World (XXI), Tarot - Wholeness & Fulfillment

The World: Twenty-First Major Arcana - Embrace its symbolism, meanings and interpretations in love, money and work
By KarmaWeather - 29 March 2023
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Description & significance of the World Tarot Card

The World, represented by the number twenty-one, is the twenty-second and final card in the Major Arcana of the tarot. This card symbolizes completion, wholeness and the culmination of a spiritual journey. The World is often depicted as a dancing figure surrounded by a wreath, with the four symbols of the tarot suits (Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles) in the corners, representing the integration of all aspects of life and the attainment of enlightenment.

Considering its importance, the World is a matchless card that represents the culmination of life's experiences and the attainment of a higher state of consciousness. It encourages us to celebrate our achievements, to honor the lessons we have learned and to embrace the sense of wholeness that comes from integrating all aspects of our lives. The World invites us to acknowledge our personal evolution, to appreciate the beauty of life's journey and to step into a new cycle of growth and discovery. Its presence in a tarot reading can inspire self-realization, fulfillment and the courage to embrace new beginnings.

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Origins of the World Tarot Card

The World card can be traced back to the Italian tarot decks of the mid-15th century, such as the Visconti-Sforza Tarot. Originally called "Il Mondo" or "The World," this card often featured a figure, usually a woman, holding a globe or a circular object, symbolizing the concept of wholeness, unity and the completion of a cycle.

In the late 18th century, as tarot became increasingly associated with the occult and divination, the symbolism of the World shifted to reflect deeper themes of cosmic harmony, spiritual fulfillment and the interconnectedness of all things. The Rider-Waite Tarot deck portrays the World as a dancing figure, encircled by a wreath and surrounded by various symbolic figures representing the four elements of earth, air, fire and water. This imagery emphasizes the World's role as a symbol of divine unity, the culmination of a spiritual journey and the profound sense of wholeness and integration that comes from achieving a deep connection with the cosmos and the self.

Meaning of the World Tarot Card

  • General interpretation and life lessons

    The World, as the final card in the Major Arcana, represents completion, wholeness and the end of a spiritual journey. It is a powerful symbol of life's experiences culminating in a higher state of consciousness. The World card encourages us to honor our achievements, learn from our experiences and embrace the sense of completeness that comes from integrating all aspects of our lives.

  • Upright and reversed meanings

    In an upright position, the World card signifies fulfillment, self-realization and the successful completion of a cycle or project. It represents the attainment of enlightenment and the integration of all aspects of one's life. When reversed, the World card may indicate a lack of closure, feelings of incompletion, or a reluctance to move on to the next phase of life, suggesting the need for self-reflection and growth.

  • Spiritual, emotional and psychological dimensions

    Spiritually, the World card emphasizes the importance of personal evolution and the attainment of a higher state of consciousness. Emotionally, the card teaches us to appreciate the beauty of life's journey and to celebrate our achievements. Psychologically, the World card underscores the value of recognizing our personal growth and embracing the sense of wholeness that comes from integrating all aspects of our lives.

  • Numerological associations

    The World card, with its imagery of a dancing figure surrounded by a wreath and the four symbols of the tarot suits, reflects the integration of all aspects of life and the attainment of enlightenment. As the twenty-second and final card in the Major Arcana, the World holds a unique position within the tarot, symbolizing the culmination of life's experiences and the beginning of a new cycle of growth and discovery. This multifaceted meaning contributes to the rich symbolism and significance of the World card in contemporary tarot practice.

KarmaWeather Tarot - The World
The World © KarmaWeather by Konbi

Love according to the World Tarot Card

In the realm of love and relationships, the World card represents completion, wholeness and the potential for personal growth through the achievement of balance and harmony. This Major Arcana card emphasizes the importance of embracing unity, interconnectedness and a sense of fulfillment in matters of the heart.

  • Interpretation for singles

    For single individuals, the World card suggests that cultivating a sense of wholeness and self-love can be instrumental in their pursuit of a fulfilling romantic connection. It encourages singles to embrace their own personal growth, to appreciate their achievements and to approach the dating world with a sense of self-assurance and inner harmony. The World card also serves as a reminder that fostering personal balance, self-awareness and a sense of unity with the universe can be essential in attracting a compatible partner.

  • Interpretation for couples

    In the context of established relationships, the World card signifies the importance of mutual support, shared goals and a sense of wholeness in maintaining a harmonious and enduring partnership. Couples are encouraged to celebrate their accomplishments, to work together to overcome challenges and to cultivate a sense of balance and fulfillment within their relationship. The World card also serves as a reminder that nurturing a deep sense of interconnectedness, understanding and unity can contribute to a more profound and lasting bond between partners.

Money according to the World Tarot Card

In the context of financial matters, the World card symbolizes completion, achievement and the potential for financial stability through realizing one's goals, integrating life lessons and embracing a holistic approach to money management. This Major Arcana card underlines the importance of acknowledging financial accomplishments, understanding the interconnectedness of life's experiences and striving for balance and harmony in monetary affairs.

The World card conveys that recognizing achievements, incorporating life lessons and focusing on a well-rounded approach to financial management can lead to increased financial security. It encourages individuals to celebrate their monetary milestones, gain insights from their experiences and seek equilibrium in their financial endeavors. The World card also serves as a reminder that adopting a balanced, integrated mindset can be essential in establishing a sound financial future.

Career according to the World Tarot Card

When considering career, the World card signifies fulfillment, accomplishment and the possibility for professional success through the realization of one's objectives, the integration of valuable experiences and the pursuit of balance and harmony in the professional sphere. This Major Arcana card emphasizes the importance of celebrating career achievements, understanding the interplay of life's lessons and striving for equilibrium in professional pursuits.

The World card suggests that acknowledging accomplishments, assimilating experiences and concentrating on a harmonious approach to career development can be critical in achieving professional success. It motivates individuals to take pride in their professional milestones, derive insights from their journey and aim for balance in their career endeavors. The World card also serves as a reminder that embracing a well-rounded, harmonious mindset can be instrumental in navigating the path toward a fulfilling and prosperous career.

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Discover the symbolism, meanings and interpretations in love, money and work for the 22 major arcana cards of Tarot:

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