Chinese zodiac compatibility: Chart, Love calculator
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Which Chinese zodiac signs are compatible for love?
Discover the role of the 5 elements in Chinese zodiac compatibility and which Chinese zodiac animals signs are most compatible for love, marriage, friendship and child parent relationship.
The 12 Chinese zodiac signs can be divided into 4 compatibility triangles of 3 Chinese zodiac animals each and who get along the best:
- First compatibility triangle: Rat (Mouse), Dragon, Monkey
- Second compatibility triangle: Ox, Snake, Rooster (Hen)
- Third compatibility triangle: Tiger, Horse, Dog
- Fourth compatibility triangle: Rabbit (Hare, Cat), Goat (Sheep), Pig (Boar)
How do I find out if their Chinese zodiac sign is right for me?
According to Chinese zodiac compatibility precepts, the 12 animal signs of Chinese astrology are compatible according to a circular pattern, within which the animals are connected by four equilateral triangles. The three vertices of the triangle correspond to a specific compatibility trio. The animals of the Chinese zodiac grouped together in one of these four affinity groups (or triangles of compatibility) share common traits of character which give them a particular ability to get along well in love, friendship, family and business (see the graphs below for the meanings of each of the four compatibility triangles).
Love compatibility triangles
Rat, Dragon, Monkey
First Chinese zodiac compatibility triangle
Polarity: YangThe Rat, the Dragon and the Monkey share the same lively, open and flamboyant character, just as they're always very comfortable in society. If they're able to take risks to match their ambition, it's not always a good idea, because their impatience is also synonymous with a potential lack of rigor in the preparation of their projects. On the other hand, the Rat, the Dragon, and the Monkey are overflowing with original and surprising ideas, which, combined with their fierce will, enabling them to achieve their goals most of the time, as mad as they may seem to ordinary mortals.
Ox, Snake, Rooster
Second Chinese zodiac compatibility triangle
Polarity: YinThe Ox (Buffalo), the Snake and the Rooster (Chicken) share the same professional values, namely a capacity to commit themselves over time with seriousness, while overcoming the many pitfalls that they may encounter along the way. The physical and intellectual endurance of the Ox, the Snake and the Rooster, is not without a certain slowness in their decision-making, for if they like to take responsibility, they prefer to calculate the risks they take with great care. One might finally note that they're not the most demonstrative of the 12 animals of the Chinese calendar, and that for them the feelings seldom take precedence over the things of the mind.
Tiger, Horse, Dog
Third Chinese zodiac compatibility triangle
Polarity: YangThe Tiger, the Horse and the Dog share the same idealism, the same sense of probity and the same pleasure for good meals among friends. With their unparalleled vivacity, they tend to be over demanding with their loved ones, even aggressive when they feel locked against their will. However, the sense of justice of the Tiger, the Horse and the Dog is without comparison to the other signs of the Chinese zodiac, for the rigor of their conscience is the first of their virtue.
Rabbit, Goat, Pig
Fourth Chinese zodiac compatibility triangle
Polarity: YinAmong the 12 animal signs of the Chinese zodiac, Rabbit (Hare, Cat), Goat and Pig (Boar) are probably the ones who most successfully understand and exploit their emotions. Thus, they're often turned towards artistic activities, while at their own expense they may also be subject to the doubt and anguish of sensitive and refined people. The Rabbit, the Goat, and the Pig are, however, much stronger than they seem to be. They know how to adapt to a new environment and take advantage of unexpected circumstances, just as they rarely hesitate to enjoy the hospitality and friendliness of others. Charming and well-read, they love above all their tranquility and comfort, so much that if they feel perfectly at ease in society, solitude does not frighten them at all.
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Love compatibility - Graphic chart

Chinese zodiac compatibility triangles
Chinese horoscope compatibility for the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac
Chinese Zodiac sign | Main element | Polarity | Compatibility | |
🐭 | Rat | Water | Yang | Dragon, Monkey |
🐮 | Ox | Earth | Yin | Snake, Rooster |
🐯 | Tiger | Wood | Yang | Horse, Dog |
🐰 | Rabbit | Wood | Yin | Goat, Pig |
🐲 | Dragon | Earth | Yang | Rat, Monkey |
🐍 | Snake | Fire | Yin | Ox, Rooster |
🐴 | Horse | Fire | Yang | Tiger, Dog |
🐐 | Goat | Earth | Yin | Rabbit, Pig |
🐵 | Monkey | Metal | Yang | Rat, Dragon |
🐔 | Rooster | Metal | Yin | Ox, Snake |
🐶 | Dog | Earth | Yang | Tiger, Horse |
🐷 | Pig | Water | Yin | Rabbit, Goat |
⚖️ Balancing of the 5 Chinese elements and Feng Shui
Find out about the role of the 5 elements in improving Chinese zodiac compatibility between two people or within a specific environment (house, office).
Love compatibility - Chinese zodiac secret friends

Secret friends of the Chinese horoscope
The secret friends' meaning relates to the specific Chinese zodiac compatibility for love and friendship between Chinese zodiac signs which are not part of the same compatibility triangle.
Chinese Zodiac | Secret Friend | |
🐭 | Rat | Ox |
🐮 | Ox | Rat |
🐯 | Tiger | Pig |
🐰 | Rabbit | Dog |
🐲 | Dragon | Rooster |
🐍 | Snake | Monkey |
🐴 | Horse | Goat |
🐐 | Goat | Horse |
🐵 | Monkey | Snake |
🐔 | Rooster | Dragon |
🐶 | Dog | Rabbit |
🐷 | Pig | Tiger |
Chinese zodiac compatibility list for the 12 animals signs
Rat compatibility
Rat birth years: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Chinese zodiac compatibility for the Rat, first sign of the Chinese calendar: The Rat, the Dragon and the Monkey are part of the first compatibility triangle of Chinese astrology. The Ox is the secret friend of the Rat. The Rat is incompatible with the Horse ➔ Complete Rat's Chinese zodiac compatibility
Ox compatibility
Ox (Buffalo, Bull) birth years: 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Chinese zodiac compatibility for the Ox, second sign of the Chinese calendar: The Ox, the Snake and the Rooster are part of the second compatibility triangle of Chinese astrology. The Rat is the secret friend of the Ox. The Ox is incompatible with the Goat ➔ Complete Ox's Chinese zodiac compatibility
Tiger compatibility
Tiger birth years: 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
Chinese zodiac compatibility for the Tiger, third sign of the Chinese calendar: The Tiger, the Horse and the Dog are part of the third compatibility triangle of Chinese astrology. The Pig is the secret friend of the Tiger. The Tiger is incompatible with the Monkey ➔ Complete Tiger's Chinese zodiac compatibility
Rabbit compatibility
Rabbit (Hare, Cat) birth years: 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
Chinese zodiac compatibility for the Rabbit, fourth sign of the Chinese calendar: The Rabbit, the Goat and the Pig are part of the fourth compatibility triangle of Chinese astrology. The Dog is the secret friend of the Rabbit. The Rabbit is incompatible with the Rooster ➔ Complete Rabbit's Chinese zodiac compatibility
Dragon compatibility
Dragon birth years: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
Chinese zodiac compatibility for the Dragon, fifth sign of the Chinese calendar: The Dragon, the Monkey and the Rat are part of the first compatibility triangle of Chinese astrology. The Rooster is the secret friend of the Dragon. The Dragon is incompatible with the Dog ➔ Complete Dragon's Chinese zodiac compatibility
Snake compatibility
Snake birth years: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025
Chinese zodiac compatibility for the Snake, sixth sign of the Chinese calendar: The Snake, the Rooster and the Ox are part of the second compatibility triangle of Chinese astrology. The Monkey is the secret friend of the Snake. The Snake is incompatible with the Pig ➔ Complete Snake's Chinese zodiac compatibility
Horse compatibility
Horse birth years: 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026
Chinese zodiac compatibility for the Horse, seventh sign of the Chinese calendar: The Horse, the Dog and the Tiger are part of the third compatibility triangle of Chinese astrology. The Goat is the secret friend of the Horse. The Horse is incompatible with the Rat ➔ Complete Horse's Chinese zodiac compatibility
Goat compatibility
Goat (Sheep) birth years: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027
Chinese zodiac compatibility for the Goat, eighth sign of the Chinese calendar: The Goat, the Pig and the Rabbit are part of the fourth compatibility triangle of Chinese astrology. The Horse is the secret friend of the Goat. The Goat is incompatible with the Ox ➔ Complete Goat's Chinese zodiac compatibility
Monkey compatibility
Monkey birth years: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
Chinese zodiac compatibility for the Monkey, ninth sign of the Chinese calendar: The Monkey, the Rat and the Dragon are part of the first compatibility triangle of Chinese astrology. The Snake is the secret friend of the Monkey. The Monkey is incompatible with the Tiger ➔ Complete Monkey's Chinese zodiac compatibility
Rooster compatibility
Rooster birth years: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Chinese zodiac compatibility for the Rooster, tenth sign of the Chinese calendar: The Rooster, the Ox and the Snake are part of the second compatibility triangle of Chinese astrology. The Dragon is the secret friend of the Rooster. The Rooster is incompatible with the Rabbit ➔ Complete Rooster's Chinese zodiac compatibility
Dog compatibility
Dog birth years: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
Chinese zodiac compatibility for the Dog, eleventh sign of the Chinese calendar: The Dog, the Tiger and the Horse are part of the third compatibility triangle of Chinese astrology. The Rabbit is the secret friend of the Dog. The Dog is incompatible with the Dragon ➔ Complete Dog's Chinese zodiac compatibility
Pig compatibility
Pig (Boar) birth years: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
Chinese zodiac compatibility for the Pig, twelfth sign of the Chinese calendar: The Pig, the Rabbit and the Goat are part of the fourth compatibility triangle of Chinese astrology. The Tiger is the secret friend of the Pig. The Pig is incompatible with the Snake ➔ Complete Pig's Chinese zodiac compatibility