Gemini Horoscope 2020: Love, Money, Health

♊ Gemini 2020 horoscope: Hope in the mist
By KarmaWeather - 4 January 2020
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Accurate yearly horoscope 2020 for the zodiac sign of Gemini, from New Year 2020 and month by month in 2020

Free personalized horoscope for Gemini in 2020, for men and women, according to your date of birth: love, money, career, education, travel, health, color of the year 2020, lucky number, lucky zodiac stone and chakra for Gemini in 2020. Discover the meaning and effects of the astrological dates and events that will influence your life in 2020.

📅 Gemini dates of birth range: May 21 - June 21
💎 Zodiac birthstone 2020: Lapis Lazuli
🎨 Lucky color 2020: Indigo blue
🍀 Lucky number 2020: 9
🧘‍♀️ Balancing chakra 2020: Third eye chakra

➔ Gemini personality horoscope

In brief: Is 2020 a good year for Gemini?

⭐ Annual score 2020: 5 / 10
In 2020, the native of Gemini is going through a contrasting year, during which he sometimes feels a little feverish, both for his work and for his health. Fortunately, September 2020 holds promise. A marriage is possible.

Will Gemini get married in 2020?

💒 Best months for Gemini to get married in 2020: July 2020, September 2020

Gemini: Love horoscope 2020 for singles and couples

First semester 2020

⭐ Semester score: 7 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: January 16, 2020 - Mercury enters Aquarius. Mercury is in Dignity of Exaltation in House 11 (Aquarius).

During this winter period of the year 2020, your alertness and your charisma are at their peak. In university circles, your company is sought after because your way of thinking outside the box is particularly stimulating in a world as conformist as it seems irreconcilable.

Second semester 2020

⭐ Semester score: 9 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: July 27, 2020 - Jupiter is in major aspect of Sextile with Neptune.

The period is ideal if you want to offer your partner to finally settle in together. You feel that the observation period has now lasted long enough and you feel ready to commit to a project of living together with the person you love. You should have a favorable ear from your partner.

Gemini: Money and Career horoscope 2020

First semester 2020

⭐ Semester score: 3 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: February 3, 2020 - Mercury enters Pisces. Mercury is in Debility of Fall (Detriment) in House 12 (Pisces).

Nothing very effective can be accomplished during this cycle. If you are a writer, now is not a good time to start writing a new novel or screenplay. Indeed, you are far too distracted to effectively structure your thoughts, however fertile they may be. When you finally manage to concentrate, you tend to block out details or give them disproportionate importance, at the risk of damaging the plot.

Second semester 2020

⭐ Semester score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: August 15, 2020 - Uranus is retrograde in Taurus.

Whether you are a budding or seasoned scientist, an invention of your own may well give you the career the boost you have longed for. However, you will probably have to be patient before you can fully benefit from it, whether in terms of reputation or financial gain.

Gemini: Monthly horoscope 2020

Gemini: January 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 6 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: January 1, 2020 - Mercury is direct in Capricorn. Mercury is in a state of Earth Triplicity in the House of Capricorn.

Health: Your health is a little feverish during the month of January 2020. If your job pushes you into a sedentary lifestyle (for example if you work behind a computer), you should be able to take mini-breaks every 15 minutes to walk around a bit and stretch your legs.

⭐ Monthly score: 7 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: January 16, 2020 - Mercury enters Aquarius. Mercury is in Dignity of Exaltation in House 11 (Aquarius).

Career, money and studies: It is obvious, you are in full possession of your means and nothing seems to be able to stop you in your ambitions. Therefore, you must be careful not to take yourself for a star and to cause the estrangement of those who today support you warmly.

Gemini: February 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 3 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: February 3, 2020 - Mercury enters Pisces. Mercury is in Debility of Fall (Detriment) in House 12 (Pisces).

Career, money and studies: Nothing very effective can be accomplished during this cycle. If you are a writer, now is not a good time to start writing a new novel or screenplay. Indeed, you are far too distracted to effectively structure your thoughts, however fertile they may be. When you finally manage to concentrate, you tend to block out details or give them disproportionate importance, at the risk of damaging the plot.

Gemini: March 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 4 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: March 4, 2020 - Retrograde Mercury leaves the House of Pisces and enters Aquarius.

Career, money and studies: You may be tempted to sell a service or product that is not yet fully completed at a high price. Why so much eagerness? Take the time to finalize the projects you have started before trying to take advantage of them. Your reputation depends on this.

⭐ Monthly score: 6 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: March 9, 2020 - Mercury is direct in Virgo. Mercury is in a state of Earth Triplicity in the House of Virgo.

Health: You are more fragile than usual. Cover up well when you leave your house and remember to wash your hands several times a day to avoid any contagious risk.

Gemini: April 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 7 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: April 11, 2020 - Mercury enters Aries. Mercury is in Dignity of Planetary Joy in House 1 (Aries).

Career, money and studies: During the month of April 2020, your speaking skills and your charisma are reinforced during your speaking engagements, in business meetings as in the public and media sphere. Your alertness is matched only by your overflowing enthusiasm. You have the energy to launch a new project. It is also a good time to start a business, study and practice sports that require skill and daring.

Gemini: May 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 6 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: April 27, 2020 - Mercury enters Taurus. Mercury is in a state of Earth Triplicity in the House of Taurus.

Career, money and studies: If you work in the literary world, as a writer, editor or bookseller, you note with satisfaction an increase in your income. Sales are good, reading still has good days ahead!

⭐ Monthly score: 7 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: May 11, 2020 - Mercury enters Gemini. Mercury is in Dignity of Domicile in House 3 (Gemini).

Travel, sports and leisure: Happy and fulfilled, you are there for your friends and able to provide them with expert advice. In addition, you have many opportunities to travel, for personal and professional reasons. These little trips risk being as enriching for your soul as for your wallet.

Gemini: June 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 4 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: June 18, 2020 - Mercury is retrograde in Cancer.

Career, money and studies: According to the horoscope for the month of mid-June to early July 2020, you may experience a small period of uncertainty. If you are a student, you are impatiently awaiting the results of your exams before being able to register at your next university. As long as you are in the dark, you will not be able to find a room or roommate in the city of your future school and your summer vacation may even be jeopardized. If you have no news by July 1, contact anyone who can help you resolve your situation.

Gemini: July 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 4 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: July 12, 2020 - Mercury enters Cancer.

Health: The horoscope for July 2020 recommends caution and vigilance, to avoid any disappointment regarding your home, your health and that of your family. Spend more time at home and make an appointment with your general practitioner for your annual check-up if you have not already done so this year.

Gemini: August 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: August 4, 2020 - Mercury enters Leo.

Travel, sports and leisure: During the month of August 2020, sensuality, leisure and the performing arts occupy the center stage. It's time to fully live your passions and party. You live a lucky and joyous period, conducive to pleasures and emotions.

Gemini: September 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: September 5, 2020 - Mercury enters Libra.

Love, family and friendship: The horoscope for September 2020 foreshadows the birth of a deep love or even a probable marriage with a native of Virgo or Gemini.

⭐ Monthly score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: September 27, 2020 - Mercury enters Scorpio.

Health: At the end of September and the beginning of October 2020, do not let your stress and your possible anxieties crush the flow of your thoughts. If you feel more fragile psychologically, do not neglect the quality of your sleep and your food to find your good mood and believe in yourself again.

Gemini: October 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 4 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: October 13, 2020 - Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio.

Career, money and studies: If you are a student, you will find that it is more difficult for you to memorize your lessons during the month of October 2020. Now is not the time to let go and put down the pen or the brushes. Pull yourself together. It is by dint of persistence that you can overcome all obstacles.

Gemini: November 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 4 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: October 27, 2020 - Mercury retrograde enters Libra.

Career, money and studies: If you are a researcher or an academic, you are going through a phase during which the exchanges with your colleagues, so important to validate the progress of your research, seem sterile. In addition, if you are going to give a conference on your recent work, rely on a written document and a visual presentation, because your memory may run out at the wrong time.

Gemini: December 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 3 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: December 1, 2020 - Mercury enters Sagittarius. Mercury is in Debility of Exile in House 9 (Sagittarius).

Career, money and studies: The horoscope for December 2020 urges caution. Regarding your career, it is best to wait before starting a new project and if possible avoid having to make business trips. You feel a certain feverishness which makes you doubt your capacities and your choices. Don't get carried away in melancholy, you have all the cards in hand to bounce back quickly. Just be a little patient while the wind turns again.

⭐ Monthly score: 6 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: December 20, 2020 - Mercury enters Capricorn. Mercury is in a state of Earth Triplicity in the House of Capricorn.

Health: Your health is a little feverish during the month of December 2020. If your job pushes you into a sedentary lifestyle (for example if you work behind a computer), you should be able to take mini-breaks every 15 minutes to walk around a bit and stretch your legs.

➔ Read next: Free and complete 2020 annual horoscope for the 12 zodiac signs

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