes. These new approaches to others will be all the more facilitated as your sense of strategy and your listening quality will be particularly solicited and recognized.

Oh, how nice to feel respected, admired, and desired! But do not be fooled by flattery either. Likewise, if you manage to maintain your balance in your contact with others, however, avoid financial transactions with close friends so as not to place your reunion under the seal of unwelcome indebtedness. Not to mention that your progress in terms of career can also cause some jealousies, very real this time.It is therefore not worthwhile to spread the news of all your recent successes. Make discretion your favorite tool to protect your good spirits and not to tease the friendly bonds that begin to weave again in 2020. You will reach then a social blossoming as serene as comforting.

Health and auspicious periods of the Snake in 2020

Snake health horoscope 2020

In 2020 make a complete health check to calmly start this new cycle of the Chinese calendar. Also consider to change bedding to maintain a balanced sleep pattern and get a more suitable office chair for your back. Also be sure to check where the food you buy comes from before you eat it, especially if it is seafood.

Internal organs to monitor: This year, keep an eye on the condition of your ears and adjacent areas. Avoid long-term, high-volume use of a headset. If necessary, have the doctor remove any wax plugs inside your ears. Earwax is a natural wax present in the ears that protects the eardrums and fights against infections that can cause deafness. Moreover, contrary to popular belief, the use of cotton swabs can promote the formation of cerumen in addition to contributing to global pollution when they are plastic (today, alternatives in cotton and paper exist). Rinsing your ears with soap and water in the shower is normally amply sufficient for maintaining their hygiene.

Good luck and well-being for the Snake in 2020

Most favorable periods: May 2020, August 2020, September 2020, January 2021

Least favorable period: November 2020


What does 2020 forecast for the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac?

Full yearly 2020 Chinese horoscope

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