Tiger Horoscope 2022: Luck, Chinese zodiac Forecast

2022 Chinese horoscope for men & women born in the Year of the Tiger, from Lunar New Year and throughout the Year of the Tiger of 2022
By KarmaWeather - 12 August 2021
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Year of the Tiger's complete & accurate predictions in 2022

Discover below the 2022 horoscope of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Tiger with our annual astrological forecast specific to each type of Tiger. Let us remember that what is commonly called the Chinese zodiac sign (or first pillar of destiny) corresponds to the association of the animal and the element of their year of birth: Wood Tiger, Fire Tiger, Earth Tiger, Metal Tiger and Water Tiger.

We also offer solutions to help you have the luckiest Chinese year 2022 possible, thanks to the Tiger's healing stones and Feng Shui colors for 2022, his main chakra to work on, his forecasts in love, health, money and career, without forgetting his best monthly periods for the achievement of his objectives.

🐯 Year of the Tiger's personality & characteristics

2022 horoscope for Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal & Water Tigers

🌳 Chinese horoscope 2022 for the Wood Tiger

The Wood Tiger's 2022 Chinese horoscope predicts a year of recovery and opportunity in areas that affect his material life. At work, the Wood Tiger has the means to forge new professional links with interesting personalities, from different upbringing and backgrounds. If this expansion of his network is encouraged by the Water element of the Year, some concessions will still be expected. In addition, it will be necessary to examine the real individual and collective issues before any new association, however promising they may be. The Wood Tiger could be generous, preferably with people whose merits he knows. Because in the event of disappointment, a feeling of betrayal would then take over, jeopardizing the common projects already initiated. In the financial field, budget management difficulties could play with the nerves of the Wood Tiger. If savings have been made in the course of the previous year, it will inevitably have to be used for something useful and lasting. Regarding love, luck will be able to smile again on the celibate Wood Tiger, on condition that he does not always repeat the same mistakes of consideration and appreciation of others. Because despite all his good will, he too often pays for the consequences of his states of exalted inspiration and his excess of confidence in strangers.

Date, annual score and resolution 2022 of the Wood Tiger
Wood Tiger dateScoreResolution
23/01/1974 - 10/02/1975★★★★☆Take the time to feel things before savoring them

🔥 Chinese horoscope 2022 for the Fire Tiger

The Fire Tiger's Chinese horoscope 2022 heralds a double-edged year, with diametrically opposed possibilities that will largely depend on the directions it decides to follow. At work, a dynamic similar to that of last year should not deter the Fire Tiger from his objectives. Exciting opportunities will be at his fingertips. In 2022, the Fire Tiger's will to progress should give him the necessary strength to meet the unprecedented challenges that he will have set himself as part of his social ascent. However, the Water element of the Chinese year 2022 should regularly temper the enthusiasm of the Fire Tiger, being the source of harmful behavior by some of the members of his entourage. His projects will progress all the same, despite some unpleasant surprises occurring at the least opportune times. Once or twice a year, it will probably be necessary to make a tune-up with the one who will have deliberately sought to sabotage his efforts. But no settling of scores will be effective without first securing the strategic support of the other stakeholders in the project. In 2022, the financial situation of the Fire Tiger is directly correlated with the harmony that he will manage to maintain between his private and professional life. Regarding love, no sentimental disappointment, betrayal or lie will ever succeed in depressing him for a very long time. It will just be enough that he accepts to moderate his expectations by having a more realistic look at the capacities that his partners have to keep their promises. At worst, it wouldn't be such a bad idea if the Fire Tiger takes advantage of 2022 to focus on the personal well-being that single life can offer, especially since he will have much more important matters to settle elsewhere.

Date, annual score and resolution 2022 of the Fire Tiger
Fire Tiger dateScoreResolution
13/02/1926 - 01/02/1927★★★☆☆Knowing how to take advantage of the unexpected
09/02/1986 - 28/01/1987

🗿 Chinese horoscope 2022 for the Earth Tiger

The Earth Tiger's Chinese horoscope 2022 bodes well for an oscillating but dynamic year, during which the Earth Tiger will above all have the opportunity to take a turn in his professional life. The errors of judgment on which he will have taken the time to meditate will help him to project himself with more confidence and precision in new directions. If he overcomes his pride to make the request, he shall be able to obtain effective supports in the most delicate moments, when his decision-making will have the most impact on the rest of his career. When it comes to finances, watch out for debts incurred. Savings plans must be respected at all costs, even if it means sacrificing certain secondary pleasures. Concerning love, the new encounters of the celibate Earth Tiger should not make him deviate from his priority objectives. In addition to being careful not to repeat the same mistakes of the past, the Earth Tiger must first and foremost guarantee his material security rather than concentrating all his efforts in the search for a soul mate. Taking a risk could have the effect of returning to square one.

Date, annual score and resolution 2022 of the Earth Tiger
Earth Tiger dateScoreResolution
31/01/1938 - 18/02/1939★★★☆☆Building the foundations well
28/01/1998 - 15/02/1999

🛠 Chinese horoscope 2022 for the Metal Tiger

The Metal Tiger's Chinese horoscope 2022 portends a year of change and progress. At work, the key event of Chinese New Year 2022 could prefigure a major change in the configuration within his company and his position in the organization chart. The Metal Tiger will have to adapt his daily life to be able to effectively manage the stressful moments due to his work, by sparing himself moments of relaxation and disconnection with his friends and his family. To support the extrinsic changes in his professional environment, the Metal Tiger would do as well not to get involved openly in the intricacies of his company's policy, in order to protect himself from the inevitable rumors that precede any major upheaval, and to maintain his credibility with his colleagues as well as his superiors. On the material level, the Metal Tiger should a priori be preserved from possible financial difficulties during the Chinese year 2022. If he intends to make a significant expenditure at one point of the year, it will be more to strengthen his comfort and the well-being of those close to them. As for love, the Water element will be the source of significant periods of fatigue. The emergence of a new cycle, marked by the beginning or the end of a sentimental relationship, is predictable. Either way, it is a period of renewal that is looming. One just has to avoid ego wars.

Date, annual score and resolution 2022 of the Metal Tiger
Metal Tiger dateScoreResolution
17/02/1950 - 05/02/1951★★★☆☆Take advantage of each day to give existence a meaning
14/02/2010 - 02/02/2011

💧 Chinese horoscope 2022 for the Water Tiger

The Water Tiger's Chinese horoscope 2022 heralds a year marked by optimism fueled by a dynamic shaped by a desire to materialize. At work, the Water Tiger is capable of spectacular feats throughout the Chinese year 2022. All the battles, conflicts and negotiations of the previous months will eventually end in his favor. With luck at his side, the Water Tiger can finally see the big picture and rare are the events that will force him to give up his plans. The energy of the Water element of the year 2022 will provide him with the necessary strength to surpass himself in the event of fatigue or unforeseen obstacles. Whether it is a new prestigious position, the enlargement of the circle of his collaborators, key to an extended influence, or the increase of his client portfolio, the Water Tiger will have many opportunities to align his projects with his ambitions. On the other hand, concerning his finances, he can expect significant expenses in the course of the year 2022. However, each investment should be carefully thought out with the sole objective of serving the noble cause of his social rise. The rest can wait, especially since in love, the celibate Water Tiger is likely to fall on suitors whose hearts will be more dazzled by the brilliance of his wallet than by the tenderness of his heart.

Date, annual score and resolution 2022 of the Water Tiger
Water Tiger dateScoreResolution
05/02/1962 - 25/01/1963★★★★☆Playing card in your favor, don't miss your turn!
01/02/2022 - 21/01/2023

Tiger's Amulets, Feng Shui colors & Lucky periods in 2022

Infographic of the Chinese zodiac animal-sign of the Tiger in 2022
Tiger Chinese Zodiac 2022: Chakra, Lucky color, Healing Stone, Foods and corrective Chinese element

💎 Protective stones of the Tiger in 2022


In addition to lavishing luck on the Tiger throughout the Chinese year 2022, the carnelian protection stone will allow him to maintain stability and a solid anchorage in view of any obstacles that could block his path. In his professional life, Carnelian will give him the strength to stay focused on his goals and persevere in his projects. Well stabilized, he will be able to achieve success more easily in 2022. In addition, the thirst for life that the carnelian will fuel in the Tiger will also suffice to shorten his episodes of anxiety, which will allow him to be even more effective in his daily life. But above all, thanks to the energy diffused by this stone, the Tiger will more easily manage to erase his existential fears, just as he will be more apt to discern selfish and pernicious behavior. On an emotional level, the Tiger will be more successful in controlling his passing impulses. Set in a ring or necklace, Carnelian will also help boost Tiger's loyalty and self-esteem in 2022.

Clear quartz

In 2022, the clear quartz protection stone, a true filter of bad energies, will support the Tiger in many facets of his hectic adventures. First of all, the softness of clear quartz will calm the Tiger's aggressiveness, by teaching him to better chase away his dark thoughts and to better control his excessive emotionality. Placed in the form of a pebble near his bed, the clear quartz will help him find a restful sleep. As a talisman, in contact with his skin, the Tiger could more easily negotiate his contracts and transmit his ideas with more diplomacy, whether in the professional world or in the private setting. Thanks to the wide field of action of clear quartz, the Tiger will have clearer ideas and will succeed in developing safer strategies. Once the body and mind are solidly structured, the Tiger could prepare to spend a Chinese year 2022 inundated with successes and satisfactions of all kinds.

🎨 Tiger Lucky Colors in 2022

  • Vermilion red
  • Alabaster white
  • Apple green

Tiger Lucky Months in 2022

Luckiest months for the Tiger in 2022*: Month of the Horse (June 2022), Month of the Dog (October 2022), Month of the Pig (November 2022)

Least favorable period: Month of the Monkey (August 2022)

* Consult our daily Chinese horoscope throughout the Year of the Tiger 2022 for the exact dates of the luckiest days for the Tiger in 2022.

Tiger Health & Well-being in 2022

According to the Tiger's 2022 health horoscope, the 3rd animal-sign of the Chinese zodiac must pay particular attention to the good health of his feet, his colon and his digestive system.

Chakra the Tiger should focus on in 2022

Muladhara or root chakra, first of the 7 main chakra of the human body

The Chinese calendar 2022 advises the Tiger to manage his resistance capacity well in the face of immediate temptations. The year 2022 will offer him a multitude of opportunities during which he will be tempted to pour off his excess energy and vitality. However, a Tiger in a Tiger Year can find himself in complicated situations if he is inattentive. This is the reason why a work on the root chakra could be useful for him so that he channels his taste for risk more effectively. This will give him the strength to fight against greed and selfish ambitions. In addition, an activation of this zone will counteract his impulsive propensities, allowing him at the same time a more productive and healthy rhythm. Yoga sessions targeting the opening of the root chakra will help the Tiger gain a better understanding of himself and his limits. Also, thanks to a clearer perception of things, the Tiger will be able to better choose the places and routes that are really worth exploring and preserve his quality of life for optimal development.

Tiger Health Horoscope for 2022: chakra, foods and spices, organs to watch out for
🧘🏽 Chakra🥕 Foods & Herbs🌶️ Spices, oil👩‍⚕️ Organs
Root chakra (Muladhara)Tomatoes,

💖 Love, Marriage & Birth for the Tiger in 2022

The Tiger's 2022 love horoscope bodes well for a year of twists and turns and daring pleasures. The Tiger, reinvigorated by the annual governance of his own Chinese zodiac sign, is now preparing to make sparks in 2022. Deaf to the advice of anyone who would like to slow him down, he throws himself forward, eager for hectic adventures that he would not want to miss without any pretext. If knocking on the right door, the Tiger might even experience true love and embark on the path of marriage. In a disappointing relationship, the Tiger shouldn't have too much trouble asking unwanted people to clear out before they take root. On the other hand, if the Tiger hesitates too long before ending a relationship without a future, he risks finding himself trapped in a vampirizing relationship. Fortunately, the year 2022 gives the Tiger the opportunity and the tools to get rid of the stubborn parasites that have stuck to his skin for too long. And it is also in 2022 that the Tiger will fully realize his own value and will end up no longer listening to the adulterated advice that made him waste so much time in the past. Be that as it may, the Tiger, celibate or not, is entering a pivotal period which will draw in spite of himself the main axes of his future love life.

💑 Love compatibility and marriage between the Tiger and the Tiger

👶 Tiger's relationship with a child Tiger

Is 2022 a good year to have a child for a parent Tiger?

Yes and no. It will mainly depend on the Chinese zodiac sign of the other parent. The more compatible the other parent is with the Tiger, the more harmony within the home will be preserved. In the event that both parents are Tigers, considering the birth of a child during the Year of the Rabbit or the Year of the Dragon would be preferable. Otherwise, the turf wars that already take place naturally in a relationship between a Tiger and another Tiger risk destabilizing the proper development of the Tiger child. Once an adult, the latter will constantly seek conflict in order to feel alive.

Parent-child Compatibility of Tiger & Tiger

According to the precepts of compatibility in Chinese astrology, a sense of humor and a positive appreciation of things are the two main concordant vectors of a Tiger parent and Tiger child relationship. First and foremost, a balanced Tiger child should have the opportunity to express their feelings directly. But to be more compatible with his Tiger child, it is essential that the Tiger parent teaches him to control his impetuosity while reminding him the measure and importance of give-and-take in life. Bursting with energy, the Tiger child does not hesitate to try to dominate his parent while taking advantage of his weaknesses. If no one can resist his whims, he can quickly transform the family home into a royal palace of which he is the sole master, surrounded by servants devoted body and soul to his petty pleasures. To avoid this, the Tiger parent must know how to turn any source of disagreement into play and not give in to threat or tears. If he is properly supervised and sufficiently loved, the young adult Tiger will continue to make his family happy and will show unfailing loyalty to his dear beloved parents.

💰 Money, Career & Social life of the Tiger in 2022

The Tiger's 2022 money and career horoscope offers the 3rd animal-sign of Chinese astrology many interesting professional opportunities. Within the framework of a company, the capacities of initiative of the Tiger will be used to him to climb the ranks during this year 2022 placed under the governance of his own Chinese zodiac sign. Apart from a few annoyances often due to mismanagement of his time, the Tiger will generally find a way to make the right decisions at the right time, in accordance with his aspirations for success.

The news, good or bad, will be enough to keep the Tiger on the lookout and ready to pounce on his prey. However, the Tiger must absolutely learn to channel a surplus of energy nourished by an excessive enthusiasm in the face of novelty and progress. He should be selective before engaging with professional partners with whom he is not used to working. The Tiger will also have to guard against the risks of a turf war so as not to undermine the beneficial energies of Chinese New Year 2022. Similarly, in the Year of the Tiger, it is desirable not to cross paths with another Tiger in search of new spaces, because unless an immediate agreement was reached, the confrontation would be likely to be tough. Still, victory and defeat will constantly remind him of his taste for existence, especially since it is during this Chinese year 2022 that the Tiger will assert his personality as a conqueror. And beware of whoever wants to slow him down in his ambitions.

On the financial side, the Tiger will have the chance to be able to preserve his financial situation. His past investments will even provide him with unexpected benefits. The Tiger could also acquire real estate or even repay all of an old debt. But for that, we will have to limit spending, which is a real challenge for the Tiger who is going through his own Chinese year. Also, if no savings plan is in place, money will disappear as fast as it comes. In addition, the Tiger will need to apply a thorough analysis before investing anywhere as the results can be double-edged. Hopefully, however, the wins will generally outweigh the losses. With or without savings, the Tiger will always fall back on his feet, even if the acrobatics to be performed upstream will not always enchant him. He just needs to keep his eyes open and not get too excited about opportunities that seem a little too appetizing to be real.

Regarding his social life in 2022, many opportunities for new encounters will be offered to the Tiger without him having to make any efforts. His aura is usually increased tenfold during the crossing of his own Chinese year. In 2022, he will become the center of attention for many people, in many social gatherings. The Year of the Tiger marks above all a renewal of those close to him. There will be many opportunities when it comes to consolidating certain emotional ties. However, these opportunities will not be able to offer their full potential without prior screening applied to them. The Tiger must review the relevance of his relations with one or two individuals whom he has so far given all his confidence. It is sometimes with anger tinged with bitterness that he will have to redefine these relations which in reality turn out to be toxic. Whether it is a colleague, a friend or even a family member, the lunar year of 2022 requires him to draw definitive borders to certain actions. Otherwise, the new inter-cycle of the Tiger will not be able to be so prosperous and socially enriching for the next twelve years. This is why in 2022, without ever leaving a gray area, it will be necessary to aim more for ethics and mutual respect rather than any compromise whose sole objective is to maintain the comfort of underhand friendships.

What does 2022 forecast for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs?

Full yearly 2022 Chinese horoscope

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