Cancer Horoscope 2020: Love, Money, Health

♋ Cancer 2020 horoscope: Irresistible ascent
By KarmaWeather - 4 January 2020
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Accurate yearly horoscope 2020 for the zodiac sign of Cancer, from New Year 2020 and month by month in 2020

Free personalized horoscope for Cancer in 2020, for men and women, according to your date of birth: love, money, career, education, travel, health, color of the year 2020, lucky number, lucky zodiac stone and chakra for Cancer in 2020. Discover the meaning and effects of the astrological dates and events that will influence your life in 2020.

📅 Cancer dates of birth range: June 22 - July 22
💎 Zodiac birthstone 2020: Jade
🎨 Lucky color 2020: Green, pink
🍀 Lucky number 2020: 5
🧘‍♀️ Balancing chakra 2020: Heart chakra

➔ Cancer personality horoscope

In brief: Is 2020 a good year for Cancer?

⭐ Annual score 2020: 6.5 / 10
In 2020, the native of Cancer has a good year. At work, in love, with family and friends, all indicators are positive. In addition, the travel opportunities are numerous and allow him to stay in shape while multiplying the opportunities.

Will Cancer get married in 2020?

💒 Best months for Cancer to get married in 2020: April 2020, July 2020, August 2020

Cancer: Love horoscope 2020 for singles and couples

First semester 2020

⭐ Semester score: 3 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: January 1, 2020 - Pluto is direct in Capricorn. Pluto is in Debility of Fall (Detriment) in House 10 (Capricorn).

The love horoscope for January, February, March and April 2020 heralds a contrasting period for couples. Because during Pluto in Capricorn, secret desires resurface. It is time to face reality, for yourself and vis-à-vis your partner. If boredom awaits you, you could question your relationship, unless you finally realize that the warm tranquility of the home remains the best guarantee of your personal development in the long term.

Second semester 2020

⭐ Semester score: 6 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: August 7, 2020 - Venus enters Cancer. Venus is in a state of Water Triplicity in the House of Cancer.

Harmony and serenity reign within the family. For those who are retired, life is sweet and pleasant. All the pre-existing tensions between your family members tend to dissipate naturally. On the contrary, the links tend to strengthen, because who could deny that remaining united doesn't make it possible to face the vagaries of life with more serenity.

Cancer: Money and Career horoscope 2020

First semester 2020

⭐ Semester score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: April 25, 2020 - Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn.

Within your company, you better understand the place you occupy in the organization chart and what attitude to adopt with some of your hierarchical superiors whose attitude has eluded you so far. Even if it is with regret that you find that the bigger the business, it is the power games that count more than the skills, you agree to participate in this comedy if it can advance your career. If you are self-employed and are directly attacked by your competitors, do not react immediately. Take the time to consolidate your market position before restarting your conquest.

Second semester 2020

⭐ Semester score: 3 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: September 12, 2020 - Jupiter is direct in Capricorn. Jupiter is in Debility of Fall (Detriment) in House 10 (Capricorn).

The horoscope for September, October, November and December 2020 predicts some professional frustrations for all signs of the zodiac. It will take a lot of patience and persistence, because your goals will be more complex to achieve than initially envisaged. In addition, you will need to be vigilant, because among your colleagues, it may very well be that one of them is trying to take your place. In addition, it is important that you attend important meetings to prevent rumors from spreading behind your back with the aim of damaging your reputation and your sense of ethics.

Cancer: Monthly horoscope 2020

Cancer: January 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 6 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: January 10, 2020 - The full moon is in Pisces. This lunation is a penumbral lunar eclipse.

Love, family and friendship: The monthly horoscope for January 2020 is favorable for rest at home. It is also advisable to rebalance the time spent at work and at home. Indeed, domestic or couple problems can arise and only your affectionate presence and your attentive attention can help to solve them.

Career, money and studies: During January 2020, you may be able to benefit from an inheritance from your father's family.

⭐ Monthly score: 7 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: January 24, 2020 - The new moon is in Aquarius.

Love, family and friendship: It's time for passionate and fusional exchanges. Friends take a predominant place because of the positive dimension of their presence and the quality of their listening. However, it is better not to get too attached to the people you have just met, despite the quality of the emerging relationship. Some friendships, lighter, are a source of well-being in pleasant times, but do not offer any guarantee of infallible support in the event of a severe fate.

Cancer: February 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: February 9, 2020 - The full moon is in Leo.

Travel, sports and leisure: The time is for romance and leisure. Family or romantic outings are an opportunity to relax and get rid of the stress accumulated in previous weeks. The period is just as favorable for children who take advantage of their winter vacation to play outdoors and detach themselves for a short time from the screens they love so much.

Cancer: March 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 7 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: February 23, 2020 - The new moon is in Pisces.

Love, family and friendship: It is a beneficial period, which is all the more so if it can be spent at home with your family, in relative calm. Even if the energies are generally positive, you still have to remain discreet and vigilant, because ill-intentioned people roam around, whether in your direct environment or on social networks.

Health: No overwork. Take care of yourself by eating healthy, and through regular invigorating physical exercises (aerobic, yoga, cardio).

Cancer: April 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: April 7, 2020 - The full moon is in Libra.

Love, family and friendship: The horoscope for April 2020 is favorable for you if you plan to get married during this period. So, beyond the love that unites you with your beloved, your marriage is also conducive to the good fortune of your two families.

Career, money and studies: A recent contract is bearing fruit. If you have made an investment in recent months in connection with the world of communication, entertainment or the media, the benefits are already quantifiable in this month of April 2020. You are relieved of the turn of events, because you were fully aware that your commitment was risky.

Cancer: May 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 4 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: May 7, 2020 - The full moon is in Scorpio. The moon is in Debility of Fall (Detriment) in House 8 (Scorpio).

Career, money and studies: According to the horoscope for May 2020, an inheritance or a comfortable sum of money is about to come into your hands. However, nothing is won at this stage. If it is an inheritance, you risk entering a battle for the division of the goods with the other beneficiaries. If it is a financial or real estate income, charges that you did not initially identify might significantly reduce the amount of your profits.

⭐ Monthly score: 7 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: May 22, 2020 - The new moon is in Gemini. The moon is in Dignity of Planetary Joy in House 3 (Gemini).

Travel, sports and leisure: It is a time favorable to the appearance of new creative ideas and to fruitful meetings. In addition, close family and friends occupy an important place during this period. Visits to museums, the theater or the cinema are part of the activities you want to share with those you love. Daydreams during journeys by plane, train or car are likely to germinate the beginnings of new artistic projects that are likely to see the light of day in the weeks and months to come.

Cancer: June 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 8 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: June 21, 2020 - The new moon is in Cancer. This lunation is an annular solar eclipse. The moon is in a Water Triplicity state in the House of Cancer.

Love, family and friendship: During the last two weeks of June 2020, expect to experience a sudden change in your private life. But rest assured, it's more of a positive change. For example, you could finally have the means to repay a debt or have a positive response to the rental or purchase of the home of your dreams.

Cancer: July 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: July 5, 2020 - The full moon is in Capricorn. This lunation is a penumbral lunar eclipse.

Career, money and studies: It's a lucky cycle starting when it comes to your career, especially if you are a woman. Business trips are fruitful. The opportunity to change your place of residence may prove ideal for a new start. People talk about you positively. It's time to make good use of your notoriety.

⭐ Monthly score: 7 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: July 20, 2020 - The new moon is in Cancer. The moon is in a Water Triplicity state in the House of Cancer.

Love, family and friendship: The horoscope for July and August 2020 is particularly calm and pleasant if you are lucky enough to be able to live this period with family or close friends. It is a period conducive to the maturation of new projects that you wish to start in September.

Cancer: August 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 7 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: August 18, 2020 - The new moon is in Leo.

Travel, sports and leisure: The time is for romance and leisure. Family or romantic outings are an opportunity to relax and get rid of the stress accumulated in previous weeks. The period is just as favorable for children who take advantage of their summer vacation to play outdoors and detach themselves for a short time from the screens they love so much.

Cancer: September 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 7 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: September 17, 2020 - The new moon is in Virgo.

Career, money and studies: The horoscope for the month of September 2020 is particularly positive if you work in a service profession, in the hotel or restaurant industry for example, but also in a profession associated with the river or maritime domain. An unusual gain or an increase in your income is possible. If you have a debt to pay off, now is the time to get rid of it.

Health: Would you tend to neglect your health? The quality of your sleep and your diet are essential. Your mattress may need to be changed. Also, if you haven't already, it's time to cook your own meals. Industrial dishes are full of additives, saturated fats and unnecessary and harmful additions of sugars and salt. The solution is in your hands.

Cancer: October 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 7 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: October 16, 2020 - The new moon is in Libra.

Career, money and studies: You make the decision to invest part of your savings in a project that is close to your heart. Make sure you don't regret anything if you ever lose your entire initial investment.

Cancer: November 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 7 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: October 31, 2020 - The full moon is in Taurus. The moon is in Dignity of Exaltation in House 2 (Taurus).

Career, money and studies: The horoscope for the beginning of November 2020 is favorable to significant money gains, but also to increased risk taking in the financial field. Women and business travelers are most likely to benefit from this beneficial alignment.

⭐ Monthly score: 4 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: November 15, 2020 - The new moon is in Scorpio. The moon is in Debility of Fall (Detriment) in House 8 (Scorpio). The moon is in a Water Triplicity state in the House of Scorpio.

Health: You are seized by temporary anxiety. Now is not the time to lament at the bottom of your bed. Get out of your house, meet friends, go for a weekend in the countryside, not to escape your daily life, but to fully realize that you are in fact in a phase of change.

Cancer: December 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: November 30, 2020 - The full moon is in Gemini. This lunation is a penumbral lunar eclipse.

Love, family and friendship: It is a time favorable to the appearance of new creative ideas and to fruitful meetings. In addition, close family and friends occupy an important place during this period. Visits to museums, the theater or the cinema are part of the activities you wants to share with those you love.

⭐ Monthly score: 7 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: December 14, 2020 - The new moon is in Sagittarius. This lunation is an annular solar eclipse.

Career, money and studies: The open sea calls you inexorably, carried by the incessant cry of the seagulls which go up the rivers from the coasts to the big cities. The prospect of leaving everything to become a sailor on a trawler suddenly seems like a completely reasonable prospect of life. Once back to reality, because not everyone is cut out for the life of a sailor, it is the virus of science which can now seize you, until you decide to continue studying mathematics, physics or biology. Pursuing one's dreams is within reach of all those who cling to it with persistence and dedication. Whatever others may think about it, age or even obtaining a diploma should never be an obstacle to someone's achievement.

➔ Read next: Free and complete 2020 annual horoscope for the 12 zodiac signs

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