Year of the Monkey: 2021 Horoscope & Zodiac Forecast

2021 Chinese horoscope for men & women born in the Year of the Monkey, from the Lunar New Year and throughout the Year of the Ox of 2021
By KarmaWeather - 27 August 2020
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Year of the Monkey's complete predictions in 2021

Monkey's 2021 lucky charms, love, money, career health and auspicious months

Chinese calendar: Year of the Monkey's birth dates

  • 20/02/1920 - 07/02/1921
  • 06/02/1932 - 25/01/1933
  • 25/01/1944 - 12/02/1945
  • 12/02/1956 - 30/01/1957
  • 30/01/1968 - 16/02/1969
  • 16/02/1980 - 04/02/1981
  • 04/02/1992 - 22/01/1993
  • 22/01/2004 - 08/02/2005
  • 08/02/2016 - 27/01/2017
  • 26/01/2028 - 12/02/2029

🐵 Personality horoscope of the Year of the Monkey

Chinese New Year 2021 summary for the Monkey

The Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Monkeys in 2021

The Monkey's Chinese horoscope 2021 predicts a pleasant and prosperous year for the ninth zodiac sign of the lunar calendar, with the main characteristic being the work and consolidation of the progress made the previous year. The Ox (animal of the year 2021) appreciates the Monkey for his multiple talents and his so original and iconoclastic way of apprehending the world. However, if the Monkey does not hesitate in 2021 to use cunning and his natural charisma to win back the disappointed hearts of those around him, he can on the other hand be impatient or even develop a propensity for intolerance. Fortunately, fortified by the Metal of the Chinese Year 2021, the Monkey should have no trouble overcoming any obstacles encountered on his way.

In general, the Year of the Ox of 2021 is rather favorable for the Monkey as regards his new encounters and the development of enriching friendships. However, the weeks following the Chinese New Year 2021 can also bring with them the breath of disillusionment. These sometimes painful disenchantments can be due to a belated realization of the realities of a pre-existing relationship. In 2021, The Monkey can manage to maintain a relative balance in his social relations, on condition of keeping his eyes wide open and being able to make an essential sorting in his meetings, both at work and in private.

Thanks to the influence of the Ox, ruler of the Chinese year 2021, the Monkey is unlikely to find himself in a dead end or have his plans stalled. On the contrary, it is a period of structuring which takes over from a preparatory or formative phase. This constructive dynamic could even be amplified by the quality of dialogues focused on commercial development, with the key to new negotiating perspectives and the conquest of new markets. On this last point, the Monkey, of such a brilliant, inventive and skillful nature, could have the opportunity to demonstrate his worth on numerous occasions. If a rise in the social ladder is within the reach of the Monkey in 2021, he must not forget the lessons learned from his past failures, in order to never again find himself back to square one.

Score of the Year 2021 for the Monkey

7 / 10

Chinese New Year 2021's resolution for the Monkey

A delicate but robust construction

Year of the Monkey's 2021 lucky stone, color, chakra & food

Monkey's 2021 lucky charms
💎 Amulet, bracelet 🎨 Feng Shui
Lucky Colors
🧘🏽 Chakra 🍉 Food
Titanite (sphene) Vanilla yellow,
Golden yellow,
Wormwood green
Solar plexus chakra Sweet potato,

Titanite, lucky protective crystal for the Monkey in 2021: The semi-precious and protective stone of titanite can help the Monkey go through the Year of the Ox of 2021 with more confidence and serenity. Titanite (also called sphene) is able to provide the Monkey with useful energy for the realization of his desires for realization. The positive aura of the titanite crystal, a translucent stone with delicate yellow to green hues, helps nourish and balance when necessary the joyful and somewhat whimsical spirit of the Monkey. Titanite effectively nourishes the motivation of the Monkey in his work, supports him in the development of his reflexes and allows him to be more lucid about his future. A titanite stone in the form of a talisman (in the pocket as a polished stone, as a pendant, or set in a ring) can even activate the Monkey's hidden talents and support him in delicate negotiations. Finally, the Monkey can count on titanite to be more lively intellectually and more emotionally relaxed during his romantic adventures.

Love, marriage and birth for the Monkey in 2021

The 2021 love horoscope of the single Monkey announces a sociable year for the 9th animal of Chinese astrology, oriented more towards compromise than absolute freedom. As easily a virtuoso as he can be filled with wisdom, the Monkey surprises and fascinates most people who cross his path. Joy and fun are part of the very essence of the celibate Monkey's existence. Without the presence of an audience to follow him in his humorous strides, he may even sink into depression. In the case of a quest for a sentimental relationship, it is very important that the Monkey manages to find a partner with great flexibility of mind and with appreciable cultural background. Because if his jokes do not suit everyone, the intellectual excitement of which he is fond of is often enough to constitute the binder of a new love affair. Moreover, in 2021, to seduce, the Monkey should not need to spend large sums in luxurious places, as the quality of communication with the coveted soul will constitute the real value of his romantic dates.

The Chinese horoscope 2021 of the Monkey in a couple emphasizes a stable evolution at the emotional level for both parties. In the event of a disagreement on a specific subject, the Monkey must be prepared to accept compromises with his life partner. Indeed, devotion, fidelity and discretion being virtues very dear to the Ox, it is therefore necessary to maintain them during the Year of the Ox of 2021. In addition, it is crucial to be careful not to overestimate one's abilities, or make empty promises to one's longtime partner. If the Ox often helps the Monkey to improve his emotional life, he has a hard time forgiving him his lies. In this sense, the Ox's values ​​should not be taken lightly, because his potentially destructive anger has the capacity to germinate the project of a separation in the course of the following year. It is never unnecessary to remember that the long-term success of a romantic union depends as much on balance and mutual respect as on the preservation of each other's private space.

Love compatibility and wedding between the Monkey and the Ox (Buffalo): Click here to learn more about the Monkey's compatibility with an Ox.

Is 2021 a good year to have a child for a parent Monkey? Yes! The Year of the Ox of 2021 is a good time for the Monkey parent, father or mother, who wants to expand their family with the birth in 2021 of a baby, boy or girl. The relationship of an Ox child and a Monkey parent is excellent. The Monkey parent will always succeed in understanding the needs and difficulties of his Ox child, who in turn will give him great pride in being a brilliant student at school. The bond resulting from the parent-child compatibility of the chinese zodiac signs of the Monkey and the Ox are gradually being put in place to form the bases of a solid, linked and happy family. However, for the child of the Monkey parent to be born under the Chinese zodiac sign of the Ox, it is essential to think about conceiving the baby before the end of the second month of the lunar calendar of the year 2021 (towards the end of March 2021).

Money, career and social life for the Monkey in 2021

Career and work

The Monkey's Chinese horoscope 2021 for work is the harbinger of a dynamic, stimulating and rewarding professional life during the Year of the Metal Ox. In 2021, the Monkey can look forward to new professional opportunities, especially thanks to influential people met at company meetings or seminars. If he takes care to always honor his important appointments with his presence, the Monkey could end up mediating certain business transactions and benefiting from commissions or other attractive advantages. But in 2021, it is above all through the recognition of his merits by his peers that the Monkey has the opportunity to maintain and strengthen his material security. However, even if 2021 has good and pleasant surprises in store for the Monkey, he is still advised to stay away from any professional dispute that does not directly concern him. At the same time, some of his new partners or collaborators (related to his main activity) could advise him to postpone some of his projects under development. In these specific situations, the Monkey must take care to protect both his interests and his professional priorities and remain lucid vis-à-vis his colleagues. Often secretly jealous of his abilities, some of the Monkey's work partners would happily rejoice if he accidentally found himself at a disadvantage or on the slippery slope of a project whose ins and outs he no longer controlled.


The Monkey's Chinese horoscope 2021 for money predicts an eventful year, but one that is under the sign of protection, provided nothing is left to chance. The Year of the Metal Ox 2021 invites the Monkey to take stock of the state of his finances and his consumption patterns. Following the financial discrepancies of the summer period, some welcome cash flow is expected in September 2021. In addition, the far-sighted Monkey would do well to open a savings account with his bank and fill it regularly, in anticipation of a Year of the Tiger 2022 which will be less favorable. Administratively in 2021, the Monkey is advised to have an irreproachable organization in his office and to classify his important documents well. Indeed, if ever a dispute about an inheritance or an old acquisition arises, having all his belongings tidy would allow him to be more responsive while having a clear mind. Still, the outcome of these possible legal troubles will depend heavily on the attitude observed during the previous year, the Year of the Rat 2020. Without trying to curb his ambitions as to the decisions and direction he will have to take, the Monkey should not expect miracles during 2021. Regarding investments, the Monkey should preferably choose the days and months favorable to his Chinese astrological sign before affixing his signature.

Social life

The Monkey's 2021 horoscope reveals some difficulties regarding the social interactions of the 9th zodiac sign of Chinese astrology. If he does not take care to alleviate any relationship friction as it forms, the Monkey risks finding himself in delicate and seemingly inextricable situations. It is first of all necessary to avoid lacking diplomacy or even indulgence towards the members of his family, and this despite the many shortcomings that the latter may have had with the Monkey in the previous years. Any explanation, as embarrassing and thorny as it may be, should allow the Monkey to look at things from a different perspective. This should give him the opportunity to evolve spiritually, but also to clear up any misunderstandings that may still stick to his skin with some of his relationships. In 2021, a simple discrepancy in language or a bad choice of timetable can compromise the satisfactory outcome of an interaction. Apart from these small fleeting thunderstorms with his loved ones, the Monkey will have plenty of time to indulge in his favorite hobby: laughing and making others laugh. In any case, delicacy will generously reward those who know how to apply it wisely.

Health and auspicious periods of the Monkey in 2021

Monkey's health horoscope 2021

The Monkey's 2021 health horoscope recommends that the ninth animal of the Chinese calendar maintain the flexibility of his body through exercises adapted to his metabolism. For example, the Monkey should take care not to sit in front of a screen for more than 20 minutes without stretching his legs, but also remember to hydrate his skin well, in winter as in summer.

Internal organs to monitor: The organs for which particular care must be taken by the Monkey in 2021 are the bone system, joints and tendons (musculoskeletal system).

Good luck and well-being for the Monkey in 2021

Luckiest months for the Monkey in 2021*: Month of the Dragon (April 2021), Month of the Snake (May 2021), Month of the Monkey (August 2021), Month of the Rat (December 2021)

Least favorable period: Month of the Tiger (February 2021)

* Consult our daily Chinese horoscope throughout the Year of the Metal Ox 2021 for the exact dates of the luckiest days for the Monkey in 2021.

Year of Monkey's 2021 horoscope, month by month

Thanks to KarmaWeather's monthly Chinese horoscope, find the complete and free predictions of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Monkey during each month of the year 2021. The monthly horoscope is published at the beginning of each lunar month of the Year of the Metal Ox of 2021.

What does 2021 forecast for the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac?

Full yearly 2021 Chinese horoscope

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