Taurus Horoscope 2020: Love, Money, Health

♉ Taurus 2020 horoscope: Affectionate reunions
By KarmaWeather - 4 January 2020
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Accurate yearly horoscope 2020 for the zodiac sign of Taurus, from New Year 2020 and month by month in 2020

Free personalized horoscope for Taurus in 2020, for men and women, according to your date of birth: love, money, career, education, travel, health, color of the year 2020, lucky number, lucky zodiac stone and chakra for Taurus in 2020. Discover the meaning and effects of the astrological dates and events that will influence your life in 2020.

📅 Taurus dates of birth range: April 21 - May 20
💎 Zodiac birthstone 2020: Carnelian
🎨 Lucky color 2020: Orange
🍀 Lucky number 2020: 7
🧘‍♀️ Balancing chakra 2020: Sacral chakra

➔ Taurus personality horoscope

In brief: Is 2020 a good year for Taurus?

⭐ Annual score 2020: 6 / 10
In 2020, the Taurus native gives priority to his work, his friends and the pursuit of his dreams. He can also experience deserved success followed by periods of existential doubt, which he will be able to overcome thanks to his creativity and increased sociability.

Will Taurus get married in 2020?

💒 Best months for Taurus to get married in 2020: February 2020, August 2020, December 2020

Taurus: Love horoscope 2020 for singles and couples

First semester 2020

⭐ Semester score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: January 1, 2020 - Venus is direct in Aquarius.

The 2020 horoscope for the first months of the year heralds a prosperous period for social relations. You have the distinct impression of being more popular with your friends. You are almost obliged to refuse the numerous requests that you receive for dinners and weekends in the countryside.

Second semester 2020

⭐ Semester score: 6 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: August 7, 2020 - Venus enters Cancer. Venus is in a state of Water Triplicity in the House of Cancer.

Harmony and serenity reign within the family. For those who are retired, life is sweet and pleasant. All the pre-existing tensions between your family members tend to dissipate naturally. On the contrary, the links tend to strengthen, because who could deny that remaining united doesn't make it possible to face the vagaries of life with more serenity.

Taurus: Money and Career horoscope 2020

First semester 2020

⭐ Semester score: 9 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: February 20, 2020 - Jupiter is in major aspect of Sextile with Neptune.

You now have enough confidence to feel ready to share your project with people you trust who share the same interests as you. Whether you are looking for sound advice or a business partner, the discussions you will have will allow you to get even closer to achieving your dreams. Success is at your door!

Second semester 2020

⭐ Semester score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: June 25, 2020 - Venus is direct in Gemini.

From the beginning of summer 2020 and until the end of the year, studies and artistic professions are encouraged. It is without apparent effort that visual, poetic or musical inspiration comes to you. In addition, you manage to remain constant in your artistic research work, which allows you to complete several projects to the point where you feel that they deserve to be tested with the general public.

Taurus: Monthly horoscope 2020

Taurus: January 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 8 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: January 13, 2020 - Venus enters Pisces. Venus is in Dignity of Exaltation in House 12 (Pisces). Venus is in a state of Water Triplicity in the House of Pisces.

Love, family and friendship: The horoscope for January 2020 is particularly harmonious for you with regard to your social relationships. Your friends are there when you need them. Your enemies, if you have any at the moment, cannot approach you let alone harm you.

Taurus: February 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 7 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: January 24, 2020 - The new moon is in Aquarius.

Love, family and friendship: It's time for passionate and fusional exchanges. Friends take a predominant place because of the positive dimension of their presence and the quality of their listening. However, it is better not to get too attached to the people you have just met, despite the quality of the emerging relationship. Some friendships, lighter, are a source of well-being in pleasant times, but do not offer any guarantee of infallible support in the event of a severe fate.

Taurus: March 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: March 9, 2020 - The full moon is in Virgo.

Career, money and studies: The horoscope for March 2020 is particularly positive if you work in a service profession, in the hotel or restaurant industry for example, but also in a profession associated with the river or maritime domain. An unusual gain or an increase in your income is possible. If you have a debt to pay off, now is the time to get rid of it.

Taurus: April 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 7 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: April 22, 2020 - The new moon is in Taurus. The moon is in Dignity of Exaltation in House 2 (Taurus).

Career, money and studies: The horoscope for April 2020 is promising for women and business travelers who have the opportunity to invest money in projects that seem potentially profitable in the short or medium term.

Taurus: May 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 4 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: May 7, 2020 - The full moon is in Scorpio. The moon is in Debility of Fall (Detriment) in House 8 (Scorpio).

Health: You are seized by temporary anxiety. Now is not the time to lament deep inside of your bed. Get out of your house, meet friends, go for a weekend in the countryside, not to escape your daily life, but to fully realize that you are in fact in a phase of change.

Taurus: June 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: June 5, 2020 - The new moon is in Sagittarius. This lunation is an annular solar eclipse.

Career, money and studies: The call of the open sea calls you inexorably, carried by the incessant cry of the seagulls which go up the rivers from the coasts to the big cities. The prospect of leaving everything to become a sailor on a trawler suddenly seems like a completely reasonable prospect of life. Once back to reality, because not everyone is cut out for the life of a sailor, it is the virus of science which can now seize you, until you decide to continue studying mathematics, physics or biology. Pursuing one's dreams is within reach of all those who cling to it with persistence and dedication. Whatever others may think about it, age or even obtaining a diploma should never be an obstacle to someone's achievement.

Taurus: July 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: July 5, 2020 - The full moon is in Capricorn. This lunation is a penumbral lunar eclipse.

Career, money and studies: It's a lucky cycle starting when it comes to your career, especially if you are a woman. Business trips are fruitful. The opportunity to change your place of residence may prove ideal for a new start. People talk about you positively. It's time to make good use of your notoriety.

⭐ Monthly score: 7 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: July 20, 2020 - The new moon is in Cancer. The moon is in a Water Triplicity state in the House of Cancer.

Travel, sports and leisure: You can decide to take advantage of the month of July 2020 to move. You are convinced that your change of residence will allow you to find a life dynamic more suited to your needs.

Taurus: August 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: August 3, 2020 - The full moon is in Aquarius.

Love, family and friendship: The horoscope for August 2020 brings you the insurance you lacked in your social interactions. The better understanding you have of your psychology gives you the ability to better manage your emotions in your private life but also in your relationships with your colleagues. Your openness and your warmth in human relationships open unexpected doors to you.

Taurus: September 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: September 2, 2020 - The full moon is in Pisces.

Career, money and studies: As you slowly let yourself be overcome by melancholy, your wandering gaze, watching the clouds pass behind the fogged window, new ideas germinate in you. Barely out of your creative torpor, you learn that one of your recent projects has finally paid off.

Health: If you have not yet done your annual check-up with your doctor, this may be the time to make an appointment.

Taurus: October 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: October 1, 2020 - The full moon is in Aries.

Career, money and studies: According to the horoscope of October 2020, you display a great sociability, which allows you to appreciate with gratitude the result of your last associations, whether as part of an investment with partners, an organized trip or an artistic collaboration. Be careful, however, not to be capricious or uncompromising due to the volatility of your mood. Setbacks of an exacerbated sensitivity often are abrupt and unnecessary movements of anger.

⭐ Monthly score: 7 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: October 31, 2020 - The full moon is in Taurus. The moon is in Dignity of Exaltation in House 2 (Taurus).

Career, money and studies: The horoscope for the beginning of November 2020 is favorable to significant money gains, but also to increased risk taking in the financial field. Women and business travelers are most likely to benefit from this beneficial alignment.

Taurus: November 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 5 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: November 30, 2020 - The full moon is in Gemini. This lunation is a penumbral lunar eclipse.

Career, money and studies: An unexpected event prompts you to change the rhythm of your schedule. It can be a strike or a breakdown of your car, which prompts you to change your mode of transport for several days.

Taurus: December 2020

⭐ Monthly score: 6 / 10
💫 Astrological date and event: December 29, 2020 - The full moon is in Cancer. The moon is in a Triplicity of Water state in the House of Cancer.

Love, family and friendship: The period before New Year 2021 is particularly calm and pleasant if you are lucky enough to be able to live it with family or close friends. It is possible that a move may temporarily disrupt the happiness of the end of year celebrations. Grandparents are overwhelmed by the admiration and tenderness of their grandchildren.

➔ Read next: Free and complete 2020 annual horoscope for the 12 zodiac signs

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