Astrology: Dates of zodiac signs
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What is the date of each zodiac sign?
From your date of birth, you can easily determine your astrological sign. Each zodiac sign has its own characteristics, from which can be deduced individual personality traits but also love compatibility (sexuality, marriage) and friendship with other signs.
Find out the date of your zodiac sign below, access your personality horoscope and annual astrological forecasts concerning you personally.
What does my zodiac sign mean?
The 12 constellations of the zodiac (or astrological houses) are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
The dates of your astrological sign correspond to the time during which the sun crosses one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac, each astrological house occupying 30 ° of celestial longitude, out of the 360 ° occupied by the starry vault. It is therefore common to speak of "solar sign" to designate the zodiac sign since it is determined, at the time of the birth of an individual, by the conjunction between the Earth (the observer from a determined place), the Sun and one of the 12 astrological constellations. As it happens, your zodiac sign bears the same name as the constellation crossed by the sun on the day of your birth. Likewise, your zodiac sign draws its main qualities and character flaws from its astrological house. Of course, in your birth chart, the calculation of the movements and positions of the planets sheds a more precise and detailed light, both on your personality traits but also on the outlines of your destiny.
Origins of astrology
Astrology (which means "study of the stars" in ancient Greek) finds its origins in the Mediterranean region, Mesopotamia and Persia. The famous Greek astrologer Claudius Ptolemy (170 - 100 BC) takes up and perfects the fundamental principles of astrology as they were developed during the previous centuries by the ancient astronomers of Greece, Babylon and Egypt. The work of Ptolemy, preserved by Arab and Indian scholars, has long remained the main reference in astrology in the West and the Middle East.
Ptolemy, in his encyclopedia on astrology (Tetrabiblos), first of all makes the postulate of the physical influence of the stars and planets on the physical world, to the exclusion of the spiritual and mystical field. If, within his work, he also establishes a list of 140 "fixed stars" and assigns them a function, it is especially the astrologers in India and Asia who will subsequently give them a key role, while Western astrology will remain focused on the role of the planets. Ptolemy attributes four fundamental elementary qualities to the planets (hot, cold, dry and wet), themselves associated with the four elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Ether). Each house (and therefore each zodiac sign) is itself associated with a planet and an element.
Thus, each zodiac sign undergoes the influences of the celestial bodies which pass in direct or retrograde movement within its astrological house. The different configurations of celestial bodies and their relationships between them help determine the fate of an individual, both at the time of his birth and at a later date (predictive astrology), but also in his relationship to others (astrological compatibility).
Zodiac sign calculator
You can at any time, on each page of the KarmaWeather website (in the right column in the web version and at the bottom of the page in the mobile version), use the free zodiac sign (sun sign) and Chinese zodiac sign calculator.
12 astrological signs: dates, meaning, personality

Aries dates
People born between March 21 and April 20 are of the zodiac sign of Aries.
Characteristics and personality traits of Aries
Associated with the pictorial symbol of a ram, the ruling planet of the zodiac sign of Aries is Mars and its element is Fire. Born during the date ranges when the sun crosses the 1st astrological constellation (or 1st zodiacal house), the native of Aries, man or woman, is courageous, passionate and entrepreneur.

Taurus dates
People born between April 21 and May 20 are of the zodiac sign of Taurus.
Characteristics and personality traits of Taurus
Associated with the pictorial symbol of a bull, the governing planet of the zodiac sign of Taurus is Venus and its element is Earth. Born during the date ranges when the sun crosses the 2nd astrological constellation (or 2nd zodiacal house), the native of Taurus, man or woman, is patient, determined and responsible.

Gemini dates
People born between May 21 and June 21 are of the zodiac sign of Gemini.
Characteristics and personality traits of Gemini
Associated with the pictorial symbol of two twins, the ruling planet of the zodiac sign of Gemini is Mercury and its element is Air. Born during the date ranges when the sun crosses the 3rd astrological constellation (or 3rd zodiacal house), the native of Gemini, man or woman, is curious, open-minded and versatile.

Cancer dates
People born between June 22 and July 22 are of the zodiac sign of Cancer.
Characteristics and personality traits of Cancer
Associated with the pictorial symbol of a crab, the ruling planet of the zodiac sign of Cancer is the Moon and its element is Water. Born during the date ranges when the sun crosses the 4th astrological constellation (or 4th zodiacal house), the native of Cancer, man or woman, is intuitive, emotional and homebody.

Leo dates
People born between July 23 and August 22 are of the zodiac sign of Leo.
Characteristics and personality traits of Leo
Associated with the pictorial symbol of a lion, the ruling planet of the zodiac sign of Leo is the Sun and its element is Fire. Born during the date ranges when the sun crosses the 5th astrological constellation (or 5th zodiacal house), the native of Leo, man or woman, is passionate, domineering and willful.

Virgo dates
People born between August 23 and September 22 are of the zodiac sign of Virgo.
Characteristics and personality traits of Virgo
Associated with the pictorial symbol of a young maiden, the ruling planet of the zodiac sign of Virgo is Mercury and its element is Earth. Born during the date ranges when the sun crosses the 6th astrological constellation (or 6th zodiacal house), the native of Virgo, man or woman, is discreet, perfectionist and trustworthy.

Libra dates
People born between September 23 and October 23 are of the zodiac sign of Libra.
Characteristics and personality traits of Libra
Associated with the pictorial symbol of a scale, the ruling planet of the zodiac sign of Libra is Venus and its element is Air. Born during the date ranges when the sun crosses the 7th astrological constellation (or 7th zodiacal house), the native of Libra, man or woman, is diplomat, idealist and undecided.

Scorpio dates
People born between October 24 and November 22 are of the zodiac sign of Scorpio.
Characteristics and personality traits of Scorpio
Associated with the pictorial symbol of a scorpion, the ruling planet of the zodiac sign of Scorpio is Pluto (formerly Mars) and its element is Water. Born during the date ranges when the sun crosses the 8th astrological constellation (or 8th zodiacal house), the native of Scorpio, man or woman, is courageous, secretive and jealous.

Sagittarius dates
People born between November 23 and December 21 are of the zodiac sign of Sagittarius.
Characteristics and personality traits of Sagittarius
Associated with the pictorial symbol of an archer, the ruling planet of the zodiac sign of Sagittarius is Jupiter, its main element is Fire and its secondary element is Air. Born during the date ranges when the sun crosses the 9th astrological constellation (or 9th zodiacal house), the native of Sagittarius, man or woman, is optimistic, adventurous and open to all knowledge.

Capricorn dates
People born between December 22 and January 20 are of the zodiac sign of Capricorn.
Characteristics and personality traits of Capricorn
Associated with the pictorial symbol of a mountain goat, the ruling planet of the zodiac sign of Capricorn is Saturn and its element is Earth. Born during the date ranges when the sun crosses the 10th astrological constellation (or 10th zodiacal house), the native of Capricorn, man or woman, is ambitious, persevering and sensitive.

Aquarius dates
People born between January 21 and February 19 are of the zodiac sign of Aquarius.
Characteristics and personality traits of Aquarius
Associated with the pictorial symbol of a water carrier, the ruling planet of the zodiac sign of Aquarius is Uranus (formerly Saturn) and its element is Air. Born during the date ranges when the sun crosses the 11th astrological constellation (or 11th zodiacal house), the native of Aquarius, man or woman, is original, independent and stubborn.

Pisces dates
People born between February 19 and March 20 are of the zodiac sign of Pisces.
Characteristics and personality traits of Pisces
Associated with the pictorial symbol of two fishes, the governing planet of the zodiac sign of Pisces is Neptune (formerly Jupiter) and its element is Water. Born during the date ranges when the sun crosses the 12th astrological constellation (or 12th zodiacal house), the native of Pisces, man or woman, is romantic, intuitive and creative.