Year of the Rat: 2021 Horoscope & Zodiac Forecast

2021 Chinese horoscope for men & women born in the Year of the Rat, from the Lunar New Year and throughout the Year of the Ox of 2021
By KarmaWeather - 29 April 2020
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Year of the Rat's complete predictions in 2021

Rat's 2021 lucky charms, love, money, career health and auspicious months

Chinese calendar: Year of the Rat's birth dates

  • 05/02/1924 - 24/01/1925
  • 24/01/1936 - 10/02/1937
  • 10/02/1948 - 28/01/1949
  • 28/01/1960 - 14/02/1961
  • 15/02/1972 - 02/02/1973
  • 02/02/1984 - 19/02/1985
  • 19/02/1996 - 06/02/1997
  • 07/02/2008 - 25/01/2009
  • 25/01/2020 - 11/02/2021

🐭 Personality horoscope of the Year of the Rat

Chinese New Year 2021 summary for the Rat

The Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Rats in 2021

Chinese New Year 2021 heralds a good year for the Rat. According to the Chinese horoscope 2021 of the Rat, the 1st zodiac sign of Chinese astrology does not need to force luck in the year 2021, especially since the good news will tend to come to him when he least expects it. Vis-a-vis certain situations which touch the material plane, the Rat can be brought to suddenly change his behavior, in order to preserve advantages which he inherited in the past, to the chagrin of his adversaries. Because the Year of the Ox of 2021 gives the Rat the opportunity to identify his secret enemies. Once the conflict situations and the positions of each have been clarified, the Rat can then again and gradually build relationships with people of trust, who will indirectly help to consolidate his material security. On other subjects, there is no big change to notice for the Rat's life in 2021. He can capitalize on the same dynamic initiated last year, especially as novelty and progress attract him less than usual. In 2021, the Rat is banking on safe values.

Score of the Year 2021 for the Rat

7 / 10

Chinese New Year 2021's resolution for the Rat

Let's keep the pace

Year of the Rat's 2021 lucky stone, color, chakra & food

Rat's 2021 lucky charms
💎 Amulet, bracelet 🎨 Feng Shui
Lucky Colors
🧘🏽 Chakra 🍉 Food
Manganocalcite Fushia pink,
Tangerine yellow,
White cream
Heart chakra Parsley,
Green beans

Manganocalcite, lucky protective crystal for the Rat in 2021: the semi-precious manganocalcite stone gives the Rat the strength to repair his emotional wounds and brings him appreciable wisdom and discretion towards others. Manganocalcite also allows the Rat to free himself from his contained emotions, while promoting forgiveness and intelligent forgiveness. In this process, the Rat can succeed, during the Year of the Ox 2021, to identify his true desires and redefine more serenely the path which will lead him to existential happiness.

Love, marriage and birth for the Rat in 2021

According to the Chinese horoscope 2021 of the Rat, holidays, family celebrations, such as a marriage or a birth, are expected during the course of the Year of the Ox of 2021. With regard to the "single" Rat, it is a period of unexpected meetings, even of the long-awaited soul mate, as long as he does not seek not to dominate too much his / her partner, at the risk of causing his flight. It is under the yardstick of trust and devotion that openings in the area of ​​love will have the best chance of registering in reality and duration. In 2021, the Rat must understand that he will not change his rhythm of life according to his encounters, even if it means missing out on certain promising sentimental occasions.

Love compatibility and wedding between the Rat and the Ox (Buffalo): Click here to learn more about the Rat's compatibility with an Ox.

Is 2021 a good year to have a child for a parent Rat? Yes! Any Rat parent, male or female, can consider having a baby during the Year of the Ox of 2021. The relationship between the Rat and the Ox is said to be excellent. The alertness and intellectual agility of the Rat parent is perfectly suited to the balanced development of a child Ox, who, being more pragmatic and traditional, can only benefit from the great adaptability of the Rat.

Money, career and social life for the Rat in 2021

Career and work

During the year 2021, the Rat is advised to work with rigor and not to remain inactive. Nor should he rely on appearances, or be content with a superficial analysis of the problems to be solved. Furthermore, it is mainly short-term projects that will be more satisfactory in terms of results. The Chinese horoscope 2021 gives the Rat the opportunity to consolidate his professional base. In the event of new collaborations or associations, the Rat must take care to always keep a watchful eye on the evolution of the actions undertaken. As is often the case during a Year of the Ox, one should also pay attention to the risks of possible overwork: "one project at a time" is the motto 2021 of the professional Rat.

The Rat who is looking for a job in 2021 can find opportunities that suit him in the areas of personal service, digital communication, consulting, secretarial and call centers.


As for finances, the Year of the Ox of 2021 is as much a year of work as of accumulation for the Rat. In 2021, periods like autumn, during which the Metal element dominates, give the Rat the opportunity to seize new financial opportunities (see the calendar of Chinese seasons). During the first part of the year, only meticulous work with an emphasis on savings and a limitation of risk-taking, will allow the Rat to fill his wallet. Any investment prospect which raises many questions must be put on hold until the doubts raised have not had an appropriate response.

Social life

For the Rat, the Chinese horoscope for 2021 looks pretty good. In terms of social life, the Chinese New Year 2021 heralds a fine year for the Rat. In his private life, the Rat has every interest in accepting events as they occur and in making his decisions without first thinking of his own needs. Likewise, there may be a lot of movement and renewal within his social circle. There is a good chance that his relationship with others will be punctuated by occasional and sometimes even indigestible annoyances. However, these situations should allow the Rat to put a final stop to his many hesitations concerning some of his friendly relations. Once these tests are over, the Rat should be able to calmly recompose a circle of friends capable of providing him with the positive energies necessary for his development.

Health and auspicious periods of the Rat in 2021

Rat's health horoscope 2021

The Rat can benefit from a good physical condition in 2021, provided that he takes care of his lifestyle and that he chooses a healthy diet. An adapted sporting activity is strongly advised to him because he tends to be overweight during the Years of the Ox.

Internal organs to monitor: The organs for which particular care must be taken by the Rat in 2021 are the heart and the cardiovascular system.

Good luck and well-being for the Rat in 2021

Luckiest months for the Rat in 2021*: Dragon Month (April 2021), Snake Month (May 2021), Monkey Month (August 2021), Pig Month (November 2021), Rat Month (December 2021), Ox Month (January 2022)

Least favorable period: Horse Month (June 2021)

* Consult our daily Chinese horoscope throughout the Year of the Metal Ox 2021 for the exact dates of the luckiest days for the Rat in 2021.

Year of Rat's 2021 horoscope, month by month

Thanks to KarmaWeather's monthly Chinese horoscope, find the complete and free predictions of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Rat during each month of the year 2021. The monthly horoscope is published at the beginning of each lunar month of the Year of the Metal Ox of 2021.

What does 2021 forecast for the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac?

Full yearly 2021 Chinese horoscope

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