Year of the Snake: 2021 Horoscope & Zodiac Forecast

2021 Chinese horoscope for men & women born in the Year of the Snake, from the Lunar New Year and throughout the Year of the Ox of 2021
By KarmaWeather - 10 August 2020
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Year of the Snake's complete predictions in 2021

Snake's 2021 lucky charms, love, money, career health and auspicious months

Chinese calendar: Year of the Snake's birth dates

  • 10/02/1929 - 09/01/1930
  • 27/01/1941 - 14/02/1942
  • 14/02/1953 - 02/02/1954
  • 02/02/1965 - 20/02/1966
  • 18/02/1977 - 06/02/1978
  • 06/02/1989 - 26/01/1990
  • 24/01/2001 - 11/02/2002
  • 10/02/2013 - 30/01/2014
  • 29/01/2025 - 16/02/2026

🐍 Personality horoscope of the Year of the Snake

Chinese New Year 2021 summary for the Snake

The Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Snakes in 2021

The 2021 Chinese horoscope of the Snake foretells the sixth sign of the Chinese zodiac of an annual period rich in terms of personal development and opportunities of all kinds. First of all, his friend the Ox (animal of the year 2021) expresses, with regard to the Snake, unwavering support, particularly in situations of openness to others.. In addition, the Yin Metal of 2021 (main element of the year) gives the Snake the strength and motivation necessary to succeed in the majority of his short-term businesses.

From the Lunar New Year 2021, whether in love or at work, the time of great exploits is coming for the Snake, since the animal and the element of the year are in strong connection with his own energies. Also, all his efforts, as well as all his previous investments, must now be focused on expansion and prosperity, in order to take full advantage of this Chinese year 2021, which is greatly beneficial to the natives of the Year of the Snake. The days of sad announcements and limited prospects are now a thing of the past. No more procrastination, obstacles and restraints that one imposes on oneself! With a little enthusiasm and will, many positive events are within the reach of the Snake.

So, the Chinese horoscope 2021 heralds the start of a resplendent new chapter for the Snake. However, while the odds are strongly in the Snake's favor in 2021, he must nevertheless carefully prepare the ground for events to turn to his advantage and the tales of his successes to be as glorious as they are memorable.

The key to the Snake's victories in 2021 are undoubtedly his ability to choose the fights that are worth the trouble and the care he will bring to the fulfillment of his commitments. He should then have no trouble creating for himself the material comfort he is so fond of. Only a possible disproportionate obstinacy, in times when withdrawing is the best option, is able to compromise his development during the lunar year 2021. In summary, the Chinese horoscope 2021 calls for the most ambitious of the natives of the Year of the Snake to rely on their flexibility and their analytical vision of the world to multiply the achievements they will benefit from during the year.

Score of the Year 2021 for the Snake

8 / 10

Chinese New Year 2021's resolution for the Snake

A radiant sky is coming!

Year of the Snake's 2021 lucky stone, color, chakra & food

Snake's 2021 lucky charms
💎 Amulet, bracelet🎨 Feng Shui
Lucky Colors
🧘🏽 Chakra🍉 Food
Smoky quartzFir green,
Cherry red,
Silver gray
Root chakraTurnip,

Smoky quartz, lucky protective crystal for the Snake in 2021: In 2021, the smoky quartz semi-precious stone helps the Snake to regain awareness of the value of things and his relationship to the world around him. The power of this crystal can help dispel negative thoughts and fears arising from unfairly suffered events. Smoky quartz can also facilitate the anchoring of romantic relationships. This stone also gives the possibility of uplifting the soul in the individual who uses it. Thus, thanks to the smoky quartz, the Snake can take advantage of the Chinese year 2021 to regain self-confidence in the areas that cause him the most doubts and hesitations. The same goes for work; smoky quartz can accompany the Snake in 2021 in his search for new perspectives, by increasing his lucidity and determination. In addition, this crystal allows the Snake to effectively redefine the goals he wants to achieve, with more intelligence and better organizational abilities. Finally, throughout the year 2021, the smoky quartz semi-precious stone can provide the Snake with the energies that will enable him to improve the quality of his communication with his professional partners, to better frame his commitments and finally create a healthy spiritual balance before making any important decision.

Love, marriage and birth for the Snake in 2021

The Snake's Chinese horoscope 2021 for love heralds a colorful year for the 6th animal of Chinese astrology, usually so wise and so enigmatic. But above all, in 2021, the Snake realizes that there is strength in unity.

The single Snake has every chance of meeting his soul mate during a Year of the Ox. In 2021, the Snake can therefore fearlessly use his meticulous and selective mind to find the right candidate. In addition, thanks to the care and elegance that he brings to his appearance, he shouldn't have a hard time finding success in his attempts at sentimental conquest. However, the Snake must be careful of his possible crises of domination or authority towards his new suitors, because of the Metal (of the year) which strongly influences his behavior in 2021. Because even if the will of the sixth zodiac sign of Chinese astrology is entirely dedicated to the benevolent protection and the comfort of his partner, the latter could be unfortunately offended in the event of a lack of clarity or a poorly expressed directive.

The Snake Couples horoscope 2021 predicts a year of liberation, unprecedented openings, and healing from emotional wounds. It can just as much be a final break without regrets from a story now emptied of its substance, as the happy and almost unexpected reconciliation of a couple in difficulty. The dynamic support offered by the New Year of the Ox of 2021 to the Snake should therefore give him the opportunity to reset the counters to zero, whether it is a question of making a new start, or of setting off on a more solid basis with the loved one.

Love compatibility and wedding between the Snake and the Ox (Buffalo): Click here to learn more about the Snake's compatibility with an Ox.

Is 2021 a good year to have a child for a parent Snake? Yes! The Year of the Ox of 2021 is one of the best possible times for the father or mother Snake, who wants to expand their family with the birth of a baby. The arrival of a baby Ox, boy or girl, in a family made up of a Snake parent, suggests the possibility of an ideal parent-child compatibility, made up of complicity and shared happiness. The Snake parent will be delighted to pass on his knowledge to his Ox child, which will have the effect of stimulating the intelligence and the will of the latter, greatly favoring his destiny for a great career and a happy life.

Money, career and social life for the Snake in 2021

Career and work

The 2021 Chinese horoscope of the Snake for work heralds many promotions, career stepping stones and openings to new possibilities for the sixth animal of Chinese astrology. Old projects may even become topical again, with the parallel creation of a new group of people cooperating for the same purpose. Once put at ease, the Snake should be able to give more generously his trust in his new collaborators, thus promoting the consolidation of his professional links, in addition to increasing his productivity.

In addition, in the days following the Chinese New Year 2021, the Snake can expect to see his organizational abilities recognized and valued. If the Snake succeeds in building his professional activity on good foundations from the first third of the year, he can hope to receive recognition commensurate with his merits. The Snake can even hope to reap the fruits of his efforts in the form of a promotion and a salary increase, particularly during the second part of the Chinese year 2021. Regarding the professions most favorable to the Snake in 2021, one must know that the Year of the Metal Ox promotes careers in relation to the production and distribution of the agro-food sector, as well as finance, business, politics and all professions of law and justice.


The 2021 Chinese horoscope for the Snake corresponds, with the advent of the Year of the Metal Ox, to an important turning point for the financial aspects of his life. More precisely, the sixth Chinese zodiac sign's relationship to money is likely to change dramatically in 2021. Consequently, any Snake who has had difficulty managing his finances in the near past finally manages in 2021 to better anticipate his budgets and to reassure himself on his future. The regular inflows of money will help the Snake to keep his accounts regularly up to date and with greater serenity. However, the Snake must leave nothing to chance and above all, not leave any debt lying around.

In terms of investments, the Metal of the year 2021 is in strong synergy with the dynamics of the Snake. This year, some may seek to take advantage of stock market fluctuations to their advantage, while others, who have invested in a major project in previous years, can expect a substantial return on their investment. If throughout the Chinese year 2021 is conducive to the Snake who wishes to invest, it is better to avoid the last two months of the Gregorian calendar 2021 (November and December) to make a significant investment.

Social life

The Chinese horoscope 2021 reveals, that due to the Yin Metal element (of the year), which strongly influences his life in 2021, the Snake should face both the end and the beginning of a friendship. The desire and the feeling of liberation will be the driving emotions of any new friendly affective union of the Snake in 2021. In the event of a new stimulating friendly encounter, the bond can take root only without any hostile feeling of jealousy. Indeed, the level of requirement that the Snake imposes on others often suffocates his companions, without them even realizing it. Also, the Metal of the Ox must be controlled and anticipated in advance, so as not to allow a climate of mistrust and violence to develop with one's close environment. Fortunately, any Snake who believes in his own flame is in no way bothered by the radiance of another person.

Health and auspicious periods of the Snake in 2021

Snake's health horoscope 2021

The 2021 Snake health horoscope advises the sixth Chinese zodiac sign to take special care of his feet and knees during the year of the Ox 2021. Bending and walking exercises (at least 1 hour per day) are strongly recommended in order to maintain flexibility of the lower limbs. Relaxing massages with natural oils, to be applied particularly to the legs and feet, should be performed in the evening, just before bedtime.

Internal organs to monitor: The organs for which particular care must be taken by the Snake in 2021 are the feet and the knees.

Good luck and well-being for the Snake in 2021

Luckiest months for the Snake in 2021*: Month of the Snake (May 2021), Month of the Monkey (August 2021), Month of the Rooster, Chicken (September 2021), Month of the Ox, Buffalo (January 2021)

Least favorable period: Month of the Pig, Boar (November 2021)

* Consult our daily Chinese horoscope throughout the Year of the Metal Ox 2021 for the exact dates of the luckiest days for the Snake in 2021.

Year of Snake's 2021 horoscope, month by month

Thanks to KarmaWeather's monthly Chinese horoscope, find the complete and free predictions of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Snake during each month of the year 2021. The monthly horoscope is published at the beginning of each lunar month of the Year of the Metal Ox of 2021.

What does 2021 forecast for the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac?

Full yearly 2021 Chinese horoscope

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