Moon (XVIII), Tarot - Shadows of Illusion & Intuition

The Moon: Eighteenth Major Arcana - Unravel its symbolism, meanings and interpretations in love, money and work
By KarmaWeather - 29 March 2023
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Description & significance of the Moon Tarot Card

The Moon, represented by the number eighteen, is the nineteenth card in the Major Arcana of the tarot. This card symbolizes the mysterious, the subconscious mind and the realm of dreams and intuition. The Moon is often depicted as a glowing orb in the night sky, with a wolf and a dog howling at its light, representing the primal instincts and emotions that stir beneath the surface of our conscious minds.

With respect to its importance, the Moon is a bright card that represents the necessity of embracing our intuition, exploring our subconscious and navigating the realm of dreams and emotions. It encourages us to delve deep into our psyche, to face our fears and to trust our instincts. The Moon invites us to honor the mysterious and the unknown, to listen to the whispers of our intuition and to find guidance in the symbols and messages of our dreams. Its presence in a tarot reading can inspire self-discovery, emotional healing and the development of psychic abilities.

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Origins of the Moon Tarot Card

The Moon card has its origins in the mid-15th century Italian tarot decks, like the Visconti-Sforza Tarot. Originally known as "La Luna" or "The Moon," this card typically featured a moonlit scene, often with a watery landscape and animals, symbolizing the world of dreams, the subconscious mind and the mysterious realms of the imagination.

With the growing association between tarot and the occult, the symbolism of the Moon card shifted to emphasize the intuitive, psychic and emotional aspects of human experience. In the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, the Moon is portrayed as a luminescent celestial body, shining above a landscape of water, land and towers, with a dog and a wolf howling at its light. This imagery highlights the Moon's role as a symbol of intuition, inner wisdom and the ability to navigate the complex and ever-changing landscape of our emotions and subconscious mind.

Meaning of the Moon Tarot Card

  • General interpretation and life lessons

    The Moon, the nineteenth card in the Major Arcana, symbolizes mystery, the subconscious mind and the realm of dreams and intuition. As a powerful card, it emphasizes the importance of embracing our intuition, exploring our subconscious and navigating the realm of dreams and emotions. The Moon encourages us to delve deep into our psyche, face our fears and trust our instincts. It invites us to honor the mysterious and the unknown, listen to the whispers of our intuition and find guidance in the symbols and messages of our dreams. In a tarot reading, the Moon card can signify self-discovery, emotional healing and the development of psychic abilities.

  • Upright and reversed meanings

    In an upright position, the Moon card symbolizes mystery, intuition and the subconscious mind. It represents the need to explore our inner depths and trust our instincts. When reversed, the Moon card may indicate feelings of confusion, deception, or emotional turmoil, suggesting a need to confront and overcome these challenges to find clarity and inner peace.

  • Spiritual, emotional and psychological dimensions

    Spiritually, the Moon card emphasizes the importance of embracing our intuition, trusting our inner guidance and exploring the realm of dreams and the subconscious. Emotionally, the card teaches us to face our fears and navigate our emotions in order to achieve emotional healing and balance. Psychologically, the Moon card underscores the value of understanding the mysterious and the unknown, tapping into our psychic abilities and listening to the messages our subconscious mind offers.

  • Numerological associations

    The Moon card is associated with the number 18, which in numerology represents the subconscious mind, intuition and the mysterious. The number 18 is often linked to the idea of embracing our inner depths and trusting our instincts to guide us. This connection accentuates the Moon card's emphasis on self-discovery, emotional healing and the development of psychic abilities.

The Moon © KarmaWeather by Konbi

Love according to the Moon Tarot Card

In matters of love and relationships, the Moon card symbolizes intuition, emotional depth and the potential for navigating the complexities of the subconscious. This Major Arcana card underscores the importance of trusting one's instincts and embracing emotional vulnerability in the realm of romantic connections.

  • Interpretation for singles

    For single individuals, the Moon card implies that developing a deeper understanding of their own emotions and instincts can be crucial in their pursuit of love. It encourages singles to trust their intuition, to explore their emotional landscape and to be open to the subtle cues that may guide them toward a compatible partner. The Moon card also serves as a reminder that fostering emotional intelligence and self-awareness can be essential in forming healthy, lasting relationships.

  • Interpretation for couples

    In the context of established relationships, the Moon card signifies the importance of emotional vulnerability, open communication and mutual understanding in maintaining a harmonious and fulfilling partnership. Couples are encouraged to delve into their emotional depths, to share their innermost feelings and fears and to cultivate a sense of empathy and compassion for one another. The Moon card also serves as a reminder that nurturing emotional intimacy and trust can contribute to a more profound and resilient bond between partners.

Money according to the Moon Tarot Card

When it comes to financial matters, the Moon card represents intuition, mystery and the necessity of trusting one's instincts when navigating the unpredictable waters of monetary affairs. This Major Arcana card underlines the significance of listening to one's inner voice, deciphering hidden messages and remaining adaptable in the face of financial uncertainty.

The Moon card indicates that relying on intuition, perceiving the subtleties in financial situations and concentrating on the innate wisdom that lies within may lead to improved financial well-being. It encourages individuals to trust their instincts when dealing with monetary decisions, recognize their innate ability to adapt and remain flexible in the ever-changing financial landscape. The Moon card also serves as a reminder that embracing one's intuitive nature and being open to change can be vital in creating a secure financial foundation.

Career according to the Moon Tarot Card

In the realm of career, the Moon card symbolizes intuition, enigma and the importance of trusting one's gut feelings when maneuvering through the often uncertain world of professional life. This Major Arcana card accentuates the relevance of following one's inner guidance, deciphering concealed opportunities and remaining versatile when confronted with career challenges.

The Moon card suggests that tapping into intuition, detecting the nuances in professional situations and focusing on the inherent wisdom one possesses may be crucial in achieving career success. It urges individuals to have faith in their instincts when making career choices, acknowledge their inherent ability to adapt and stay resilient in the ever-evolving professional environment. The Moon card also serves as a reminder that harnessing one's intuitive abilities and being receptive to change can be beneficial in forging a successful and fulfilling career path.

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Discover the symbolism, meanings and interpretations in love, money and work for the 22 major arcana cards of Tarot:

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