Strength (XI), Tarot - Taming Inner Courage & Compassion

Strength: Eleventh Major Arcana - Dive into its symbolism, meanings and interpretations in love, money and work
By KarmaWeather - 29 March 2023
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Description & significance of the Strength Tarot Card

The Strength, represented by the number eleven, is the twelfth card in the Major Arcana of the tarot. This card symbolizes inner strength, courage and patience in overcoming challenges. The Strength is often depicted as a serene figure gently taming a fierce lion, representing the power of love and compassion to overcome fear and anger. The infinity symbol above the figure's head signifies the limitless potential of the human spirit.

Regarding its significance, the Strength is a determining card that represents the importance of embracing our inner power and facing life's challenges with grace and resilience. It encourages us to cultivate patience, understanding and self-control in difficult situations. The Strength invites us to tap into our inner reserves of courage and determination, to harness the power of love and compassion and to overcome our fears and limitations. Its presence in a tarot reading can inspire self-development, emotional healing and perseverance.

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Origins of the Strength Tarot Card

The Strength card has its origins in the mid-15th century Italian tarot decks, like the Visconti-Sforza Tarot. Originally referred to as "La Forza" or "The Fortitude," this card depicted a figure, sometimes a woman, holding or breaking a pillar, symbolizing inner strength, courage and resilience.

With the growing association between tarot and the occult, the symbolism of the Strength card shifted to emphasize the inner power and spiritual strength of the individual. In the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, Strength is portrayed as a woman gently closing the jaws of a lion, representing the harmonious balance of physical and spiritual power, as well as the mastery of one's instincts and passions. This imagery highlights the theme of inner fortitude, self-control and the ability to channel one's energy in a positive and constructive manner.

Meaning of the Strength Tarot Card

  • General interpretation and life lessons

    The twelfth card in the Major Arcana, Strength, represents inner strength, courage and patience in overcoming challenges. This card teaches us the importance of embracing our inner power and facing life's challenges with grace and resilience. The life lessons associated with Strength involve cultivating patience, understanding and self-control in difficult situations.

  • Upright and reversed meanings

    In an upright position, Strength signifies self-development, emotional healing and resilience. It encourages us to tap into our inner reserves of courage and determination, harness the power of love and compassion and overcome our fears and limitations. When reversed, Strength may suggest a lack of inner strength, self-control, or patience, indicating that we may need to develop these qualities in order to face challenges effectively.

  • Spiritual, emotional and psychological dimensions

    Spiritually, Strength represents the limitless potential of the human spirit, as symbolized by the infinity symbol above the figure's head. Emotionally, this card encourages us to harness the power of love and compassion to overcome fear and anger. Psychologically, Strength highlights the importance of embracing our inner power and facing life's challenges with grace and resilience, reminding us that we possess the courage to overcome obstacles.

  • Numerological associations

    Strength is associated with the number 11, which in numerology represents inspiration, intuition and spiritual illumination. The number 11 embodies the qualities of strength, determination and the ability to overcome obstacles, reflecting the essence of the Strength card and its emphasis on inner power, courage and patience in overcoming challenges.

Strength © KarmaWeather by Konbi

Love according to the Strength Tarot Card

The Strength card, in the context of love and relationships, symbolizes inner fortitude, patience and the ability to manage one's emotions. This Major Arcana card highlights the significance of emotional intelligence, compassion and understanding in fostering successful romantic connections.

  • Interpretation for singles

    For those who aren't in a relationship, the Strength card implies that cultivating emotional resilience and self-awareness can be key factors in attracting a compatible partner. It encourages singles to practice patience and empathy in their search for love, understanding that genuine connections often develop over time. The Strength card also serves as a reminder that developing self-assurance and self-compassion can be instrumental in forming healthy and lasting relationships.

  • Interpretation for couples

    When it comes to committed partnerships, the Strength card emphasizes the value of emotional maturity, patience and mutual understanding in maintaining a harmonious relationship. Couples are advised to practice empathy, to listen actively to their partner's needs and feelings and to cultivate a supportive and nurturing environment. The Strength card also highlights the importance of self-awareness and personal growth, recognizing that individual emotional well-being plays a crucial role in the overall health of a relationship.

Money according to the Strength Tarot Card

In relation to financial matters, the Strength card symbolizes inner fortitude, patience and the potential for growth through perseverance and a balanced approach to monetary management. This Major Arcana card emphasizes the importance of maintaining emotional stability, exercising restraint and demonstrating resilience in the face of financial challenges.

The Strength card suggests that displaying inner resilience, patience and adopting a balanced approach to finances may contribute to financial well-being. It encourages individuals to stay composed during challenging financial times, make measured decisions and exhibit determination when working towards their monetary goals. The Strength card also serves as a reminder that cultivating a patient, emotionally balanced approach can be essential in building a secure financial future.

Career according to the Strength Tarot Card

In the professional realm, the Strength card signifies inner resolve, patience and the potential for career growth through composure, determination and a balanced approach to work-related challenges. This Major Arcana card highlights the value of harnessing inner resources, maintaining emotional stability and demonstrating resilience in the face of workplace obstacles.

The Strength card implies that developing inner fortitude, exercising patience and maintaining composure in professional matters can be crucial in achieving career success. It encourages individuals to exhibit determination, tackle work-related challenges with a calm demeanor and remain focused on their professional objectives. The Strength card also serves as a reminder that adopting a resilient, emotionally balanced approach can be advantageous in navigating the complex world of career development and advancement.

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