Horoscope 2020 - Astrology forecast 2020

2020 yearly horoscope
By KarmaWeather - 24 August 2020
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Annual great horoscope's 2020 forecasts for the 12 zodiac signs

KarmaWeather's great annual horoscope 2020 invites you to discover the astrological predictions of the year according to the great astrological events that mark its unfolding.

The 2020 horoscope allows each zodiac sign, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, to understand the major trends of the year for each month of 2020. Depending on the type of event examined, for instance the state corresponding to a planet in a House at a given moment as well as its movement (direct, retrograde...), a major aspect (square, trine, sextile ...) or a minor one, certain themes are reinforced accordingly, positively or negatively.

From this page, you can access the detailed 2020 horoscope for each astrological sign. Similarly, you can discover below the annual score of the 12 zodiac signs and their major concerns in 2020, but also have a global vision of the year thanks to our 2020 calendar which summarizes the major astrological events of the year. Finally, we offer a quick summary of the year 2020 concerning world astrology.

Horoscope 2020, sign by sign

2020 horoscope for Aries

In 2020, the native of Aries is particularly absorbed in his work. If he wants to have professional successes that live up to his ambitions, he must try to control his emotions and reserve more time for his family ➔ Read more

2020 horoscope for Taurus

In 2020, the Taurus native gives priority to his work, his friends and the pursuit of his dreams. He can also experience deserved success followed by periods of existential doubt, which he will be able to overcome thanks to his creativity and increased sociability ➔ Read more

2020 horoscope for Gemini

In 2020, the native of Gemini is going through a contrasting year, during which he sometimes feels a little feverish, both for his work and for his health. Fortunately, September 2020 holds promise. A marriage is possible ➔ Read more

2020 horoscope for Cancer

In 2020, the native of Cancer has a good year. At work, in love, with family and friends, all indicators are positive. In addition, the travel opportunities are numerous and allow him to stay in shape while multiplying the opportunities ➔ Read more

2020 horoscope for Leo

In 2020, the native of Leo remains focused on his work throughout 2020. After a period of adaptation in the first part of the year, significant income is possible, especially before the holiday season. Summer is the relaxing opportunity that contrasts with the studious atmosphere of 2020 ➔ Read more

2020 horoscope for Virgo

In 2020, the native of Virgo made a lot of efforts to improve her daily life and that of her family. However, his work is not always rewarded for his personal investment, except during the spring which brings its share of rewards and good results for students ➔ Read more

2020 horoscope for Libra

In 2020, the native of Libra gives priority to feelings, his family, leisure and holidays. Work and studies, despite the seriousness with which they are approached, do not bring the expected satisfactions, to the point of causing you to question your career direction ➔ Read more

2020 horoscope for Scorpio

In 2020, the native of Scorpio sometimes lets his feelings guide his reason. This also applies to his work, which absorbs him enormously this year. Caution is advised for his health, which he will preserve all the better if he spends more time with his family. In short, Scorpio, guided by his instinct and his thirst for freedom, is spending a pretty good 2020 year, dotted with great successes ➔ Read more

2020 horoscope for Sagittarius

In 2020, the native of Sagittarius has a great year, both in love and for his work. If he wishes, he can successfully launch complex professional projects. Summer 2020 is an opportunity to make trips and enriching encounters that will contribute to bringing a positive breath to the last part of the year ➔ Read more

2020 horoscope for Capricorn

In 2020, the native of Capricorn has a great year. His studies and his career, at the center of his concerns throughout 2020, are sources of great satisfaction. His curious and creative spirit, combined with his seriousness and his perseverance, give him the opportunity to take measured but pleasantly rewarding risks ➔ Read more

2020 horoscope for Aquarius

In 2020, the native of Aquarius spends a decent year, during which he must take care of himself and not expect miracles. Some temporary fatigue associated with the feeling of not seeing his efforts rewarded, should certainly not discourage him in his endeavors. The year 2021 will give him the opportunity to finally benefit from the efforts made in 2020 ➔ Read more

2020 horoscope for Pisces

In 2020, the native of Pisces spends a pleasant year. Surrounded by friends and lucky in love, there is no shortage of an opportunity to party or to go on a journey. Rather than complaining about the professional slowdown which he is undergoing at the same time, he seeks on the contrary to develop other activities which may give new impetus to his career from 2021 ➔ Read more


2020 Horoscope summary by date of birth

Yearly score and main concerns (work, love, health, travel) of each zodiac sign in 2020

Birthday lucky zodiac stones
ZodiacBirthdatesAnnual scoreMain focus
♈ AriesMar. 21
Apr. 20
6 / 10💼
♉ TaurusApr.21
May 20
6 / 10💼💊
♊ GeminiMay 21
June 21
5 / 10💼💊
♋ CancerJune 22
July 22
6.5 / 10💖✈️
♌ LeoJuly 23
Aug. 22
6 / 10💼
♍ VirgoAug. 23
Sept. 22
5.5 / 10💼
♎ LibraSept. 23
Oct. 23
6 / 10💖✈️
♏ ScorpioOct. 24
Nov. 22
6 / 10💖💼
♐ SagittariusNov. 23
Dec. 21
7.5 / 10💼
♑ CapricornDec. 22
Jan. 20
7.5 / 10💼💊
♒ AquariusJan. 21
Feb. 19
5 / 10💼💊
♓ PiscesFeb. 19
Mar. 20
6 / 10💖💼


Calendar of the main astrological events of 2020

In this summary of the most important planetary aspects in 2020, find out how good 2020 is for your zodiac sign. Each event is associated with the astrological signs and categories (money, love, health, travel) most likely to be lucky or not in 2020:

Main astrological events of 2020, by KarmaWeather
Date Event Sign Luck Category
01/01/2020Neptune is direct in Pisces. Neptune is in Dignity of Domicile in House 12 (Pisces). Neptune is in a Water Triplicity state in the House of Pisces
01/01/2020Jupiter is direct in Capricorn. Jupiter is in Debility of Fall (Detriment) in House 10 (Capricorn)

01/01/2020Pluto is direct in Capricorn. Pluto is in Debility of Fall (Detriment) in House 10 (Capricorn)

10/01/2020Uranus is direct in Taurus. Uranus is in Debility of Fall (Detriment) in House 2 (Taurus)
12/01/2020Saturn is in major aspect of Conjunction with Pluto

13/01/2020Venus enters Pisces. Venus is in Dignity of Exaltation in House 12 (Pisces). Venus is in a state of Water Triplicity in the House of Pisces

20/01/2020The sun enters Aquarius. The Sun is in Debility of Exile in House 11 (Aquarius)
03/02/2020Mercury enters Pisces. Mercury is in Debility of Fall (Detriment) in House 12 (Pisces)

07/02/2020Venus enters Aries. Venus is in Exile debility in House 1 (Aries)

20/02/2020Jupiter is in major aspect of Sextile with Neptune

16/03/2020Mercury enters Pisces. Mercury is in Debility of Fall (Detriment) in House 12 (Pisces)

19/03/2020The sun enters Aries. The sun is in Dignity of Exaltation in House 1 (Aries). The sun is in the state of Fire Triplicity in the House of Aries
21/03/2020Saturn enters Aquarius. Saturn is in major aspect of Conjunction in House 11 (Aquarius). Saturn is in a state of Air Triplicity in the House of Aquarius

04/04/2020Jupiter is in major aspect of Conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn

21/06/2020The new moon is in Cancer. This lunation is an annular solar eclipse. The moon is in a Water Triplicity state in the House of Cancer
27/06/2020Mars enters Aries. Mars is in Dignity of Domicile in House 1 (Aries). Mars is in a state of Fire Triplicity in the House of Aries

30/06/2020Jupiter is in major aspect of Conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn

22/07/2020The sun enters Leo. The sun is in Dignity of Domicile in House 5 (Leo). The sun is in the state of Fire Triplicity in the House of Leo
27/07/2020Jupiter is in major aspect of Sextile with Neptune

12/09/2020Jupiter is direct in Capricorn. Jupiter is in Debility of Fall (Detriment) in House 10 (Capricorn)

22/09/2020The sun enters Libra. The Sun is in Debility of Fall (Detriment) in House 7 (Libra)
02/10/2020Venus enters Virgo. Venus is in Debility of Fall (Detriment) in House 6 (Virgo)

04/10/2020Pluto is direct in Capricorn. Pluto is in Debility of Fall (Detriment) in House 10 (Capricorn)

12/10/2020Jupiter is in major aspect of Sextile with Neptune

12/11/2020Jupiter is in major aspect of Conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn

13/11/2020Mars is direct in Aries. Mars is in Dignity of Domicile in House 1 (Aries). Mars is in a state of Fire Triplicity in the House of Aries

21/11/2020The sun enters Sagittarius. The sun is in Dignity of Planetary Joy in House 9 (Sagittarius). The sun is in a Fire Triplicity state in the House of Sagittarius.
28/11/2020Neptune is direct in Pisces. Neptune is in Dignity of Domicile in House 12 (Pisces). Neptune is in a Water Triplicity state in the House of Pisces
01/12/2020Mercury enters Sagittarius. Mercury is in Debility of Exile in House 9 (Sagittarius)

17/12/2020Saturn enters Aquarius. Saturn is in Dignity of Domicile in House 11 (Aquarius). Saturn is in a state of Air Triplicity in the House of Aquarius.

19/12/2020Jupiter enters Aquarius. Jupiter is in Dignity of Planetary Joy in House 11 (Aquarius). Jupiter is in a Fire Triplicity state in the House of Aquarius

21/12/2020Jupiter is in major aspect of Conjunction with Saturn


World horoscope 2020

First semester 2020: The fall of an oppressive regime

💫 Astrological date and event: January 12, 2020 - Saturn is in major aspect of Conjunction with Pluto.

In world astrology, this winter period may herald the fall of an authoritarian regime which had oppressed its population for decades in the general indifference of other nations. The power exerted by fear and violence always ends up succumbing to the intransigent breath of history, when the peoples who have suffered too much finally wake up to the conquest of their freedom.

Second semester 2020: Serial scandals

💫 Astrological date and event: October 4, 2020 - Pluto is direct in Capricorn. Pluto is in Debility of Fall (Detriment) in House 10 (Capricorn).

In world astrology, the last quarter of 2020 is not really conducive to crooks and dictators. Large-scale corruption and shameful or liberticidal state secrets are exposed by courageous whistleblowers. In the world of show business, celebrity scandals make headlines in the media, including those of the most respectable publications.

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