Taurus Horoscope 2021: Annual forecasts per month

♉ Taurus 2021 horoscope - Month by month predictions for the zodiac sign of Taurus, from New Year 2021
By KarmaWeather - 7 December 2020
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Free and accurate 2021 horoscope for Taurus men and women, according to your date of birth: love, money, career, education, travel, health, color of the year, lucky number, lucky zodiacal stone and balancing chakra.

Discover the meaning and effects of the astrological dates and events that will influence your life in 2021.

  • 📅 Taurus dates of birth range: April 21 - May 21
  • 💎 Zodiac birthstone 2021: Aventurine
  • 🎨 Lucky color 2021: Apple green
  • 🍀 Lucky number 2021: 18
  • 🧘‍♀️ Balancing chakra 2021: Heart chakra

➔ Taurus Personality Horoscope

Is 2021 a good year for Taurus?

⭐ Annual score 2021: 6 / 10

Will the year 2021 turn out to be lucky for Taurus? 2021 is a rather positive year for Taurus, who improve his perception of the world by showing curiosity and a benevolent openness towards others. In the wake of their New Year's resolutions 2021 and during the first part of the year, the 2nd zodiac sign first learns to reconnect with his own values. Building on his intrinsic qualities of stability and endurance, Taurus is able to change the framework of his life towards ever more novelty. The professional harmony that reigns around Taurus in 2021 is also the source of new opportunities that will materialize both through the consolidation of his achievements and through training or studies focused on the artistic fields or social studies.

From the summer of 2021, Taurus is relying on original methodologies to strengthen the foundations that he will have laid in the first part of the year. Nevertheless, Taurus will have difficulty finding in his work the same satisfactions that his social and family life will be able to bring him. He will have to protect himself from the fleeting melancholy he may feel in his work, especially if his activity does not require teamwork. Occasional travel will compensate for this feeling of isolation. In love during the year 2021, Taurus gradually learns to distinguish between the intense but fleeting desires of a hazardous encounter with the fulfilling aspiration of a balanced married life. If the single Taurus can look forward to a fun and emotionally eventful 2021, a Taurus in a relationship must find the right compromises to safeguard the happiness of his home.

Will Taurus get married in 2021?

💒 Best month for Taurus to get married in 2021: June 2021

Taurus: Monthly horoscope 2021

Taurus: January 2021

Taurus January 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 5 / 10
📅 Highlight January 8, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event Venus enters Capricorn.
💼👩‍🎓 Topic Career, studies
According to the horoscope for January 2021, you are entering a period of professional stability. The actions carried out in the previous weeks have made it possible to consolidate your situation within your team. Recognition from your colleagues gives you the strength to be more confident about your existing projects. Hopefully you may even find the time to develop new ideas. Professional sectors which put creativity at the heart of their activity are favored. If you are a student of art, design or music, you can find support from a woman (gallery owner, patron, producer) who will help you emerge in your field.

Taurus: February 2021

Taurus February 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 5 / 10
📅 Highlight February 1, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event Venus enters Aquarius.
❤️️ Topic Love, family, friendship
According to the horoscope for February 2021, social relationships are in the spotlight in this first part of the year. There is no lack of opportunities for meetings and new encounters. You might be in high demand from your friends, which will give you the opportunity to update your wardrobe or try out a new haircut. There will be more opportunities for new friendships with women. It is a fulfilling period to discuss, exchange and understand the joys and the torments of those around you. Thanks to a comforting social circle, you will be able to lay the groundwork for the next dynamics of your emotional life.

Taurus: March 2021

Taurus March 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 3 / 10
📅 Highlight March 21, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event Venus enters Aries. Venus is in a debilitated state of Exile in the House of Aries.
❤️️ Topic Love, family, friendship
The horoscope for March 2021 is more favorable to singles than to couples. Indeed, the atmosphere is electric and the opportunities for romantic encounters are numerous. Even if they can't find a soul mate, singles aren't likely to get bored. On the other hand, if you are in a relationship, you might be tempted by night trips away from home. Pull yourself together and reassure yourself, because this is probably a temporary loss of bearings rather than a radical desire to change your life.

Taurus: April 2021

Taurus April 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 7 / 10
📅 Highlight April 14, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event Venus enters Taurus. Venus is in dignity of Domicile in the House of Taurus.
💼👩‍🎓 Topic Career, studies
The April 2021 horoscope predicts a productive time for social science and psychology students, as well as for those in professions that appeal to inspiration (artists, novelists, inventors) and the psyche (psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, astrologer). Likewise, if you work in cosmetics, perfumery or even body care, the coming weeks herald favorable development for your business. The time may be right to invest in the purchase of new work tools to improve your skills and better promote your know-how.

Taurus: May 2021

Taurus May 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 7 / 10
📅 Highlight May 8, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event Venus enters Gemini.
💼 Topic Career
The May 2021 horoscope heralds an exciting time, during which it is possible to create new openings in your professional field. The quality of your commercial approach, combined with innovative methods, will allow you to gain the upper hand over your competitors. Now is not the time to give in to procrastination or defeatism. Now is the time for action and the ability you will demonstrate to project yourself into the future with clairvoyance. Be confident and stay focused on your priorities.

Taurus: June 2021

Taurus June 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 8 / 10
📅 Highlight June 2, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event Venus enters Cancer. Venus is in triplicity of Water in the House of Cancer.
❤️️ Topic Love, family, friendship
According to the June 2021 horoscope, you have a burning desire to take life on the safe side, despite the worries that can accumulate and over which you have little control. This is why each family or romantic outing becomes an opportunity to enjoy the simple but intense joys of life. A sunset, a walk in the forest, a mountain trek, so many leisure opportunities that effectively allow you to reconnect with nature while relieving the stress of a digitalized and distanced social life. You are in a period of mental restructuring which allows you to make peace with the past and fully appreciate the present.

Taurus: July 2021

Taurus July 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 6 / 10
📅 Highlight July 7, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event Mercury leaves the retrograde zone in Gemini. Mercury is in dignity of Domicile in the House of Gemini.
💪 Topic Health, well-being
According to the horoscope for July 2021, you benefit from the positive and invigorating energies of an astral conjuncture adapted to your current needs. You will even be able to make yourself available to those who call on your good advice. Finally, the possible business travel opportunities will help you maintain your physical shape and avoid the sedentary lifestyle that your work sometimes induces.

Taurus: August 2021

Taurus August 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 5 / 10
📅 Highlight August 22, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event The full moon is in Aquarius.
❤️️ Topic Love, family, friendship
The horoscope for the month of August 2021 provides for a strengthening of your psychological balance allowing you to understand your family and friends relationships with more lucidity. The serenity that you radiate makes you particularly attractive to all those who are going through a period of uncertainty in your entourage. Better control of your emotions makes you an outstanding marriage counselor. However, stay alert enough that your friends' requests don't take up all your time. The frustration resulting from one-sided friendships is often crippling.

Taurus: September 2021

Taurus September 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 6 / 10
📅 Highlight September 11, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event Jupiter and Pluto are in harmonic minor aspect of semi-sextile in the House of Capricorn.
💰 Topic Money
Looking at your horoscope for September 2021, you have the impression that everything is going a little slower in your life. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, as it can also mean you're looking to rearrange your priorities. You might consider buying a property, buying new life insurance, or deciding to adopt a better investment strategy. These are all valid goals, as long as you prepare them very carefully.

Taurus: October 2021

Taurus October 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 5 / 10
📅 Highlight October 7, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event Venus enters Sagittarius.
💼 Topic Career
According to the horoscope for the month of October 2021, you are in a time of change and creative thinking. You are also able to put your artistic sensibility at the service of your projects, which could become an appreciable asset to stand out from your competitors and develop new markets. If you sometimes have the impression that you are moving forward on your own, this should especially not slow you down in your ambitions or make you doubt the relevance of your developments. Talented employees will join you later, once they are reassured by the positive turn of your business.

Taurus: November 2021

Taurus November 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 7 / 10
📅 Highlight November 5, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event Venus enters Capricorn.
💼 Topic Career
The horoscope for November 2021 promotes your ability to discover new opportunities. Your curiosity is aroused and you do not want to miss this opportunity to discover new territories to explore. In full possession of your means, you feel capable of creating ever more ambitious projects with an ever wider audience. You might also decide to develop your skills in new areas.

Taurus: December 2021

Taurus December 2021 horoscope
Monthly Score 5 / 10
📅 Highlight December 11, 2021
💫 Zodiacal Event Venus and Pluto are in neutral aspect of conjunction in the House of Capricorn.
❤️️ Topic Love, family, friendship
The horoscope for the month of December 2021 bodes well for renewed vitality on the social level. You are determined to make the most of your free time to go out with your friends but also to enjoy your family. Your listening skills and the caring you show attract new people to your side. However, even if some of these new encounters will not necessarily be lasting, the positivity of these emotional ties will help consolidate your newfound serenity.

➔ Read next: Free and complete 2021 annual horoscopes for the 12 zodiac signs

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