Sun (XIX), Tarot - Joy, Success & Vitality

The Sun: Nineteenth Major Arcana - Enlighten yourself with its symbolism, meanings and interpretations in love, money and work
By KarmaWeather - 29 March 2023
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Description & significance of the Sun Tarot Card

The Sun, represented by the number nineteen, is the twentieth card in the Major Arcana of the tarot. This card symbolizes vitality, joy and the life-giving power of the sun. The Sun is often depicted as a radiant orb with a smiling face, surrounded by sunflowers and with a child riding a horse, representing the innocence and exuberance of youth, as well as the abundance and warmth of the solar energy.

Regarding its meaning, the Sun is a dazzling card that represents the importance of embracing positivity, vitality and the joy of life. It encourages us to seek happiness, to celebrate our successes and to cultivate a sense of gratitude for the blessings in our lives. The Sun invites us to bask in the light of our accomplishments, to share our warmth and love with others and to live our lives with enthusiasm and passion. Its presence in a tarot reading can inspire maturation, happiness and the courage to shine our light brightly in the world.

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Origins of the Sun Tarot Card

The Sun card finds its roots in the mid-15th century Italian tarot decks, like the Visconti-Sforza Tarot. Originally referred to as "Il Sole" or "The Sun," this card often depicted a radiant sun shining down on a joyful scene, symbolizing warmth, vitality and the life-giving energy of the sun.

As tarot became more connected to the occult and divination in the late 18th century, the symbolism of the Sun evolved to encompass broader themes of enlightenment, spiritual awakening and the triumphant power of the human spirit. The Rider-Waite Tarot deck portrays the Sun as a radiant celestial body, with a child riding a white horse beneath its light, surrounded by sunflowers. This imagery emphasizes the Sun's role as a symbol of joy, success and the vibrant energy that comes from embracing our true selves and living in harmony with our highest potential.

Meaning of the Sun Tarot Card

  • General interpretation and life lessons

    The Sun, the twentieth card in the Major Arcana, symbolizes positivity, vitality and the joy of life. As a powerful card, it highlights the importance of embracing happiness, celebrating successes and cultivating a sense of gratitude for life's blessings. The Sun encourages us to seek joy, share our warmth and love with others and live with enthusiasm and passion. In a tarot reading, the Sun card can signify personal growth, happiness and the courage to radiate our light brightly in the world.

  • Upright and reversed meanings

    In an upright position, the Sun card symbolizes positivity, vitality and joy. It represents the need to embrace happiness, celebrate our achievements and be grateful for the good things in our lives. When reversed, the Sun card may indicate feelings of pessimism, lack of energy, or being overshadowed by others, suggesting a need to focus on personal growth and rediscover the joy of life.

  • Spiritual, emotional and psychological dimensions

    Spiritually, the Sun card emphasizes the importance of connecting with the life-giving energy of the sun and embracing the light within ourselves. Emotionally, the card teaches us to cultivate happiness, share love with others and approach life with enthusiasm and passion. Psychologically, the Sun card underscores the value of celebrating our successes, maintaining a positive outlook and living our lives with gratitude and joy.

  • Numerological associations

    The Sun card is associated with the number 19, which in numerology represents self-determination, optimism and new beginnings. The number 19 is often linked to the idea of embracing happiness, celebrating achievements and living life with a sense of gratitude. This connection accentuates the Sun card's emphasis on personal growth, happiness and the courage to shine our light brightly in the world.

The Sun © KarmaWeather by Konbi

Love according to the Sun Tarot Card

In the realm of love and relationships, the Sun card represents joy, vitality and the potential for personal growth through positivity and enthusiasm. This Major Arcana card emphasizes the importance of nurturing a sense of optimism, warmth and openness in matters of the heart.

  • Interpretation for singles

    For single individuals, the Sun card suggests that embracing a positive outlook and maintaining a sense of self-confidence can be instrumental in their pursuit of love. It encourages singles to radiate warmth, to be open to new experiences and to trust in their own capacity for attracting a fulfilling romantic connection. The Sun card also serves as a reminder that cultivating personal growth, self-love and a vibrant energy can be essential in forming healthy, lasting relationships.

  • Interpretation for couples

    In the context of established relationships, the Sun card signifies the importance of fostering joy, optimism and a shared sense of vitality in maintaining a harmonious and enduring partnership. Couples are encouraged to celebrate their love, to engage in activities that bring them happiness and to nurture a sense of playfulness and enthusiasm in their relationship. The Sun card also serves as a reminder that cultivating a positive outlook, open communication and mutual support can contribute to a deeper, more fulfilling bond between partners.

Money according to the Sun Tarot Card

Concerning financial matters, the Sun card symbolizes abundance, vitality and the opportunity for financial growth through maintaining a positive mindset, harnessing one's inner strength and embracing life's opportunities. This Major Arcana card underscores the significance of adopting an optimistic attitude towards one's financial situation, recognizing personal capabilities and actively pursuing avenues for monetary gain.

The Sun card conveys that adopting a positive attitude, tapping into personal power and focusing on the wealth of opportunities available can lead to improved financial prosperity. It encourages individuals to maintain an optimistic perspective on their financial situation, have confidence in their ability to thrive and seize chances for monetary advancement. The Sun card also serves as a reminder that embodying a vibrant, opportunity-driven approach can be fundamental in building a solid financial future.

Career according to the Sun Tarot Card

In terms of career, the Sun card signifies success, vitality and the potential for professional growth by maintaining a positive mindset, leveraging one's inner strength and capitalizing on available opportunities. This Major Arcana card emphasizes the importance of fostering optimism about one's career trajectory, trusting in personal capabilities and actively pursuing avenues for professional advancement.

The Sun card implies that nurturing a positive attitude, utilizing personal power and concentrating on the array of career opportunities can be essential in achieving professional success. It urges individuals to remain optimistic about their career trajectory, trust in their potential to excel and take advantage of prospects for professional growth. The Sun card also serves as a reminder that embracing a dynamic, opportunity-oriented approach can be instrumental in navigating the path to a prosperous and fulfilling career.

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Discover the symbolism, meanings and interpretations in love, money and work for the 22 major arcana cards of Tarot:

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