Sagittarius Horoscope 2020: Love, Money, Health

♐ Sagittarius 2020 horoscope: Sparkling success
By KarmaWeather - 4 January 2020
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Accurate yearly horoscope 2020 for the zodiac sign of Sagittarius, from New Year 2020 and month by month in 2020

Free personalized horoscope for Sagittarius in 2020, for men and women, according to your date of birth: love, money, career, education, travel, health, color of the year 2020, lucky number, lucky zodiac stone and chakra for Sagittarius in 2020. Discover the meaning and effects of the astrological dates and events that will influence your life in 2020.

📅 Sagittarius dates of birth range: November 23 - December 21
💎 Zodiac birthstone 2020: Pearl
🎨 Lucky color 2020: White
🍀 Lucky number 2020: 7
🧘‍♀️ Balancing chakra 2020: Crown chakra

➔ Sagittarius personality horoscope

In brief: Is 2020 a good year for Sagittarius?

⭐ Annual score 2020: 7.5 / 10
In 2020, the native of Sagittarius has a great year, both in love and for his work. If he wishes, he can successfully launch complex professional projects. Summer 2020 is an opportunity to make trips and enriching encounters that will contribute to bringing a positive breath to the last part of the year.

Will Sagittarius get married in 2020?

💒 Best month for Sagittarius to get married in 2020: February 2020

Sagittarius: Love horoscope 2020 for singles and couples

First semester 2020

⭐ Semester score: 3 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: January 1, 2020 - Pluto is direct in Capricorn. Pluto is in Debility of Fall (Detriment) in House 10 (Capricorn).

The love horoscope for January, February, March and April 2020 heralds a contrasting period for couples. Because during Pluto in Capricorn, secret desires resurface. It is time to face reality, for yourself and vis-à-vis your partner. If boredom awaits you, you could question your relationship, unless you finally realize that the warm tranquility of the home remains the best guarantee of your personal development in the long term.

Second semester 2020

⭐ Semester score: 3 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: September 22, 2020 - The sun enters Libra. The Sun is in Debility of Fall (Detriment) in House 7 (Libra).

The last week of September and the first half of October 2020 correspond to a somewhat delicate period, during which couple relationships are more tense. The same goes for those who have co-founded a business with partners. An inexpressible tension arises from nowhere, creating a certain coldness between them. it is essential to recreate the conditions for dialogue if it is broken. No situation, real or imagined, should be capable of jeopardizing the shared interests of long-standing partners, whether in private or professional life. Every problem has a solution.

Sagittarius: Money and Career horoscope 2020

First semester 2020

⭐ Semester score: 7 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: February 16, 2020 - Mars enters Capricorn. Mars is in Dignity of Exaltation in House 10 (Capricorn).

The horoscope from mid-February to the end of March 2020 is an invitation to take a step back. In fact, you seem completely absorbed in your work at the moment, to the point of forgetting your private life and becoming easily irritable with your collaborators when things are not going in your direction. However, everything seems clear to you, the strategy to be adopted, the means to be implemented, the production schedule. If you are right to believe it, however you will always be wrong to get upset, especially with the people you need to succeed. Dialogue and listening are always more effective than big speeches and peremptory orders.

Second semester 2020

⭐ Semester score: 4 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: May 14, 2020 - Jupiter is retrograde in Capricorn.

The horoscope for September, October, November and December 2020 predicts some professional frustrations for all signs of the zodiac. It will take a lot of patience and persistence, because your goals will be more complex to achieve than initially envisaged.

Sagittarius: Monthly horoscope 2020

Sagittarius: January 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 8 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: January 1, 2020 - Neptune is direct in Pisces. Neptune is in Dignity of Domicile in House 12 (Pisces). Neptune is in a Water Triplicity state in the House of Pisces.

Career, money and studies: The horoscope for the first half of 2020 (January to June 2020) portends a good period for the artistic, medical and paramedical professions. Generally, all activities that require the intervention and skills of a group of individuals are favored. Until the start of the summer, remain particularly discreet about your opinions and your private life with your colleagues, since harmless chatter can sometimes become malicious rumors.

Sagittarius: February 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 9 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: February 20, 2020 - Jupiter is in major aspect of Sextile with Neptune.

Love, family and friendship: The period is ideal if you want to offer your partner to finally settle in together. You feel that the observation period has now lasted long enough and you feel ready to commit to a project of living together with the person you love. You should have a favorable ear from your partner.

Sagittarius: March 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 8 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: March 19, 2020 - The sun enters Aries. The sun is in Dignity of Exaltation in House 1 (Aries). The sun is in the state of Fire Triplicity in the House of Aries.

Health: The beginning of spring 2020 heralds the beginning of a prosperous cycle, during which the body and the soul are vivified. This generous and benevolent energy benefits everyone. Courage, righteousness and strength combined make it possible to sweep away all the obstacles that would come across the path of noble souls who decided to assert themselves to make a positive mark on the world.

Sagittarius: April 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 9 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: April 4, 2020 - Jupiter is in major aspect of Conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn.

Career, money and studies: Driven by an iron will and guided by an infallible instinct, you are ready to take the risks necessary to lead you on the paths of growth and success. Ambitious, persevering and determined, it is not the difficulties that will stop you in your thirst for change in the service of your convictions and your interests. Your renewed charisma allows you to attract talented people who will help you achieve your goals, provided of course that you are not tempted to impose your ideas at any cost, however good they may be. You see the big picture and you are right, provided you avoid any temptation to exaggerate your exploits, which could make you presumptuous and make you lose all credibility.

Sagittarius: May 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 4 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: May 14, 2020 - Jupiter is retrograde in Capricorn.

Career, money and studies: Your activities over the past few months have put you on the rails for future financial autonomy which should allow you to leave your current job to put yourself on your own. However, you still need to be patient. Courage, your efforts won't be wasted!

Sagittarius: June 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 4 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: June 23, 2020 - Neptune is retrograde in Pisces.

Health: It is advisable to be extra careful during this troubled period which begins on June 23, 2020 and which lasts until November 2020. Small inexplicable discomforts and devious enmities, masked by feigned benevolence, are to be expected.

Sagittarius: July 2020, August 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 8 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: July 22, 2020 - The sun enters Leo. The sun is in Dignity of Domicile in House 5 (Leo). The sun is in the state of Fire Triplicity in the House of Leo.

Travel, sports and leisure: The horoscope for July and August 2020 is synonymous with leisure and relaxation. Those working in the entertainment, theater or film trades experience a resurgence in popularity following the success of their latest creation. Parties, fun and outings take a prominent place in the lives of families and their children, to the delight of those who have made entertainment their profession.

Sagittarius: September 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 3 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: September 12, 2020 - Jupiter is direct in Capricorn. Jupiter is in Debility of Fall (Detriment) in House 10 (Capricorn).

Career, money and studies: Your activities over the past few months have put you on the rails for future financial autonomy which should allow you to leave your current job to put yourself on your own. However, you still need to be patient. Cheer up, your efforts are not vain!

Sagittarius: October 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 9 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: October 12, 2020 - Jupiter is in major aspect of Sextile with Neptune.

Career, money and studies: You now have enough confidence to feel ready to share your project with people you trust who share the same interests as you. Whether you are looking for sound advice or a business partner, the discussions you will have will allow you to get even closer to achieving your dreams. Success is at your door!

Sagittarius: November 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 8 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: November 21, 2020 - The sun enters Sagittarius. The sun is in Dignity of Planetary Joy in House 9 (Sagittarius). The sun is in a Fire Triplicity state in the House of Sagittarius.

Career, money and studies: Traveling for work is potentially profitable. In addition, the studies of philosophical and theological, as well as political, diplomatic and ecclesiastical careers are favored. It is a positive transition phase ahead, during which it is possible to develop new opportunities as soon as one looks beyond the horizon.

Sagittarius: December 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 8 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: December 19, 2020 - Jupiter enters Aquarius. Jupiter is in Dignity of Planetary Joy in House 11 (Aquarius). Jupiter is in a Fire Triplicity state in the House of Aquarius.

Career, money and studies: In this month of December 2020, nothing seems to be able to stop you in your quest for success. Your charisma and your positivity allow you to easily convince the people who can help you structure your project. But don't get me wrong. If quality professionals want to follow you, it is because you promise them a full-fledged role in your business. For this ideal situation to persist, you must beware of any temptation to be intolerant of contradictory ideas and avoid appropriating the merits of your success to yourself only.

➔ Read next: Free and complete 2020 annual horoscope for the 12 zodiac signs

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