Aquarius Horoscope 2020: Love, Money, Health

♒ Aquarius 2020 horoscope: Change of direction
By KarmaWeather - 4 January 2020
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Accurate yearly horoscope 2020 for the zodiac sign of Aquarius, from New Year 2020 and month by month in 2020

Free personalized horoscope for Aquarius in 2020, for men and women, according to your date of birth: love, money, career, education, travel, health, color of the year 2020, lucky number, lucky zodiac stone and chakra for Aquarius in 2020. Discover the meaning and effects of the astrological dates and events that will influence your life in 2020.

📅 Aquarius dates of birth range: January 21 - February 19
💎 Zodiac birthstone 2020: Hematite
🎨 Lucky color 2020: Red, black
🍀 Lucky number 2020: 6
🧘‍♀️ Balancing chakra 2020: Root chakra

➔ Aquarius personality horoscope

In brief: Is 2020 a good year for Aquarius?

⭐ Annual score 2020: 5 / 10
In 2020, the native of Aquarius spends a decent year, during which he must take care of himself and not expect miracles. Some temporary fatigue associated with the feeling of not seeing his efforts rewarded, should certainly not discourage him in his endeavors. The year 2021 will give him the opportunity to finally benefit from the efforts made in 2020.

Will Aquarius get married in 2020?

💒 Best months for Aquarius to get married in 2020: September 2020, November 2020

Aquarius: Love horoscope 2020 for singles and couples

First semester 2020

⭐ Semester score: 7 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: January 1, 2020 - Saturn is direct in Capricorn. Saturn is in Dignity of Domicile in House 10 (Capricorn).

During the very first months of 2020, you experience disturbances within your family. It may be a logistical or parental problem, which until it is resolved will harm the harmony of all members of the household.

Second semester 2020

⭐ Semester score: 10 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: March 21, 2020 - Saturn enters Aquarius. Saturn is in major aspect of Conjunction in House 11 (Aquarius). Saturn is in a state of Air Triplicity in the House of Aquarius.

Now is not the time to make new friends, but rather to consolidate your existing friendships. You don't think that likes and comments to wish a happy birthday are enough to maintain a deep friendship, do you?

Aquarius: Money and Career horoscope 2020

First semester 2020

⭐ Semester score: 3 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: January 10, 2020 - Uranus is direct in Taurus. Uranus is in Debility of Fall (Detriment) in House 2 (Taurus).

From January 10 until July 2020, you feel strangely detached from material constraints. This desire to liberate yourself from consumer society, although it is to your credit, should not prevent you from keeping a practical mind in the face of the realities of existence. You still have to pay rent, shop at the supermarket, or make unpleasant diets and pay a dentist a fortune so that your pristine teeth live up to your dream body, on Instagram and beyond.

Second semester 2020

⭐ Semester score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: July 1, 2020 - Saturn is retrograde in its House (Capricorn).

In the coming months, those who will simply continue their routine may see their income slowly erode, unlike those who have been able to challenge themselves and innovate. Sometimes, it is better for one to see one's profits temporarily decrease following a change in production method, especially if this can allow one's project to grow in a sustainable way thereafter.

Aquarius: Monthly horoscope 2020

Aquarius: January 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: January 1, 2020 - Uranus is retrograde in Taurus.

Career, money and studies: Until January 10, 2020, you feel detached from material constraints. This desire to liberate yourself from consumer society, although it is to your credit, should not prevent you from keeping a practical mind in the face of the realities of existence.

Aquarius: February 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 3 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: February 3, 2020 - Mercury enters Pisces. Mercury is in Debility of Fall (Detriment) in House 12 (Pisces).

Health: Pay attention to your body's signals. If you experience unusual tiredness or your sleep is disturbed, do not hesitate to make an appointment with your general practitioner.

Aquarius: March 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 4 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: March 4, 2020 - Retrograde Mercury leaves the House of Pisces and enters Aquarius.

Love, family and friendship: The horoscope for March 2020 corresponds to a period of maturation of your ideas. By sharing your thoughts with your friends, you realize that you still need to spend more time developing your concepts. You know you're on the right track, but when you start writing, the blank page can suddenly absorb you for hours.

Aquarius: April 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 7 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: April 11, 2020 - Mercury enters Aries. Mercury is in Dignity of Planetary Joy in House 1 (Aries).

Career, money and studies: During the month of April 2020, your speaking skills and your charisma are reinforced during your speaking engagements, in business meetings as in the public and media sphere. Your alertness is matched only by your overflowing enthusiasm. You have the energy to launch a new project. It is also a good time to start a business, study and practice sports that require skill and daring.

Aquarius: May 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: May 11, 2020 - Saturn is retrograde in its House (Aquarius).

Love, family and friendship: If you feel like your relationship is not working as well as it did before, now is the time to question yourself. Likewise, if your common objectives are no longer the same with your partner, it is not too late to reformulate them together, while respecting and accepting your differences.

Aquarius: June 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 4 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: June 18, 2020 - Mercury is retrograde in Cancer.

Career, money and studies: According to the horoscope for the month of mid-June to early July 2020, you may experience a small period of uncertainty. If you are a student, you are impatiently awaiting the results of your exams before being able to register at your next university. As long as you are in the dark, you will not be able to find a room or roommate in the city of your future school and your summer vacation may even be jeopardized. If you have no news by July 1, contact anyone who can help you resolve your situation.

Aquarius: July 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 4 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: July 12, 2020 - Mercury enters Cancer.

Health: The horoscope for July 2020 recommends caution and vigilance, to avoid any disappointment regarding your home, your health and that of your family. Spend more time at home and make an appointment with your general practitioner for your annual check-up if you have not already done so this year.

Aquarius: August 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: August 4, 2020 - Mercury enters Leo.

Travel, sports and leisure: During the month of August 2020, sensuality, leisure and the performing arts occupy the center stage. It's time to fully live your passions and party. You live a lucky and joyous period, conducive to pleasures and emotions.

Aquarius: September 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: September 5, 2020 - Mercury enters Libra.

Love, family and friendship: The horoscope for September 2020 foreshadows the birth of a deep love or even a probable marriage with a native of Virgo or Gemini.

Career, money and studies: If your profession involves public speaking, you should enjoy a particularly favorable month of September 2020. In general, associations that are formed with the objective of creating an intellectual and / or artistic work are very likely to bear fruit quickly.

Aquarius: October 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 4 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: October 13, 2020 - Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio.

Health: You feel the need to spend more time inside your bed. Whether to enjoy the pleasures of Cupid with your partner or to let yourself be carried away by endless daydreams, it will be necessary at some point that you decide to leave your home again. Don't let dark ideas take over and take back control of your destiny. Life has the meaning you want to give it through your concrete actions.

Aquarius: November 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: November 3, 2020 - Mercury is direct in Libra.

Love, family and friendship: The horoscope for November 2020 predicts a period conducive to communication. In love, you feel ready to commit to your partner and perhaps even to marry without further ado. In reality, it is because you are in a hurry that you should wait a little longer before signing a marriage contract and make sure in advance that you share the same vision of your future common life.

Career, money and studies: Now is not the time to take credit in any form. You will always be happier to live, certainly more modestly, but completely free from any creditor. Do not be in such a hurry, your projects may take longer to materialize but at least you will remain in control of your destiny.

Aquarius: December 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 8 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: November 28, 2020 - Neptune is direct in Pisces. Neptune is in Dignity of Domicile in House 12 (Pisces). Neptune is in a Water Triplicity state in the House of Pisces.

Career, money and studies: The monthly horoscope for December 2020 portends a good period for the artistic, medical and paramedical professions. Generally, all activities that require the intervention and skills of a group of individuals are favored. Until the start of the summer, remain particularly discreet about your opinions and your private life with your colleagues, since harmless chatter can sometimes become malicious rumors.

➔ Read next: Free and complete 2020 annual horoscope for the 12 zodiac signs

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