Wheel of Fortune (X), Tarot - Fate & Unexpected Change

Wheel of Fortune: Tenth Major Arcana - Decode its symbolism, meanings and interpretations in love, money and work
By KarmaWeather - 29 March 2023
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Description & significance of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

The Wheel of Fortune, represented by the number ten, is the eleventh card in the Major Arcana of the tarot. This card symbolizes the cycles of life, destiny and the ever-changing nature of the universe. The Wheel of Fortune is often depicted as a rotating wheel with various symbols and figures, representing the interconnectedness of all things and the eternal cycle of birth, growth and transformation.

Considering its meaning, the Wheel of Fortune is a primordial card that represents the importance of recognizing and embracing the inevitability of change. It encourages us to adapt to shifting circumstances, to trust in the natural flow of the universe and to accept that all things are subject to the laws of karma and destiny. The Wheel of Fortune invites us to acknowledge the interconnectedness of all things and to cultivate a sense of balance and harmony in our lives. Its presence in a tarot reading can inspire self-development, adaptability and the wisdom to navigate life's ups and downs.

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Origins of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

The Wheel of Fortune has its origins in the Italian tarot decks of the mid-15th century, such as the Visconti-Sforza Tarot. Originally referred to as "La Ruota" or "The Wheel," this card often depicted a large, rotating wheel with figures rising and falling, symbolizing the cyclical nature of life, the inevitability of change and the unpredictability of fate.

As tarot became more connected to the occult and divination in the late 18th century, the symbolism of the Wheel of Fortune evolved to encompass broader themes of destiny, karma and the cosmic cycles that govern human existence. The Rider-Waite Tarot deck portrays the Wheel of Fortune as a large, cosmic wheel surrounded by various esoteric symbols and figures, representing the interconnectedness of all things and the divine forces that guide the course of our lives. This imagery highlights the Wheel of Fortune's role as a reminder of the ever-changing nature of life and the importance of embracing change with grace and adaptability.

Meaning of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

  • General interpretation and life lessons

    The Wheel of Fortune, the eleventh card in the Major Arcana, signifies the ebbs and flows of existence, the role of fate and the constantly shifting nature of the cosmos. This card teaches us the value of understanding and accepting life's fluctuations and the inescapable nature of transformation. The life lessons connected to the Wheel of Fortune involve adjusting to varying situations, having faith in the cosmic order and acknowledging the principles of karma and destiny.

  • Upright and reversed meanings

    When upright, the Wheel of Fortune represents personal growth, flexibility and the insight to manage life's changes. It encourages us to recognize the interdependence of all things and develop equilibrium and congruity in our lives. In a reversed position, the Wheel of Fortune may imply reluctance to accept change, a sensation of stagnation, or an inability to adjust to new conditions, signaling the need to welcome change and trust in life's rhythms.

  • Spiritual, emotional and psychological dimensions

    On a spiritual level, the Wheel of Fortune signifies the perpetual cycle of growth, evolution and metamorphosis, reminding us of the interconnectedness of all things. Emotionally, this card encourages us to discover balance and harmony in our lives, despite the constant variations in the world around us. Psychologically, the Wheel of Fortune highlights the importance of adapting to transitions and having faith in the cosmic flow.

  • Numerological associations

    The Wheel of Fortune is linked to the number 10, which in numerology represents completion, fresh starts and the potential for remarkable accomplishments. The number 10 embodies wholeness, totality and the culmination of a cycle, reflecting the essence of the Wheel of Fortune card and its focus on life's fluctuations, transformation and interdependence.

KarmaWeather Tarot - Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Fortune © KarmaWeather by Konbi

Love according to the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

In the realm of love and relationships, the Wheel of Fortune card symbolizes cycles, change and the influence of destiny. This Major Arcana card emphasizes the importance of embracing the natural ebb and flow of romantic connections and understanding that fate may play a role in shaping one's love life.

  • Interpretation for singles

    For those who are single, the Wheel of Fortune card suggests that they should be open to the unexpected twists and turns that may occur in their quest for love. It encourages singles to remain optimistic and to trust in the idea that the universe may bring new opportunities for romantic connections when the timing is right. The Wheel of Fortune also serves as a reminder that personal growth and adaptability can be valuable assets in navigating the ever-changing landscape of the dating world.

  • Interpretation for couples

    When it comes to committed relationships, the Wheel of Fortune card highlights the importance of accepting change and adapting to the natural cycles that may affect a partnership. Couples are advised to be open to new experiences, to embrace the challenges that may arise and to trust in the strength of their bond to weather any storms. The Wheel of Fortune also serves as a reminder that maintaining open communication and a positive attitude can help to foster a resilient and enduring relationship, even in the face of life's inevitable ups and downs.

Money according to the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

In the context of financial matters, the Wheel of Fortune card symbolizes cycles, changes and the potential for growth through adapting to fluctuations and embracing new opportunities. This Major Arcana card emphasizes the importance of recognizing the cyclical nature of finances, being prepared for change and remaining open to evolving financial situations.

The Wheel of Fortune card suggests that acknowledging financial cycles, adapting to change and seizing emerging opportunities may contribute to financial well-being. It encourages individuals to be prepared for fluctuations in their financial circumstances, remain flexible in their financial strategies and capitalize on new possibilities. The Wheel of Fortune card also serves as a reminder that cultivating an adaptable, opportunity-focused approach can be essential in establishing a prosperous financial future.

Career according to the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

In professional matters, the Wheel of Fortune card signifies transformation, cycles and the potential for career growth through adapting to change, recognizing new opportunities and embracing the natural progression of one's career path. This Major Arcana card highlights the value of being open to evolving professional situations, staying flexible and capitalizing on emerging prospects.

The Wheel of Fortune card implies that being receptive to change, acknowledging the cyclical nature of professional life and seizing new opportunities can be crucial in achieving career success. It encourages individuals to remain adaptable in their career strategies, embrace the natural flow of their professional journey and capitalize on emerging possibilities. The Wheel of Fortune card also serves as a reminder that adopting a flexible, opportunity-driven approach can be advantageous in navigating the complex world of career development and advancement.

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Discover the symbolism, meanings and interpretations in love, money and work for the 22 major arcana cards of Tarot:

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