Monthly Chinese horoscope of August 2021

August 2021: Monthly forecast for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs of the lunar calendar
By KarmaWeather - 8 August 2021
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Monthly forecast during the Fire Monkey Month of the Chinese calendar

Monthly predictions for each day of the Fire Monkey Month of August 2021, for the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig

According to the Chinese calendar, the Month of the Fire Monkey of the Year of the Metal Ox 2021 begins on August 8, 2021 and lasts until September 6, 2021.

August 8, 2021 to September 6, 2021 horoscope: the Month of the Fire Monkey

The seventh month of the Chinese horoscope portends a dynamic period, full of vitality and innovative spirit. Usually with the Fire Monkey in governance, one should not always try to set things in stone. With the Monkey, nothing remains stationary, power changes hands and political divisions are reinforced, favored by the emergence of breaths of new protests. This desire for transformation and advent touches almost all 12 Chinese zodiac signs. Communication and public speaking are the most effective tools for all those who seek to satisfy their ambition. The nonchalant projects of the past month are finally regaining the sustained pace that will allow them to materialize. Finally, whether at work or in love, luck will smile the most on those who manage most naturally to improvise and adapt to situations as new as they are sudden.

Full yearly 2021 Chinese horoscope

Monthly energies for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs

Placed under the domination of the Year of the Metal Ox, the month of August 2021 will not however be able to express its dynamic and progressive virtues in complete freedom. On the one hand, the conservative energy of the Ox will limit the field of action of the dynamic Monkey. On the other hand, the conflict between Yang Fire (element of the month) and Yin Metal (element of the year) risks erupting tensions in the event of disagreement. Fortunately, these disputes should be limited and easily resolved due to the different polarity of this Fire-Metal opposition.

As a precaution, it will nevertheless be necessary to limit the scope of the actions undertaken in order to prevent possible deadlock situations from taking on dramatic proportions. In addition, regular work on the Earth element will neutralize the Fire-Metal conflict. At the same time, the month of August 2021 is distinguished by a weakening of the Wood element. Chinese zodiac signs influenced by the Wood element (Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Goat, Pig) may occasionally lack creative inspiration. A need to anchor and strengthen the feeling of belonging could follow these phases of doubt. As for the Chinese zodiac signs influenced by the Water element (Rat, Ox, Dragon, Monkey, Pig), if they risk encountering difficulties, it will be more on a sentimental level.

Daily energy distribution of the 5 elements

The KarmaWeather chart above displays the daily energetic distribution of the 5 elements from August 8, 2021 to September 6, 2021. Traditionally, interactions between Fire, Earth, Water and Metal greatly influence the course of the day for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs.

Chinese zodiac lucky stone of the month

Chinese zodiac corrective birthstone and lucky stone from August 8, 2021 to September 6, 2021 for the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs: Septaria

Monthly horoscope for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs from August 8, 2021 to September 6, 2021

Rat, Mouse (Chinese zodiac)

Rat August 2021 horoscope

Monthly Rat Rating: 7 / 10The Rat is entering the Chinese New Month with the prospect of trips that are as pleasant as they are productive. However, due to the presence of the Fire element during this lunar month, the Rat's intuitive power might diminish and cause him to make one or two bad decisions (unless he is a Fire Rat). At work, it will be good to complete important tasks first before thinking about hobbies. The return of possible business trips will be less stressful than expected and it will be unnecessary to enter into interminable negotiation phases. Regarding his wallet, despite some quickly regretted expenses, the Rat's state of finances should be sufficiently satisfactory so that he can afford the material comfort he covets. In love, exciting and fiery encounters will be the source of great satisfaction for the celibate Rat, despite their fleeting nature. Moreover, the Rat should not neglect his family and close friends and wait for good news from them.

Ox, Buffalo (Chinese zodiac)

Ox August 2021 horoscope

Monthly Ox Rating: 7 / 10

The Ox enters the Chinese New Month with a clear goal of getting his private life back in order. He believes that he has sacrificed a lot for his work during the previous months and that he can afford to take a step back in the tranquility of his home. This will be an opportunity to take care of his secondary projects in connection with his family. It could be a new interior design, the restoration of a living space that has become dilapidated or a reunion project with a loved one. The results should live up to his expectations. Regarding money, the Ox continues to control his financial situation. In the event of an addiction problem (yes actually, this can also happen with the Ox), the time is ripe for help. Regarding love, an alliance or a marriage could take shape overnight. With the engagement request having been delayed for so long, it could be explosive and spectacular. However, enthusiasm is a remarkable virtue provided it is fairly shared.

Tiger (Chinese zodiac)

Tiger August 2021 horoscope

Monthly Tiger Rating: 4 / 10

The Tiger approaches the Chinese New Month with the optic of not giving in to the anxiety that tickles him from time to time. At work, he may regret having made a strategic error. However, with a little practice, he will manage to get through the threads of the net and achieve his ends. In addition, the Tiger must at all costs avoid confrontations at the risk of seeing his professional situation weaken. This is particularly valid for the Metal Tiger and the Water Tiger. When it comes to finances, the Tiger should not refuse the help and advice of wise experts before making investment decisions. If in doubt, he might as well refrain from any decision and wait for a more favorable period. Concerning love, the Tiger could easily hope to keep the same liberating dynamic as in the previous months. Yet, he risks being disappointed if he does not take the trouble to correct some of the behaviors that are often prejudicial to him, such as his too great openness to others and his passion for the unexpected. The Tiger will therefore have to be all the more careful as the Monkey (animal of the month) loves to manipulate him. Beware of the repetition of well-identified errors.

Rabbit, Hare, Cat (Chinese zodiac)

Rabbit August 2021 horoscope

Monthly Rabbit Rating: 6 / 10

The Rabbit begins the Chinese New Month with serenity and in a spirit of conciliation. The Fire energy generally allows the Rabbit to effectively fight against his penchant for idleness and excessive caution and to bring his current plans to fruition. At work, he will find himself being more dynamic and regular in his efforts than usual. His shrewdness as well as his art of putting his interlocutors at ease should open up new professional opportunities for him. But at the same time, he must not forget to protect himself from the ambient jealousy by avoiding going into too much detail. In addition, the Rabbit should be wary of ambiguous contracts and not sign anything before having checked everything with a magnifying glass, and if possible with a lawyer. Regarding his finances, he would do better to wait for the stabilization of his budget before considering major expenses. Aiming for the bare essentials would be the right attitude to take. Regarding love, luck has not forgotten the celibate Rabbit. The suitors are there, provided that the Rabbit takes care to smooth his beautiful fur from time to time. But the Rabbit will keep his lucidity in all circumstances by remembering the adage of the Roman poet Ovid, "Deadly poisons are hidden in sweet honey".

Dragon (Chinese zodiac)

Dragon August 2021 horoscope

Monthly Dragon Rating: 6 / 10

The Dragon goes through the Chinese New Month with positive energy, even if at times confused. At work, interesting perspectives emerge. Agreements like compromises will often work in favor of the Dragon, provided he deigns to accept them without complaining too much. A phase of reflection and analysis will still be necessary before any written commitment. As for the management of his money, the Dragon could easily be tempted by the craziest and most intense pleasures during this lunar month. But prudence and parsimony should guide him in priority, because the Ox (animal of the year 2021) always makes pay dearly those who waste without counting. Concerning love, the celibate Dragon might be disappointed if he expects to meet the true love. Relationships and break-ups can follow one another and leave a bitter taste. In spite of everything, the Dragon always ends up being reborn from his ashes, even if it is to re-burn thereafter, because such is his destiny. This is partly why long-term celibacy is not usually a disturbing prospect for him.

Snake (Chinese zodiac)

Snake August 2021 horoscope

Monthly Snake Rating: 8 / 10

The Snake opens the Chinese New Month with the satisfied peace of mind of one who feels he has accomplished great things. Admittedly, his professional career has not been easy, yet the Snake succeeds better and better in overcoming pitfalls, or skillfully bypassing them when necessary. Events should be stable, provided he does not strive to overload his agenda. Criticisms and warnings must be carefully taken into account. Concerning his money, some pecuniary problems could alarm him and make him temporarily deviate from his initial objectives. With a good savings plan, things should get better towards the end of the month, as long as he can manage to control his spending impulses. Regarding love, the Snake now manages not to listen to slanderers who clearly do not want his happiness. Fortunately for him, his newfound strength gives him the opportunity to succeed in his conquests while disposing of his enemies. But be careful, because the least edible birds are often those adorned with the most beautiful feathers.

Horse (Chinese zodiac)

Horse August 2021 horoscope

Monthly Horse Rating: 7 / 10

The Horse begins the Chinese New Month with the aim of consolidating a productive dynamic within his multiple projects. The lunar month announces a favorable period for him to consolidate his professional base. His many innovative actions should even earn him the congratulations of his colleagues. The direct consequences of these events may translate into additional income or promotion if he works for a company. However, he will take care at the same time to be up to date in the classification of his files. The improvement in his financial situation could allow him to consider an acquisition or to make a key investment. Regarding love, the celibate Horse will be able to meet true love, if he manages to make himself available. On the other hand, it is better not to demand what one cannot even give. Too busy a schedule should not compromise what is worth experiencing. Only unwavering determination will allow the Horse to be able to build a lasting and sedentary love story.

Goat, Sheep (Chinese zodiac)

Goat August 2021 horoscope

Monthly Goat Rating: 6 / 10

The Goat enters the Chinese New Month after an equally tender and tumultuous period. At work, the Goat must pick up where he left off. To do this, he will probably have to redouble his efforts. Things will progress slowly but surely, especially if he takes the trouble to complete his priority missions well before embarking on new projects. As for his finances, it is now out of questions to touch the wallet. The current month clearly invites him to no longer draw on his reserves and opt for severe savings. He will not regret these efforts in the event of cash flow difficulties in the fall. Concerning love, the Goat maintains peace and harmony within his home. The Fire energy helps him in this perspective. At home, it may be time to get rid of bulky items to allow Qi (Ch'i) to circulate better in living spaces, but also to attract good suitors, that is to say those who will have no other interest than making the Goat happy and fulfilled.

Monkey (Chinese zodiac)

Monkey August 2021 horoscope

Monthly Monkey Rating: 7 / 10

The Monkey soars into the Chinese New Month with the assurance and determination of one who wants to take his destiny back in hand. If the past months have not been the easiest for the Monkey, this is a period that offers him opportunities for promotions, wins and recognition. It is during the crossing of his own lunar month that the Monkey will identify his mistakes in his professional career but also the identity of those who had no other hope than to see him stumble, hidden behind hypocrites caring smiles. Without sinking into bitterness or being carried away by a thirst for revenge, the Monkey might decide to deal with each of his problems one by one and from the root. He just needs to avoid stressing too much or becoming too greedy if he wins. Regarding his finances, the Monkey could now reap the fruits of his patience. Regarding love, the celibate Monkey would be well advised to opt for frankness over lies and manipulation. He will thus prevent his suitors from knowing him only for his talents as an actor and will at the same time give them the opportunity to appreciate other facets of his character than his devastating charm.

Rooster, Chicken (Chinese zodiac)

Rooster August 2021 horoscope

Monthly Rooster Rating: 5 / 10

The Rooster begins the Chinese New Month with the will to take measured risks. At work, it is better to favor areas protected from bad weather. This lunar month gives the Rooster the opportunity to rearrange projects at half mast. After careful consideration, the Rooster is ready to make a change in strategy, even if he risks leaving feathers in the process. But not to worry, his plumage will regain all its splendor soon enough, especially if the Rooster accepts the help of a trusted third party. Regarding his finances, the Fire energy advises the Rooster to curb any temptation to wasteful spending. If an investment plan is the order of the day, waiting for the end of the summer holidays would be a good idea. Concerning love, there is little point in trying to re-educate a person who does not make an effort to change. With the Fire energy, the Rooster must gain clarity and be able to spot from afar the Don Juan who only seek to harvest love without ever giving anything up in return. No room for free optimism.

Dog (Chinese zodiac)

Dog August 2021 horoscope

Monthly Dog Rating: 6 / 10

The Dog starts the Chinese New Month with the aim of consolidating his achievements in order to improve his material comfort. At work, the efforts made so far should not be abandoned on a whim. The mistakes of the past have taught him never to lose hope, despite some bitter disappointments. During this lunar month, the Dog is able to regain his desire for change. The Dog has no more time to waste in endless thoughts which, in the end, only feed his own propensity for anxiety. However, despite this progressive and dynamic impetus, the Dog should be wary of last minute plans. Just because one finds an echo to his ideas doesn't mean one has to blindly trust anyone. Regarding his money, beware of excessive generosity. Of course, everyone appreciates the Dog for his loyalty, but this is no reason for him to put the interests of his admirers before his own, whether they are friends or members of his family. Regarding love, luck finally smiles on the celibate Dog, thanks to the presence of the Fire energy. However, despite the good intentions that drive him, some may try to distort his words or worse, turn them against him. This is where the Dog must never let himself be stepped on. But everything should be fine if the Dog keeps his promises with the kind people with him and succeeds in showing the fangs to the people who don't deserve anything else.

Pig, Boar (Chinese zodiac)

Pig August 2021 horoscope

Monthly Pig Rating: 6 / 10

The Pig begins the Chinese New Month with the intention of making the most of all that life has to offer, even if it means neglecting certain tasks that fall to him on a daily basis. The joy, efficiency and dedication with which the Pig works in his main activity often earn him a fair appreciation. It is through these qualities that many opportunities will emerge during the lunar month. If he remains focused on his goals, the Pig will be able to lay the foundations for an imminent improvement in his professional situation. At the material level, a donation or a loan could be more easily obtained in the event of financial difficulty. But one should be careful not to squander the money that one has not yet earned. Concerning love, the ensuing disappointments risk exhausting the Pig. His tendency to be always too enthusiastic in the face of love novelty often scares his suitors, who end up deserting the scene. The Fire energy tells the Pig that he can have a good time without necessarily trying to forge an immediate emotional bond. If a desire to live a long-term love affair is expressed, it must necessarily come from the partner. In other words, it is sometimes better to let things come to you rather than the other way around, without forcing things.

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