Year of the Pig: 2021 Horoscope & Zodiac Forecast

2021 Chinese horoscope for men & women born in the Year of the Pig (Boar), from the Lunar New Year and throughout the Year of the Ox of 2021
By KarmaWeather - 10 September 2020
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Year of the Pig's complete predictions in 2021

Pig's 2021 lucky charms, love, money, career health and auspicious months

Chinese calendar: Year of the Pig's birth dates

  • 16/02/1923 - 04/02/1924
  • 04/02/1935 - 23/01/1936
  • 22/01/1947 - 09/02/1948
  • 08/02/1959 - 27/01/1960
  • 27/01/1971 - 14/02/1972
  • 13/02/1983 - 01/02/1984
  • 31/01/1995 - 18/02/1996
  • 18/02/2007 - 06/02/2008
  • 05/02/2019 - 24/01/2020
  • 23/01/2031 - 10/02/2032

🐷 Personality horoscope of the Year of the Pig

Chinese New Year 2021 summary for the Pig

The Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Pigs in 2021

The 2021 Chinese horoscope of the Pig (Boar) bodes a year full of surprises, twists and turns for men and women born under the governance of the twelfth sign of Chinese astrology, as well great opportunities to be seized. Completely poles apart from one of the main trends of the Year of the Ox of 2021, which advocates a refocusing of priorities on domestic life, the Pig will find inspiration in his travels, a feeling of renewal in his social exchanges and intense excitement in what freedom offers him. These interesting opportunities for self-discovery should allow the Pig to reconnect with the idea he has of his future and give him the motivation to consolidate his achievements. However, none of these beautiful dynamics can be concluded in a lasting and positive way without a real investment in work and construction on his part. In addition, in the event of a major success in 2021, the Pig must be careful not to be puffed up or overestimate his abilities. Because even if the Ox (of the year) is not necessarily the enemy of the Pig, the second zodiac sign of Chinese astrology does not appreciate vanity, as well as the festivities which tend to drag on.

From a less encouraging perspective and on a sentimental level, the year 2021 encourages the Chinese zodiac sign of the Pig to somewhat reduce the level of his expectations. Indeed, and although the material aspects of the Pig's life should be stable in 2021, he may, on the other hand, be faced with obstacles that may disrupt the good course of his love life.

From Chinese New Year 2021 (February 12, 2021), it is with humility and wisdom that the Pig must be able to question the fundamentals of his past sentimental life or even become aware of the futility of his carnal pursuits. The Pig has all the more interest in questioning himself in 2021 as the Ox, the Chinese zodiac sign which governs the year 2021, rewards all those who are able to combine discretion and ethics with a significant increase in credibility. Also, the Pig is invited to take advantage of the energies of the Chinese year 2021 to show more restraint and lucidity when confronted with the temptation of little nocturnal escapades.

Indeed, nothing should distract him from the projects he will have launched during the Year of the Metal Ox 2021. Thus, by clearly distinguishing between courage and temerity, but also between ardor and greed, those born in the Year of the Pig can consider enjoying 2021 with more serenity and even hope to reap with satisfaction the fruits of their most thoughtful actions.

Score of the Year 2021 for the Pig

6 / 10

Chinese New Year 2021's resolution for the Pig

Connect with your own creative force

Year of the Pig's 2021 lucky stone, color, chakra & food

Pig's 2021 lucky charms
💎 Amulet, bracelet🎨 Feng Shui
Lucky Colors
🧘🏽 Chakra🍉 Food
Heliolite (or sunstone)Coral orange,
Mimosa yellow
Sacral chakraStrawberries,

Heliolite, lucky protective crystal for the Pig in 2021: The protective crystal of heliolite is symbolically associated with the source of light, vital heat and ritual dance. Heliolite was used in many civilizations for its energizing and purifying virtues. In China it was called "the imperial sun", while among the Celts it was the stone of cosmic light. Heliolite combines the virtues of several protective crystals, such as carnelian, amber, citrine and hematite. In 2021, Heliolite promotes the will to open up and progress of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Pig. Worn around the neck in the form of a pendant, Heliolite will help break procrastination, excessive shyness and complexes that lead to inaction. At the level of the belt, heliolite will help the Pig to have a healthier and more balanced relationship with respect to his sexuality. Finally, in the form of a bracelet, heliolite will help the Pig to maintain a stable internal vitality that is perceptible from the outside. Thanks to the energies of the sunstone, the Pig can find the strength within him to control his impulsive desires, dampen his aggressiveness and fight any possible feelings of guilt. Finally, the Pig will be more able to refocus his priorities towards his objectives, while being able to control his emotional setbacks with more philosophy and flexibility.

Love, marriage and birth for the Pig in 2021

The love horoscope 2021 for singles of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Pig portends an oscillating but dynamic year, marked by a desire to protect feelings. First of all, the events that the Pig faces from the Chinese New Year 2021 push him to realize and accept that it is better to be alone than in bad company. For this, he will probably have to go through phases of clarification that will follow the emotional trials undergone. The Year 2021, dominated by the Metal element, indicates that it will likely be a matter of the loving loyalty of the young couple in the making. Several people also in search of the truth will possibly ally themselves with the Pig to help him unmask any lies. Despite some unpleasant surprises that may be difficult to digest, the Pig still manages to get back on his feet, with as little bitterness as possible. The soul lightened and strengthened by these past failures, the Pig will soon be ready to taste the physical and mental fulfillment of a chosen and fully assumed freedom. It is out of question, in this Year of the Ox of 2021, that the Pig leaves his heart in the hands of individuals who do not deserve it. So, if carnal pleasures are still there, serious stories will wait for the second part of the year. Indeed, the single Pig has a good chance of meeting suitors for life as a couple, especially in the second part of the Chinese year 2021, if he remembers well, before anything else, that all the fruits of nature are not necessarily edible.

The 2021 love horoscope for the Pig as a couple predicts an ambivalent period in terms of romantic prospects. If the joy and enthusiasm aroused by the new encounters of the second part of the Chinese year promise to be in favor of the single Pig, the situation is less favorable for pre-existing couples. If possible, it would be better to prefer short trips to be more present with one's family. This is mainly because the Pig generally depends on his environment and the Year of the Ox offers him the stable and nourishing base he needs to feel fully existing. But on the other hand, the Pig, once home, tends to induce everyone to align with his desires. In 2021, he might even be inclined to suffocate other members of his family with his steadfast perception of things.

In this case, during this year, for the Pig as a couple, any resolution carried out under the single emotional prism risks having double-edged results. The Pig will have to avoid making negative judgments aloud if he wants to succeed in making the right choices without irritating anyone. To spend a quiet and smooth year, he is therefore advised to redouble his attention and be predisposed to maintain a good understanding with others, even if it means making concessions when necessary. Nevertheless, in the event of a crisis that has been entrenched for a long time within the couple, a state of mind decided on an uninhibited renunciation can allow one to find the strength to move forward again, despite the sadness and difficulties inherent in any breakup situation.

Love compatibility and wedding between the Pig (Boar) and the Ox (Buffalo): Click here to learn more about the Pig's compatibility with an Ox.

Is 2021 a good year to have a child for a parent Pig? The Chinese horoscope 2021 for babies, boy or girl, does not give an unfavorable opinion regarding parents born during the Year of the Pig who wish to give birth to a child during the Year of the Ox. The parent-child compatibility of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Pig and his child Ox remains however correct. Each should find common points in the other which will serve as a basis for their understanding. Their main binding will probably be the importance given to family and time spent at home, as these are two aspects that are very important to the Pig as well as to the Ox. On the other hand, they may not share the same tastes and interests when it comes to their social environment. Without being really problematic, this parent-child relationship will experience moments of crisis in the long term. Indeed, the rigid and sometimes grumpy side of the Ox child can easily irritate the Pig parent, infatuated as he is with tenderness and passion. The fact remains that a more harmonious compatibility is still within reach for the future Pig parent. But for this, the Pig will have to arm himself with a little patience and wait for the second part of the Year of the Ox of 2021 before conceiving his baby, so that he can be born under the blessing of the Tiger Chinese zodiac sign, whose year begins with Chinese New Year 2022, on February 1, 2022.

Money, career and social life for the Pig in 2021

Career and work

The 2021 Chinese horoscope for work bodes a year of recovery and opportunity for the Pig, who gets the means to consolidate his position in the workforce. Travel related to his activities should provide him with a stimulating and strengthening dynamic for his business. From the Chinese New Year 2021, the Pig in business has before him many opportunities that can help him find a professional balance that was somewhat vacillating previously. Indeed, in 2021, the Pig finally manages to draw the right conclusions from his past failures. This newfound lucidity of the Pig during the Year of the Metal Ox 2021 lets him realize how some of these decisions were clumsy, whether concerning production or logistics issues, taking of responsibility or even his relations with his professional partners.

This year, thanks to the lessons he was able to understand and assimilate, the Pig is now apt to take advantage of the many possibilities available to him. With a little daring, he can even find the means and the will to set up on his own. In this sense, the year 2021 remains a period of remarkable restructuring and progress for the twelfth animal sign of Chinese astrology.


The 2021 Chinese horoscope for money predicts a relatively balanced year for the Pig's finances. Returns on investment may be sources of new income during the second part of the Year of the Ox of 2021. The areas of activity favored are those related to the Water and Wood elements. However, the Pig is advised to wait until he has good visibility of his future finances before even considering taking a loan from his bank or finishing repaying an outstanding debt before contracting another. On a daily basis, no wallet, however full it may be, will be able to hold out for long in the face of uncontrolled cravings. Indeed, the Pig likes to spend to meet his many desires. This is why in 2021, if the Pig is not careful, his expenses may exceed his earnings. Also, though the Year of the Metal Ox 2021 certainly presages good income for the Pig, it also invites him to learn the measure and reassess his requirements, in order to spend a stable and serene period, devoid of unpleasant surprises.

Social life

The Pig's Chinese horoscope for his social life in 2021 heralds a rich period, dotted with warm family reunions and new friendships. Let us remember that the Pig is an epicurean, jovial and generous Chinese zodiac sign. He enjoys welcoming people, put them in touch and make sure they are happy and at ease, especially under his roof. But his propensity to create festive spaces is costing him more than he is willing to admit. In addition, when his desires are not fulfilled, the Pig has a tendency to push others into their emotions.

In 2021, the Pig will be able to understand, in contact with people he had not met for some time, that his life has changed, because his perception of things has now evolved and that his inner strength is his greatest ally. However, there is no point in running even before having learned to walk, especially in social relationships.

Health and auspicious periods of the Pig in 2021

Pig's health horoscope 2021

The Pig 2021 health horoscope advises the last zodiac sign of Chinese astrology to monitor his cholesterol level as well as his blood sugar level. The consumption of industrial foods and sugary soft drinks should be kept to a minimum. Risk of hypertension. Consult a specialist if you suspect an STD.

Internal organs to monitor: The organs for which particular care must be taken by the Pig in 2021 are the blood system and genitalia

Good luck and well-being for the Pig in 2021

Luckiest months for the Pig in 2021*: Month of the Rabbit, Hare, Cat (March 2021), Month of the Goat, Sheep (July 2021), Month of the Pig, Boar (November 2021), Month of the Rat, Mouse (December 2021)

Least favorable period: Snake Month (May 2021)

* Consult our daily Chinese horoscope throughout the Year of the Metal Ox 2021 for the exact dates of the luckiest days for the Pig in 2021.

Year of Pig's 2021 horoscope, month by month

Thanks to KarmaWeather's monthly Chinese horoscope, find the complete and free predictions of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Pig during each month of the year 2021. The monthly horoscope is published at the beginning of each lunar month of the Year of the Metal Ox of 2021.

What does 2021 forecast for the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac?

Full yearly 2021 Chinese horoscope

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